
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Forty-Two

Ian (POV)

Today is the last day of the school holiday and the family also going home to Italy since there is a problem that Ben can't handle.

"Can't we just stay here with uncle Ian please mom?" Elijah asked Camilla

"No for the last time we're all going home so stop whining," Cam said

"Mom," Elijah continue to irritate

"Elijah Rossi if you don't go pack your bag right now you are grounded.

That will mean no electronics, no cars or bikes, no missions, more housework, and no coming to visit the family again for the next school holiday," Aless said and Elijah hurried upstairs

"You sure you don't need us there?" I asked

"Yeah I'm sure and you're needed here any way we'll see you guys at the Christmas ball which I do remind you is also the twins birthday," Aless said

"Yeah, I remember when my kids were born thank you very much," I said shaking my head

"Do you have anything planned?" Ang asked

"Yeah since the Mafia ball is on their birthday we'll celebrate their birthday a bay before like always and Jane is going to help with the decorating and planning all we have to do is get the presents," I said

"Good it's her first birthday with us since her third birthday we have to make it perfect," Cam said

"And it will be," I said smiling and looking at my little girl who's in front of a book studying

"Okay we should get going before Ben breaks completely," Aless said

We helped them put the bags in the cars and said goodbye

"But I don't want to leave," Griffen said as he hugged Violet's leg

"Griff buddy you have to, we'll see each other again I promise," Violet said

"Pinky promise," Griff said in a baby voice and hold out his pinky

"Pinky promise," Violet said and picked him up

She hugged him before she gave him to his mother

After they left Chase went to the kitchen to go make some food.

"Where are your report cards?" I asked my sons before they sneaked away

"We gave it to you remember you said you were so proud of us," Edward tried to fool me

"Report cards now," I said and followed them to the kitchen

They went to the freezer and got their report card out.

"You hid your report cards in the freezer?" Violet asked and started to laugh

I looked at their cards before looking at them

"You guys better get your grades up again I will let this slide since a lot has happened but next term I want to see everything above 50 got it?" I asked the boys

"Yes dad," they said

"If you guys want I can help you study," Violet said

"You would?" Oliver asked

"Yeah," she said and started studying again

"We're going to go to the office. We still have a few things to do," Dame said and I nodded my head

After they left the young boys went to the gaming room and Violet stayed seated reading and studying her book

"What do you want to do for your Birthday?" I asked Violet making her look up confused

"My birthday which is two months away?" She asked and I nodded my head smiling

"Oh I don't know I never celebrate it before since it's on Christmas day," she said making me drop my smile

"You never celebrated before?" I asked and she shake her head

Violet (POV)

"Okay every year we have a Mafia Chrismas Ball and we can celebrate your and Edward's birthday a day early.

We would decorate this place and buy presents for both of you," dad said making me smile

"That sounds wonderful," I said

He smiled at me and left the room. I looked back to my book. It's thankfully my last book and last three pages I need to learn since I'm going to write my test tomorrow

Every time I had nothing to do I learned and since I never had anything to do I studied the whole break and only took two or three breaks for food and to go to the bathroom

So when I say I'm done studying I mean it. I read the last page and put the book down and saw Chase looking at me

"What?" I asked

"Nothing, want to help me with the food?" He asked smiling.

"Sure what are we making?" I asked standing up

"I was thinking we should make some Hamburgers," he said making me smile

After we were done Dame and Liam came in. We took everything to the dining room and saw everyone sitting there

"So are you ready for tomorrow Vi?" Liam asked

"Yeah," I said

We said grace and started eating. While we were eating my phone buzzed

I ignored it and finished eating. After we were done we all went to bed.

I looked at my phone and saw a message from Carter

C- Heyy tomorrow is a big day for you are you ready?

V- As I'll ever be

C- You'll be fine

V- Yeah I know but I still am nervous

C- You don't have to be. I have to go my mom will kill me if she catches me up🤣Good night😴

V- Good night

After I said good night I went to sleep.

I woke up because of a nightmare. I looked at the time and saw it was 1 am.

I stood up and went to Elliot's room and saw he was awake and busy on his phone. He saw me come in and stood up

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked opening his arms

I shake my head and hugged him.

"Nightmare?" He asked and I nodded my head

"You haven't had one in a long while so why now?" He asked

"I don't know," I mumbled into his chest

"Okay come on," he said and we laid down as we lay down I laid my head on his chest

"Get some sleep sorellina," he said and stroke my hair

I slowly close my eyes and fell asleep


"Dad she's not in her room!" I heard Edward yell

I snuggle up and then heard a door open.

"Shh," El said

"Did she have another nightmare?" Chase asked

"Yeah she came into my room at 1," El said

"Did she tell you what the dream was about?" Dad asked

"No I didn't ask either I could see she just wanted to go back to sleep so I didn't question it," El said

"We have to go or we'll be late!" I heard Ollie yell from downstairs

I opened my eyes and stood up. I walked out of the room and went to mine

I quickly got in the shower and then got ready.

After I was done I went downstairs and into the dining room. As I say down Liam gave me my pills with a glass of water and Chase put a plate of pancakes in front of me

"Thanks," I said and drank my pills

"Liam is going to take you to the school today and pick you up again after you're done," Dad said and I nodded my head

"Okay we're going to take off we'll see you tonight," Dame said and kissed my head before he the rest left

"We should go to," Liam said after we were done eating

"Sure," I said


When we arrived at the university and went in. Dean Grayson and his brother, Mr. Grayson waited for us at the office.

"Ah, I see you made it are you ready?" Dean Grayson asked

"Yeah let's get this over with," I said

"I'll come and get you when you're done, just call me okay," Liam said kissed my head and left

We went into the dean's office and I saw it was already 9 am

"You'll have 5 and a half hours for these two," the dean said and gave me two tests

I started writing and was done with both in under 3 hours.

"Done," I said and gave the tests back

The dean seemed shocked as he took the tests

"Okay you'll have 7hours for these three," the dean said as he handed me three other tests

I started writing and was finished with all three after 5 hours. I gave the dean my tests and sat down waiting for him and his brother to finish marking my tests

It was already 5 pm so I decided to check what is happening on Facebook.

"How is this possible?" The dean asked making me lookup

"How's what possible?" I asked

"How do you have all your tests right? You have every question correct," the dean said

I just shrugged and asked, "Can I write my final tests tomorrow?" I asked

"You already did Violet the last three tests were your finals tests," Mr. Grayson said

"Okay cool," I said

"I still don't get it how is it possible no one gets all the questions correct yet you did and you didn't even get 2 weeks to study," the principal said

"Didn't I tell you she was gifted," Mr. Grayson said smiling

"I got a feeling that you'll get everything right so I made this for you," Mr. Grayson said and handed me two papers

"What's this?" I asked

"It proves you have your degree and it a certificate," the dean said

"Cool," I said and took the certificates and we said our goodbyes

I left his office and called Liam.

"Hello?" Liam answered

"Hey I'm done can you pick me up?" I said

"Sure I'm on my way," he said and I heard my brothers in the background before I hanged up

I waited by the gate for a few minutes before Liam showed up. As I get in he asked, "How did it go?"

"Tell you with the rest once we get home," I said

"Okay," he said and looked at me trying to read my face but gave up and drove us home

When we walked in dad and the rest of my brothers stood in front of us

"So?" Chase asked

I gave dad the certificates and smiled before saying, "I got my degree,"

I saw the proudness on their faces before they all hugged me and kissed my head

"Wait does dis mean you don't have to go to school anymore and that you're going to start working?" Edward asked

"Yeah, I was wondering if I could come and work with you guys?" I said and looked at dad and Dame

"We'll love having you work with us Vi," Dame said

"Thanks," I said and hugged them

"Cool now our sister can help me out in the medical room," Liam said proudly

"Yeah and help us with a legal aspect," Chase said

"Yeah that and I can help get the food ready so we can eat because I'm starving," I said making them laugh

We went to the dining room and sat down.

After we were done eating Dame asked, "Vi since your coming to work with us do you want to join the legal business or the illegal?"

"Both," I said smiling

"You sure?" Chase asked

"Why not I already know some stuff about your illegal business and I can help out in many more ways than one

Since I know how to fight and hack I can help out and I can help Liam with the medical stuff

The legal business I can help with the paperwork and help with anything else," I said

"Okay, we'll see tomorrow how you could help out and where," Dad said

"This is weird, our younger sister is going to work for the family business before we do and we're her older brother," Edward said and looked at El and Ollie

"Hell that must be tough," I said smiling and standing up

I walked out of the room and went to my room. After changing I went to bed and immediately fell asleep

(2011 words)