
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Fifty

Violet (POV)

I was talking to Caleb and the rest of my friends when Alexei and his family came in

We greeted them and started talking when Vlad suddenly say, "I don't think your grandfather could have made a better choice, you really are a queen and always will be one,"

"Thank you," I said smiling and saw grandpa come to me

"Violet it's 11:56 we should start getting everyone's attention and then who will walk you to the steps?" Grandpa M said

"Damian," I said and he nodded

He walked to the stage and started to talk

"Everyone can I get your attention it's almost 12 and almost the time for our new queen so if everyone can follow my sons to the main ballroom"

As everyone leaves Damian came to me and hold out his arm the door closes and the music starts

"You ready?" He asked me

"As I'll ever be," I said and nodded to the guards to open the doors. I took Damian's arm and we started walking.

When we got to the front stairs I sat down on my knees. And my grandfather started speaking

"Tonight we welcome our queen, tonight we begin a new generation where she will lead us into victory, where she will help us and guide us when we're in need

Tonight, I give my title over to my granddaughter, Our new Queen, Violet Hope Rossi Knight"

When he said the last sentence he put the crown on my head and gave me his hand to help me stand. (Picture of the crown on top)

When I stood up and turn to look at everyone they all yelled one thing

"Long live the queen"

After they said that they all got on one knee.

My grandfather stood next to me and said, "To our new queen" and all the men got on one knee and bow their heads while the women just bow their heads.

"I queen Violet Hope Rossi Knight promise tonight I will be a fair and true queen that I will treat all of you like my family and help where I can," I said and they all stood up and clapped hands

My dad came up and took my hand leading me to the dance floor.

"You look so beautiful, I wish your mother was here to see you," Dad whispered and we sway to the slow song

"She is here in all of us and she's looking at us from above," I said

"I love u Violet never forget that," he said and kissed my head as the song ends

"I love you more," I said before he gave me to my grandpa M

"You did great tonight you look so much like your mother," he said

"Thanks, grandpa, I wish I meet her and that she was here in person not just by heart and spirit," I said and hugged him as we dance

"Oo my sweetheart she would be so proud of you and the strong woman you've become," he said and hugged me back

After a while, people started joining in on dancing after my dance with my young brother Darius I saw Griffen coming to me

"May I have this dance?" He asked making the crowd around us aww

"Of course my little prince," I said and picked him up I spun us around and Raphael grabbed my waist and asked, "Griff mind if I steal her for a while?"

"Nope," he said and jump out of my arms and ran to his father who was watching with all the men in my family

Raphael pulled me in close and said, "I don't care if they look I want to dance with my girl"

"And I want to dance with my king," I said and wrapped my arms around him and we started dancing

"Happy Birthday my love," he whispered in my ear making me remember it is my birthday too.

I snapped my head away from his chest and said, "I have to go get Edward, I'll be right back,"

I kissed him on his cheek and quickly found Edward once I saw him I ran to him and hugged him

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned

"Nothing I just wanted to give you a hug and this and say happy birthday," I said and hugging him and giving him a small box

"Thank sis but you shouldn't have got me something," he said and took the box when I gave him a 'take it or else look'

"Well open it," I said

"Okay okay," he said and opened the box and he had tears in his eyes

"I have the same one with my name on so I thought I would get you the same dagger with your name on,"

"Do you like it?" I asked

"I love it thank you," he said and hugged me.

"I'm glad you love it," I said and hugged him tight

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Damian asked when he and Matteo, Chase, Leo, and Liam appeared out of nowhere

"Nothing Vi just gave me a birthday present," Edward said

"Oo really what is it?" Matteo asked

He showed them the dagger and their eyes went wide,

"It's the same one mom had," Chase whispered

"What?" I asked

"I gave your mother a similar dagger on our 10th anniversary but the day you disappeared so did the dagger and a few other stuff," Dad said as he, my uncles, and grandfathers came to the table and saw the dagger

I got out my dagger and asked, "You had mom's name in graved on it right?"

"Yes, why?" Dad asked

I show him my dagger on the one side is my name and on the other is fade words and all you could see was Bell

"I found this dagger when Mia throw me in the basement. There were so many boxes with all this different stuff in but I only took this dagger and a ring,"

"What ring?" Grandpa M asked

I got my locket out and popped it inside was the ring when they saw it their eyes went even wide

"That ring was in our family for more than generations, handed down to the oldest daughter," Uncle Alessio said

"We gave it to your mother on her 13 Birthday just before the accident happened," Grandpa said

"Really? Why did Mia have it then?" I asked and put it b

"Violet, did the boxes burn down with the house?" Uncle Ang asked

"No Mia moved it out of the house when she saw I went through one of them. Why?" I said

"Maybe we can get the boxes and go through them see what ells lay in them," Uncle Rocco said

"That's a great idea actually," Dad said

"Do you know where she took the boxes?" Grandpa M asked and I nodded my head

"Yeah actually I do, she moved it to Italy into a warehouse the warehouse is full of other stuff too,"

"Well, then how about we go home?" Dad asked

"It's about time anyway Ben can only handle so much of the Italian Mafia work and still run your legal business," Aunt Cam said as she walked to us with Griffen running around us.

"Your probably right," uncle Ales said

Suddenly all my family members are around us and Darius asked, "So we're going to Italy?"

"Yeah, we can celebrate our birthday in Italy!" I practically yell and jump up and down excited

"Oo that will be fun," Edward said and spun me around, and then hugged me.

"We can but when we will arrive there it will be past your birthday," Matteo said

"We'll calibrate it a day late then big brother," I said smiling

"Whatever you say, baby sister," he said joking

"I'm not a baby," I huffed

"You'll always be your baby sister," Darius said

"Woah dude she's older," Rosa said as she appeared

"Thank you, Rosa," I said

"Rosa," Darius said with his eyes wide

"Chill I'm only here for my bestie now excuse me and my bestie are going to dance," Rosa said and grabbed my hand and we started dancing and having fun

After a little while, she said, "I'm going to get some water be right back"

I nodded and danced on my own until Ace came into view and grabbed my hand and sipped me around into someone else arms

I look up ready to apologize when I see Raphael smiling at me

"Well you like me that much that you just fall for me," He said

"Oo shut up," I said and kissed him when I made sure none of my family were looking

"You know it gets really hard to resist kissing you," he said as he put his forehead against mine

"We're going to Italy later today," I said as we slow dance

"Oo for how long?" He asked

"I don't know but we're going there because Mia has a warehouse there and we need to know what is in that place,"

"Okay just promise you'll call me every day or if you need to talk or even when you just miss me," he whispered

"I promise," I said

"I guess I have to give you my gift before you leave," he said and got out a small box

"Happy Birthday mi amor," he said and gave me the box. When I opened it I saw two necklaces

"I got it for us now everyone will know you are my queen and is taken," he said and got the 'his queen' necklace out and put it around my neck

"And they would know your, my king," I said and put the necklace around his neck

"Okay get away from each other," Emilio said

"What the hell," Raphael said and looked at his brother like he's going to kill him

"Emilio fuck off," he growls

"No I do ship you guys together but I love my brother a life more," he said

"He Vi everyone leaving we should stand by the door and say goodbye," uncle Alessio said

"I have to go I'll call you before we leave and when we land," I said and kissed his cheek in front of my uncle

We walked to the door and I play with my necklace when out of the blue my uncle asked "You love him don't you?

"Yeah I do," I said and looked to the ground. He hugged me from the side as we continue to walk to the door

"Just don't let him or any men break your heart or walk over you okay?" He said and I nodded my head and said, "I won't"

I went to stand in between dad and grandpa R and looked at the first people who were starting to leave

(1810 words)