
Family of the Sunflower

Ever since Alektrona watched a movie about faeries, she always believed in supernaturals. When people told her there are no such things as supernatural, she always replied, "If there are no such things as supernaturals, where did the myths and legends come from? Imagination? Hallucination? I don't know! But I would love to know and meet one," She says it with a bright smile but, once she meets their confused gaze, she looks back at them with the same confusion as them. "I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who believes in spirits and faeries... right...? " And look at them expectation in her eyes. Her answer makes others fall speechless apart from her grandmother, who loves Greek mythology. Although Alek believes in the existence of supernaturals, she's never encountered one. God knows how many books she's read about Supernaturals. Alek talked to everything she sees and asks them, "When will you guys finally show up to me and start a conversation? I wouldn't tell anybody! I just want to meet you guys so that I couldn't die happily. So I'll be here, waiting for you guys to show up and talk to me." *********** Alek sneakily entered the room and was greeted by a boy facing toward the window opposite the door that she just entered. She thought he was Kai. She prepared to scare him. But before she tried to do anything, he snapped his neck to where she was standing. She was caught off guard. But what she saw next was enough for her brain to stop functioning. "What the..." Alek could not continue. The boy looked like her dead brother, Aether. *********** "They are not friendly, especially the Shiwasu." Astraea told her niece. "If you can't prove that you are able to replace her, then we are all doomed." Everyone was listening to her with serious faces, even the youngest looked like she knew that would be the end. "I will prove it." Alek spoke with determination in her eyes. ------------------ This is the story about shape-shifters and some parts are written in Japanese in roman alphabet as this book contains a little bit of Japanese culture and tradition. Actually this is my first time writing a novel and I really do hope you will enjoy it. I DO NOT OWN THE COVER Credit to the owner!!

hyemi_m · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Mr Detective

Alek immediately crouched down and took out the book from her bag on the floor. The book was tangled inside her bag with the things she had in the bag and, it made it a little difficult to pull the book out.

Alek had a battle with the bag, but soon, it gave up and gave the book to her. She checked the book thoroughly and when she saw that her kick didn't put any harm, she sighed in relief.

Then she tried to open the book and the words that her grandmother had told her. She needed to find the key that will allow her to read the book. Alek didn't even know what kind of key she was looking for.

Was it made out of metal? Plastic? What kind of size? Does it look like an ancient type? Or like the modern type of key?

Alek did not try to force the book to open because there was a possibility that can rip any of the pages if she did that. She then tried to sneak a peek at the book but, the pages were tightly locked to each other and, it didn't allow her to even see the page number.

She groaned in frustration.

Alek got up from the floor lazily, carrying the book in her hands. She made a space for the book. She planned to put it on the end of the last row of shelves close to the floor. That way, she was closer to the book, wouldn't lose sight of it and, most importantly, it would be harder for people to notice the book.

Alek carefully touched the cover with her hands before putting it on the shelf. The book cover had delicate designs made out of gold and, it reflected the sunlight coming in from the window. The light that the covers reflected across the walls was mesmerizing.

Alek sighed with amazement. It was beautiful. She diverted her eyes off the wall to the book after a few minutes. She looked at the book in her hand and realized that many of the designs looked like she had seen it somewhere.

Alek tried to remember what the designs were doing in her memory but she couldn't. She carefully traced the designs to trigger her memory but, nothing happened. Instead, Alek found a thin layer of glasswork under gold.

She knew the designs that were curved on the book was gold because one time, her grandmother had shown her a necklace made out of real gold and, it had the same shininess as the book that she has in her hand now.

The glass layer was a little wider than gold and, it had the same designs as gold. But the glasswork itself also had designs of its own. Also, the glasswork looked familiar as Alek felt like she had seen it before. Alek carefully placed the book on the table next to her bed and, then she grabbed her pillow.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed into her pillow. Her scream was muffled, and the door was shut, so she needn't worry about someone hearing her like yesterday.

Alek slapped herself after screaming. It was irritating not being able to recall memories. It was like a lock was there in her brain. Preventing it from opening.

"Why are you doing this?! You wouldn't gain anything from blocking memories! You better stop doing this!"

Alek talked to her brain. But still, the brain didn't listen to her kept the memories to itself.

"Oh! I see what you are doing. Nowadays you ignore me, huh? You have some attitude, boy!...Girl?... Whaatt?" When Alek said that, she got confused. Was her brain boy or a girl?

I'm going to go with both. She concluded herself. "Now, listen to me. You better give me MY memories back. It's. Mine. You got that?" She scolded her brain and took a deep breath. That brain of hers consumed a lot of energy.

Alek went to grab the book and put it in the shelf. The book fits perfectly in the space she created and it made her smile. Also, the book wasn't outstanding for some reason. The book also had gold and glasswork designs on the margin but seemed to blend in with other books on the shelf.

When Alek lied on her bed, an idea popped into her head. What if she saw the book upside down? Will she finally recall the memories? She then adjusted herself on the bed and popped her head out of the bed and hung it low. At first, Alek didn't see anything but, she saw something forming in her mind but, before she could comprehend, she fell off the bed.

"Aiii!!" Alek fell directly from her head.

Apparently, she had gone too close to get a better look without noticing. She rubbed the part of the head that had hit the floor and told her brain.

"Guess I deserve that. Sorry." When she was going to get up to the bed, someone knocked on the door.

The knock sounded like the way her brother knocked and, she guessed right. It was Kai.

Kai opened the door after Alek said come in.

"What was that noise? I heard it all the way from my room." Kai scanned the room and found nothing on the floor apart from his sister, but Kai still didn't enter the room after scanning.

"Uhhh... Uhhhhhh, This and that." Alek told her brother in the doorway.

"You fell off your bed." Kai noticed that there was nothing broken and, his sister had been rubbing a certain part of her head since he had opened the door.

"How? How did you know?" Alek was astonished.

"I just know," Kai answered his sister and finally entered the room. "What were you doing? That was one hell of a noise." Kai then looked at the place where his sister was and looked around.

He saw the bedsheet was pulled to the floor and next to it, he saw the bookshelves. From how the bedsheet was close to the floor, he thought Alek was doing something to the last row of the shelf. And Alek was 'unique. So he guessed his sister was trying to read a book upside down.

"What were you thinking when you were looking at the books upside down like this? Didn't you know that you can slide off the bed easily like that?"

"How did you do that?!" Alek started to get scared of her brother. He needn't know what had happened in this room to know what happened.

Kai was surprised too. He didn't know if his theory was right or not. He didn't actually think that Alek would do something like that. Well, it's Alek...

"You know you can put the book upside down instead of you upside down, if you were trying to read a book. I think it would be less dangerous." As he was talking, he offered his hand to Alek and helped her get up.

"Thank you." Alek thanked her little brother. "I was actually trying to read the book's title on the margin upside down."

Kai obviously knew his sister was lying when he saw her red ears. That was one of Alek's habits. Her ears turn red when she lies. Everyone knew this but, Alek didn't seem to know. Kai didn't mind it though. He also knew that she was half telling the truth. Her ears were red and the redness was covering only the ears. When she's really lying, her face and ears would turn a dark shade of red.

Alek just hoped that Kai wouldn't notice THE book and leave. Alek kept staring at the floor and didn't see him smiling softly.

"If you want to read the book's margin, you could have just put the book upside down." Kai said the same thing he did just a minute ago.

He went behind Alek and took one of the books from the same row that had THE book and put it upside down on Alek's hands.

"I didn't think of that. Thanks." Alek smiled at Kai. It looked like he didn't notice the book. Alek was relieved.

"Be careful, okay? You can hurt yourself doing that." He scolded his sister.

"Okay." Alek nodded to her brother and he left the room after that.

Alek didn't think of putting the book upside down rather than putting herself upside down. That moment, when Kai talked about the book being upside down, she felt like she discovered the secret of the universe. She then sat on the bed and exchanged the book that Kai gave her with THE book. Alek held the book upside down and stared at the margin but nothing happened.

'Maybe it has something to do with heads defying the gravity.'

Alek then held the book head up in her right hand and tilted her upper body to do so but, her head hit the headboard and again, she groaned. It was the same spot that she had hit earlier. But this time, the sound of Alek's head hitting the headboard was not that big, so Kai and people in the house didn't come to check on her. It was painful but thankfully, the book was not harmed.

Alek was curious. She kicked the book by mistake but the glasswork wasn't cracked or even scratched. She knew this because she had checked the book thoroughly before putting it in her bag at her grandmother's house.

'Weird book.' she thought 'But definitely beautiful.'

Alek then hugged the book tightly but not tight enough to harm the book and put it softly on the shelf. Her mouth was 'o' shaped when she was putting it due to deep concentration.

After she made sure that the book was safe, she relaxed her muscles and lied on her bed. But she remembered that she needed to find the key to the book and quickly went out of the room to look for it.