
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Oliver (POV)

Elliot and I were in the kitchen when we heard Vi yell so we ran to the living room where she was with Dad and Damian.

"Help me get better? I fine okay" she yelled

"Violet calm down we just want..." Damian tried to say

"Want me to do what go to some doctor get all my feelings out, talk about what happend to me? You want someone to say how screwed up I am. Uh? Is that what you want for me to break, I'm fine okay just leave it" she says clenching her fists

"You're not fine Violet you don't sleep at night, you barely eat anything, and with loud noises, you jump, and when someone shouts you flinch, we just want you to be okay we want you to open up," Damian said

"Violet we're only trying to help," Dad said

"No, if you were trying to help you will leave the past in the past," she said and turned around to see all of us standing by the door she pushed past us and ran upstairs

"What the hell was that?" Liam asked angrily

I ignore the rest and went upstairs finding Vi on the floor having a panic attack and crying

I quickly made my way to her took her in my arms

"Vi look at me can you feel that concentrate on my heartbeats and take a deep breath in and out," I said as I took her hand and pressed it to my chest making her clam again but it didn't stop her crying

I see her breathing was normal and that she was still crying so I hugged her. She grabbed onto me tightly as if I was going to disappear any minute.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're going to be just fine" I whispered in her ears.

After a while, her body goes numb so I picked her up and put her in her bed

As I turn around I see Liam, Chase, and Elliot standing by the door. I pushed them out the door and slowly and quietly closed her door

"She's not fine is she?" Elliot asked

"No, but we can't force her to talk about it either. She just needs more time," I said


The next morning I woke up and went to Vi's room to check up on her. I see she was sitting by the window lost in her thoughts so I knocked on the doors and when she looked I walked towards her

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked

"Hey fine just a little tired," she said looking out the window

"Come on," I said picking her up and laying her on the bed, and then laid next to her pulling her to me so that her head rests on my chest.

"Go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up" I whispered and kissed her on the head.

After a few seconds, she falls asleep so I decided to close my eyes and sleep for a bit.

Violet (POV)

When I woke up this morning I quickly showered and then went to sit by the window and saw the sun come up.

Well, let the day begin. I feel really bad for shouting at Dad and Damian yesterday they were only trying to help right?

I'm so tired but I can't even close my eyes. If I do these horrible memories come back all I want is for them to go away is that so much to ask for? I really should get help, shouldn't I?'

As I am lost in my thoughts some knocked on my door. I looked up and saw Ollie coming towards me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked

"Hey fine just a little tired," I said looking out the window once again

"Come on," he said picking me up and laying me on the bed and then laid next to me pulling me to him so that my head rests on his chest.

"Go to sleep I'll be here when you want up" he whispered and kissed me on the head.

After a few seconds, I fell asleep knowing that I'm safe.


I wake up to someone snapping a picture of me and Ollie I try to ignore that but then the person came towards us and lightly shake me awake

"Wake up princess it's almost 2 pm and lunch is ready" I hear Chase said

I turn around and threw my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. I hear him chuckle as he picks me up and walked out of the room.

"I told you to wake her up not put her to sleep" I heard Damian said

I let out a small yawn and Chase sat me down in a chair I look around the room quickly and then lowered my head as I saw everyone was looking at me. Liam brings in some sandwiches for everyone and as he sat a sandwich in front of me he said

"Vi I want you to try eating the whole sandwich okay? Can you do that for me?" I nodded and started eating

Since I skipped last night's dinner and this morning's breakfast I was really hungry so I ate the whole sandwich.

"May I be excused?" I ask after I was done eating

"Vi, can we speak please?" Damian asked I nodded my head

"Look at me please Vi," he said lifting my chin

I look him straight in the eyes and then a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Come on" he takes my hand and leads me to one of the offices. As we get there, dad close the door as I sat down on one of the chairs and Damian sits in front of me

"Vi about last night we..." He was trying to say but I cut him off

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled and I think I should go see someone," I said fiddling with my fingers as I look at the ground

Damian lifted my chin and said, "Vi are you sure you want to? I mean we just want you to talk to us and tell us what's wrong and we understand if you are not ready yet, but we would like to help you"

"I know and I think it's for the best if I do go see someone and I'll try to be more open but I just need a little more time to open up," I said looking at him

"Okay, we can start with you seeing doctor Scott and work from there," Dad said taking my hand. I nodded my head and gave them a big hug trying not to cry

"Okay so we have some guests coming tonight so go get ready they will be here in a couple of hours," Damian said kissing my head.

I left and went to my bathroom. After a long shower, I got changed into a white sweater, a black and white checkered skirt, tights, and pumps, and put my hair in a half up half down crown (Pic of her outfit and hair on top)

As I got out of my room I heard someone ringing our doorbell I was on my way to the stairs when I heard my dad's voice when I reached the stairs I saw six people standing by the doors. I recognize Oscar and Emilio but not the other four. The woman was the first one to see me and her face held shock

"Ooh my you found her," she says my dad and the rest of the guys looked in the direction she was looking in and their eyes met mine I gave them a small smile as I reached the bottom of the stairs I couldn't keep my eyes of one of the young guy's he looks so hot

"Guy's I want you to meet my daughter Violet, Violet I want you to meet my closest friend Sebastian, his wife Natalia, and their sons.." Dad said but was interrupted when my brother came in.

"Hey guys," Dame said

"Hello," they said and Mr.R then said: "Boys introduce yourself,"

"Hey, I'm Lucas the youngest 17," he said and gave me a hug

"You know me I'm the three oldest 18," he said hugging me

"You know me as well, I'm second oldest 20," Oscar said to me giving me a small smile

"I'm Raphael. the oldest 22" The hot guy said smiling at me before I could say something Ms. Natalia said to her husband

"Oo my I think hell is going to freeze over our boy is smiling," I giggle and looked at Raphael again

"Oo my God mom seriously," Raphael said running his head through his hair

"Hey it's nice to meet you guys," I said giving them my best smile

"Dame wats taking you so long with the drinks," Chase said as he came in to view

"Oo hey guys. I didn't know you were here" he said once he saw the people

"Where are the rest?" Mr. Seb said

"Oo they're out back" Dame answered

"Let me help you with the drinks Dame," I said as we walked to the kitchen.

We got everyone's drinks ready and took it all outback. I sat down near the pool and dipped my toes in. I feel the coldness spread through me so I came up with a plan.

I went to El and Lucas and dragged them away from the rest

"I have an idea," I said giving them a sweet innocent smile

"What is it, Vi?" El asked

I told them the plan and all they had to do is get our brothers near the pool. I went inside and got my water gun.

I went outside and see everyone is near the pool except the adults, Damian, Chase, and Raphael.

Dame and Mr. Seb were the first to see me with my water gun and water balloons. They smile and shake their heads when El and Lucas came up to me and took some of the water balloons.

We stood behind the boys when I cleared my throat making them turn around.

"Hey, boys okay so this is how it's going to go. You have two choices." I said

"One you can voluntary jump in the pool" El said

"And two we can make you jump in," Lucas said

"Come on Vi I'm your favorite brother," Liam said taking a small step forward

"Liam my sweet brother. Take one more step and you'll taste my sweetness" I said giving him a small smile

"Oo hell no I'm out," Emilio said and he jumped in the pool.

Oliver looked around and shake his head. "Damn I'm going to get you guys back," he said and jumped in

Making Liam and Oscar the only two left. "Well, boys what's it going to be?" I said smirking

As in my plan, two was going to refuse so I made sure that Lucas and El is the first to get taken out

As Liam takes a step I start shooting while the boys throw the water balloons. Oscar tried to take Lucas out but they both ended up in the pool

Liam, El, and I were the only ones left my gun ran out of water and Liam saw that he made his way to me but El tackled him and they both ended in the pool once I saw that they were all in the pool I smiled and walked towards the table and sit down between Dame and Raphael.

"Well that made me thirsty," I said as I take a sip from a water bottle.

Everyone laughed and shook their head. As I see the boys come towards the table I looked at them and quickly said "It was all Elliot and Lucas idea" making them look at me with wide eyes and the rest looked at them

"Vi you planed this not us!" Lucas said

"Why do I want to plan that and why do I want my favorite brothers in an ice-cold pool? I didn't plan it I would never!" I defendant myself

As the rest turned around and looked at the two boys I smirked. The boys took Lucas and Elliot by the hands and feet and throw them back in the pool making me smile

"You really thought this out didn't you?" Raphael asked

"Yup, I got them all in the pool without me getting wet, and their not mad at me because they now think it was Elliot and Lucas idea," I said smiling

"Well I think we should start calling you a little devil instead op Angel," Dad said laughing but when he called me an Angel I froze I looked at his face and then realized he was joking and didn't know my identity

"Hey, shh you can't tell anyone my disguise," I said turning around and heard them chuckle I went inside to get more water but stopped in my tracks when I saw her.

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