
Family of Geniuses

Riya is a director of a leading wedding jewellery company in china who actually is a fallen princess living for her revenge remaining low-key.... Daniel is a man of mysterious power and background keeping himself low-key as he came to china in search for the causes of the disappearance of his older brother.... When two low-key but mysterious people clash, whose lives involved in their own world, how will things unfold? Join me on this awesome journey… Notice: Here Side characters also powerful along with powerful main character.. Villains are dangerous and ruthless in their own way carrying their own stories... This Story also follows the lives of Side characters.. So it's going to be an interesting and fascinating story. Disclaimer: Cover Photo isn't mine, Credit goes to the original owner.

RajuKairi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Incidents of 22 years ago

In Nuan Nuan's House,

Mother and daughter looked each other's eye for some time seemingly guessing other party's emotions.

"Mother don't tell me if you feel uncomfortable."NuanNuan felt sad seeing distress in her mother's eye and urged her to stop narrating the story seeing her trembling and sobbing.

"No.I have to tell you.I think the time has come.I don't know how long I can protect you from that monster's den."Her mother said with some anguish in her voice.

Nuan Nuan remained silent allowing her mother to continue her story seeing her mother's determined eye.

"This is the time when I went to shanghai to continue my Studies.I came from a middle class family of city G.I received a special invitation and scholarship due to my excellent scores in exams.I admitted to the Fudan University where many rich heirs of Shanghai and other cities enrolled.There I meet with your father."She took some pause to settle herself before continuing the story again

"Your father was the heir of Zhou family.Your grandfather has two sons and your father is the eldest among them.He was very talented and handsome young man at that time.Every girl was head over heels just to take a glance of him and many tried to make him their boyfriend.But your father was very cold person from outside.I met with him in a college project.We shared same team,being with him many days I gradually felt attracted towards him.But I didn't know if he had the same feelings for me.So I hesistant to propose him.But suddenly something happened that I didn't even think of in my dreams."Thinking about these days a light smile appeared on her face.

"Guessed what happened?"Her mother asked her with a smile.

Nuan Nuan perplexed.But after some thinking she smiled.

"Father proposed you?"She answered

"Right."Her mother chuckled

"That was the happiest day of my life.I can't even describe how I felt at that time.Consfusion, Happiness, Excitement!every emotions surrounded me but among them there was a unknown fear about future.He is a heir of a powerful family of Shanghai and I came from just a middle class family.So the fear was genuine.But who thought that the fear proved to be true."After some hesitation her mother continued again

"After this proposal we spent a happy times becoming a couple.But that time didn't last long as your grandfather learnt about this incidents.He was a ruthless man who can do anything to achieve his goal."Thinking about that ruthless old man she shivers uncontrollably.

Seeing her trembling Nuan Nuan wrapped her mother tightly providing her support.

"Mother Stop.I don't want to know any further."She appealed her mother emotionally.

But her mother shooks her head in discontentment.

"No.Nuan Nuan you need to know that.You don't know what you are going to face in future.And I don't know when this people will come knocking our door."Her mother said with tear stained face before continuing rest of the story.

"Your father bethoraled with eldest lady of Gu family another powerful family of Shanghai.When his father knew about my relationship with your father at first he warned your father but when he didn't listen to his words,then your grandfather planned to destroy me.He...He killed my family in front of me.. brutally..And.."Her mother started coughing violently as her mood become extremely unstable and Blood leaking through of her mouth.

Witnessing this Nuan Nuan freaked out.

"Mother stop!! Don't talk!!I am bringing doctor,wait for me mother."Nuan Nuan rushed out the room after placing her mother on bed....


When Jia Li came to the hospital she called Bo wen again.

"Where are you and Lee?"Jia asked in haste.

"Room No. 201."Bo wen replied.

Jia Li asked for direction of Room 201 from Receptionist and sprinted towards the direction.

In hurry she collided with a girl and both felt backwards.But someone quickly supported the other girl.

"Yin be careful.Are you ok?"The man asked worriedly.

"Don't worry bro Yuxuan.I am alright."The girl smiled sweetly.

Jia has no time to care about them.She quickly stand up to head towards her destination but before she can take a step a cold voice resounded.

"Lady.Where are you going?? APOLOGIZE!!"The man said coldly, halting Jia Li's step.

Jia Li turned around towards the voice only to see a handsome man wrapping his hand on waist of a seemingly innocent girl.

Jia Li knitted her brows hearing this Unpleasant words of the man.

"Ok.Sorry for my carelessness.I was in a hurry."Jia Li didn't want to waste her time with this couple.

"Is this the way you ask your forgiveness?"That man asked sternly.

Now Jia Li lost all of her patience hearing the words of that impolite man

"Hey Mister.I am making it clear.First,I am not asking for mercy here.I don't care if you people forgive me or not.Second your girl didn't even touched the ground,So I think my apology is sufficient."Jia Li said rudely.

"Oh.If I said it is not sufficient then it is not sufficient.Do you can't afford to anger me?I can make bow your head down in front of me with my power if you remain that stubborn.Do you know whose women you touched?"The man said more rudely.Nobody noticed a light smirk on other girl's face.

"Oh.Whose women is she?"Jia Li asked Sarcastically.

"Feng Yuxuan's,Sole heir of Feng family."Feng Yuxuan's voice resonated throughout the hall.

Jia Li taken aback for some moments.Feng family?The family as powerful as Bai family?She didn't know that even heir of Feng family is also as arrogant as Bai family.What they think they are? Though she become furious she quickly calmed herself.

"Bro Yuxuan leave this.I am not that hurt.And my child is safe also."Soo Yin pleaded for Jia Li tugging his cloth as she wanted to maintain her pure and innocent image in front of Feng Yuxuan.

"Sorry lady.I didn't know you are pregnant.My bad."Jia Li apologised seriously this time.She didn't want to be persistent this time due to pregnancy of other lady.

"No.No.It's ok.I can understand you are in hurry."Soo Yin waved her hand accepting the apology.

Jia Li sighed.At least someone here is not hardheaded.But she didn't know why she is getting dangerous vibe from this lady.'It may my imagination',she thinks.

Feng Yuxuan though dissatisfied,he didn't say anything more between these ladies.And he didn't get the time to rebuke also as Jia Li already left the place in hurry.

But they didn't notice a shadow withnessed the whole scenes there silently.And the shadow is none other than Bo Wen's subordinate.....