
Family Fights Together

ToxicShotgun · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Where is Home?

Night fell as Bullet left the place where she woke up. Heading to the place where she took her unconscious twin, she started to cry. Sally was missing and Bullet didn't know where she was. Continuing to walk the abandoned dirt road, Bullet hugged herself while black tears fell from her eye and landed on her white shirt, drying and staining it in spots where her tears landed. She was frustrated, upset and scared as she didn't know where the humans took her and Nightmarione. She wanted to see her family again, the smiles on the three little girls that called her their Big Sis. The shouts from the game room as Jeff is beaten by Ben in yet another one of his video games. The running around of Laughing Jack when he has eaten too much candy. 

Bullet let out a tired sigh as a smile crept up her cheeks, the image of the Slenderman trying to settle everyone down as he always did while she just watched made her feel better. Wiping the tears away from her now reddened eye, she looks up to see the little hut that stood before her. Night was inside still asleep as far as she could tell but that didn't let hope slip away from her. Bullet was the strong one and if her brother saw her crying, he would be furious with the ones who caused his twin to show something she hated. Weakness. Bullet shook her head as raindrops started to fall, the wail of sirens in the far distance from where she came from. Walking up the stairs to the porch, Bullet sighed again as she turned the handle to the old door and pushed it inward, sneezing as dust flew from the frame before settling to the wooden floor of the entryway.

"Who's there?" 

A voice called out from one of the rooms of the hut. It sounded like whoever it belonged to tried to sound tough but they were scared. 

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just need a place for my brother and I to stay until I can get us back home."

"Then go home." 

"I can't do that as I do not know where we are. It's not our world, otherwise we wouldn't be here if we were." Bullet tells the invisible person. 

That's when a head popped out of the room in the hallway, a room that she saw when she first entered the hut. Bullet didn't move from her spot by the door as she felt really dizzy and fell to her knees with her hands on her head near where her curled horns sat. Tears started to flow again, making a sizzling sound as they hit the wood before they disappeared while pain shot like a rocket throughout her body. The person who the head belonged to froze before making their way to the tall creature. 

"What's wrong? What can I do to help?" the boy said with a concerned voice that didn't sound like a kid's voice. 

"M-my brother has something around his neck. I need it before I get worse." Bullet said as her skin on her arms began to split open as smoke began to waft out of the open wounds. 

The boy saw how much pain the woman was in so he bolted up the stairs and into one of the rooms, only to see that the man that was in the room was sitting on the bed. He looked over at the kid before asking the kid what he wanted. The boy lifted a hand to point at the thing that sat around the person's neck and said that the lady downstairs needs it. Without another word, the boy bolted past the kid and flew down the stairs, the little one in tow. Seeing the girl curled up into a ball, he dashed over to her and called her name. 

"My sister needs some water, can you get her some, please?" he said before turning to the little kid. 

The boy disappeared before he reappeared with a glass of water, handing it to the boy and backing away in case either of them lashed out at him. The man then popped the top off the bottle, dumping two oval shaped pills in his hand before he shoved them in the girl's mouth, all the while the girl fought him. Once the pills were in her mouth and down her throat did she start to calm down. After what seemed like hours, the girl fell asleep, her breathing a bit shallow. The boy with the bottle had pulled her closer to him as she slept, the girl looking almost cute in a way.

"What's your name?" the man asked without looking at the boy.


"What's your name, kid?" the man asked, a bit more annoyed this time.

"O-oh, Sammy."

"Nice to meet you Sammy. I'm Nightmarione but my family calls me Night. This is my twin sister, Bulletsmoke but everyone calls her Bullet or B."

Sammy looked from Night to his sister, back to him before speaking again. 

"Where are you guys from?" 


"Bullet said that this wasn't your world. So, what world are you from if not this one?" Sammy asked as he sat down.

"Oh. We are from a place known as the Creepypasta Realm." Night said as he readjusted the pentagram necklace that sat around his sister's neck. 

Sammy just stared at the floor, taking in what the man said. He knew about their world as he stumbled upon it back when he was living. He didn't notice that the other boy was now looking at him with his head tilted to the left. Shivers shot up his spine as he saw this and turned away, his face flushed as he muttered to himself. That's when he heard a small giggle coming from Night. 

"What is so funny?" the boy said.

"I understand what's going on now." Night said while looking at the boy.

Sammy now cocked his head to the side, his shaggy brown hair sliding over his bloody left eye. He didn't know what Night was talking about but had a feeling that the man across from him was going to tell him whether he asked or not. They sat in silence, the ticking of a random clock and Bullet's soft breathing were the only sounds filling the empty house.