
Family of Geniuses

Riya is a director of a leading wedding jewellery company in china who actually is a fallen princess living for her revenge remaining low-key.... Daniel is a man of mysterious power and background keeping himself low-key as he came to china in search for the causes of the disappearance of his older brother.... When two low-key but mysterious people clash, whose lives involved in their own world, how will things unfold? Join me on this awesome journey… Notice: Here Side characters also powerful along with powerful main character.. Villains are dangerous and ruthless in their own way carrying their own stories... This Story also follows the lives of Side characters.. So it's going to be an interesting and fascinating story. Disclaimer: Cover Photo isn't mine, Credit goes to the original owner.

RajuKairi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Fallen princess

City S

The city shines with neon lights. The southern part of city S has an olive building complex. On the eighth floor of that building complex, Riya awakened from a nightmare, sweating profusely.

"That bloody nightmare again," she mumbled.

She glanced at the clock indicating around 4:10 A.M.

She knew after this nightmare she would barely sleep again. Thus, better than lying in bed, it is better to do productive work.

Bearing this in mind, she rose from the bed. After showering, she went to the study room to finish her leftover work.

After Opening her computer, she received an anonymous email.

"Madam sorry again there is no lead. Your parents and siblings vanished like air." Email stated.

She shuts her eyes when her parents' last message comes to her mind..

"Riya, I know you're looking forwards to knowing what happened to us, but trust me, it's better not to and live your own life. We will see each other again soon. Wait for us, Sweety." Her mother's last message expressed..

"But it's already 4 years mother. How many years I must wait for our family to reunite."She murmured to herself.

Her family was among the most powerful families in the world, but all came to an end suddenly. She was abroad at the time of the incident. And she vividly remembered the morning when her grandfather came to her to fetch her china and urged her to remain low-key and never mention her family name outside.

Except she knows nothing. She is probably the only one among the siblings who has no idea what just happened to her family. And her grandfather severely limited her power so every time her investigation failed.

She knew that thinking was futile, so she turned on the office software and buried herself finishing her projects.

Around 5:45 a.m., she completed her work and rose from her chair. After that, she went to the kitchen to brew coffee. Carrying the cup of coffee, she stepped onto the balcony for some fresh air.

The morning sunbeams were reflected on her, intensifying her beauty. Her regal blue eyes sparkled like vast oceans. Her genes are always Superior, so it's natural for her to be beautiful.

She fixed her eyes on the horizon, remembering her happy family. Contemplating her grandmother's chatter, her mom's delicacies, her naughty little sister, her cold but caring big brother, and her Siscon younger brother, a happy smile blooms on her face but soon it is replaced by a cold look as she swears whoever is responsible for breaking her happy family she'll pay them back.

In her thinking, she hadn't noticed a pair of phoenix eyes intensely staring at her with some amazement in his eyes. But soon he returned to his senses hearing a thump on the vehicle glass.

"Boss, we have a lead regarding your big brother. Would you like to go there in person?"The person informed.

Thinking about his big brother's disappearance, a cold light flashed in his eye. His elder brother was a powerful and intelligent person, so whoever is responsible for the disappearance of his big brother isn't a simple person. Therefore highly unlikely that they left some evidence.

But regardless of the small possibility, he didn't want to miss it. So he didn't think twice before nodding his head.

His parents also investigated his brother's disappearance but there was no avail. Pondering his grandparents, parents, and sister's miserable face when his elder brother disappeared, a torment showed up in his eyes. He promised his parents to bring his brother back.

With his gesture, three cars vanish from sight. Thinking about that beautiful girl, a little grin appeared on his attractive face.


Subsequent to Spending Some time on the balcony, Riya went to the kitchen again to make some breakfast. At that time, her phone rang, glancing at the caller ID a frown revealed on her pretty face.


"Riya I hope your team's Jewellery designs and sales report is ready. Today is the last day to Submit and I hope you will keep up with your performance. I can see your team performance got down this month. So, don't disappoint me."The Voice of the other side said.

"I wouldn't disappoint you."She replied.

She knows the reason for her team's down performance this month. But she didn't say it. She knows that it will be futile even if she says it, her superior will not take any action regarding this due other party's so-called powerful background.

After she hunging up the call she opened the messaging app to sent messages to her all team members for submitting their respective works before 11:00 A.M. at the office.

She is very satisfied with her team members because they are hard-working and not like other team members who just only satisfy the powerful people for their own needs.

She got quick messages from her team members stating they will submit their works before 11 A.M.

After breakfast, she got ready to went to the office.

Arriving at the office she parked her car.

Thinking about today's challenges to face a grave look appeared on her face.

Just as She entered the office premises a hand landed on her shoulder..