
Family of Geniuses

Riya is a director of a leading wedding jewellery company in china who actually is a fallen princess living for her revenge remaining low-key.... Daniel is a man of mysterious power and background keeping himself low-key as he came to china in search for the causes of the disappearance of his older brother.... When two low-key but mysterious people clash, whose lives involved in their own world, how will things unfold? Join me on this awesome journey… Notice: Here Side characters also powerful along with powerful main character.. Villains are dangerous and ruthless in their own way carrying their own stories... This Story also follows the lives of Side characters.. So it's going to be an interesting and fascinating story. Disclaimer: Cover Photo isn't mine, Credit goes to the original owner.

RajuKairi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Xiang family of Capital

The man is none other than Xiang Duyi, captain of the sky regiment and heir of the Xiang family. This introduction is enough to shake the whole capital. But he is here only to kill a small fry, this is of course a disgusting matter for him. But his main agenda for coming to this city is to meet a friend of Su Chen who is currently in city S...

Xiang family is also a top family in Beijing like the Su family. They are mainly a military family with a stronghold in the capital. In the whole of China, their ranking is 3rd and their position in the world power chart is 21th.In short, they can destroy any of the top families of city S without even breaking a sweat.

While he is talking, some of the ladies present casting their lustful gazes on Xiang Duyi and Lai shen, especially on Xiang dyui. Noticing them gawking at him, his eyes become cold.

"Sir, what to do with these ladies?"Lai shen said hurriedly noticing his captain's bad mood.

"Take them to the drug rehabilitation center," He said impatiently.

"And sir what to do with these cockroaches?"One of the team members asked pointing his fingers toward the gang members.

"Take them to the base and lock them up, we will decide later what to do with them."He ordered the rest of his team members.

"Sir, you are not coming?"Another team member asked.

"No. I have work to do. I will come to the base later."He replied

They nodded their head and were ready to leave the place to complete their respective tasks. Hu Chenguang also followed them but her foot halted with a cold voice.

"I didn't tell you to leave with them. Did I?" Xiang Duyi said in a flat tone.

Not only Hu changing but others also become baffled.

"Why did you people stop your track? Do your job."He ordered the rest of them sternly.

Seeing their captain's cold face they left hurriedly.

After they left Xiang dyui faced hu Chenguang.

"Are you a drug addict?"Xiang Duyi asked Hu chenguang.

Hearing this Hu changuang becomes more puzzled.'Did she look like a drug addict?' she sulked inside.

"No. In which eye you felt that I am a drug addict?"She answered back.

"Then why are you following them?"He asked again.

Hu changing didn't know what to respond to. Seeing her quiet he opened his mouth again.

"Did you want to go drug rehabilitation center with them?"He questioned her.

"No. I didn't follow them, I am just heading toward my home. Now can I go?"She asked with some irritation in her tone. She is losing out on patients, she just now wants to go back to her son quickly.

"How will you go home?"He asked again.

"By my car" She simply replied.

"But I forgot to mention that I send your friend to the hospital via your car."Xiang Duyi declared

"Cai an? In which hospital do you send Cai an?"She asked hurriedly.

"You don't need to freak out, he will not die. Visit him later. It is already too late." He assured her.

"Thank you for rescuing Cai "She nodded her head while thanking him. This man though a little annoying but he rescued her and cai an.

"Anyway, it was my job. But did you miss the main point here? I said I send your friend via your car"He declared again.

Now she got the point he wants to convey. Seeing her panicked face a small smile appeared on his face which is barely noticeable.

"Then how I will go home?" she asked anxiously.

"Oh.How smart! Did you see me as air or something? Didn't I present here for you? Let's go" Saying this he headed out of the abandoned factory without even waiting for the other party's response. He didn't know why he feel attracted to this lady and where this familiar vibe is coming from?...

Seeing his back Hu changing sighed. She has no other way but to follow him.

When they came out of the abandoned factory Hu changing saw a premium car parked there.

Though she didn't know much about premium cars she can guess that their price will be at least a million dollars.Hu changing surprised to see that this man is that rich. But if she knew that this amount is nothing in front of this man, she will probably faint there.

A man was busy in the car playing with his mobile. Hearing the footsteps he looked upwards only to see his boss is coming. Seeing this he quickly got out of the car and opened the door for his boss bowing slightly.

But he was suddenly surprised to see a beautiful lady beside his boss. In the capital, many ladies tried to impress his boss but none of them succeeded and now here his boss is with a lady. It will be shocking news for the Xiang family.

"Get in," Xiang Duyi said.

Hu changuang entered the car without saying anything. After they entered the car, the car engine got started and it ran through a deserted place.

"where is your house? "After some time of silence, Xiang duyi opened his mouth.

"Olive building complex, end of chunxi road." she simply replied.

He told the driver to take the car towards chunxi road.

After they crossed Meitang Road, Riya got an alert SMS that Hu chenguang's number is now available. Seeing this she quickly dialed her number.

The oppressive silence in the car was again broken by Hu Chenguang's caller tune. Glancing at the caller id, she noticed Riya's number. Seeing this she quickly picks up the call,

"Hello, Riya. Does something happen? "Riya heard the other party's voice.

"Sister where are you? Are you ok? "Riya asked hurriedly.

Hearing this hu chenguang was surprised too. How does Riya know about her absence? Unless Boo Boo is with Riya now.

"Riya is boo-boo with you?" She asked Riya.

"Yes. Boo Boo is with me. He was crying some time ago. He thought something happened to you"Riya replied.

Hearing this chenguang becomes anxious. Worry is written on her face.

"How is he now? "She asked Riya worriedly.

"Now he is fine. I diverted his attention toward a game. Now tell me, sister, when you are coming home?" Riya asked.

"I am in the car now. I will soon reach home.."Hu chenguang abruptly stopped when she heard a childish voice.

"Zhu Zhu, are you talking to my mother? "Boo Boo asked hearing Riya's conversation.

"yes. Do you want to talk? "Riya asked dotingly.

"Yes.Yes."Boo boo jumped out of his seat and ran towards Riya.

"Mother where are you? When you will come? You have never been so late. I was so afraid. I will not talk to you if you do this again."Boo boo started to complain nonstop.

His mother smiled hearing his cute complaint.

"I am coming home darling. Just wait for another 20 minutes. Okay. And be a good boy, don't disturb aunty too much."His mother instructed.

"Okay, mom. Come quick, I am waiting for you. I want to show you a new game, it is too much fun."Boo Boo said happily.

"Okay baby ."Hu chenguang said before ending the call.

But she didn't notice an eye remain still on her from the beginning of the call to the end.

"You are married? "He asked in a flat tone. But deep down he is very troubled...