
Family Dorms ( Mama! Deku)

The A-1 class are just a big family. With a few romances here and there and some life changing decisions.

Lilith_Medoryia · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Momma Bear Part 1

Kaminari was really worried. Like really worried. His mom was coming to visit him at the dorms.

"What's wrong Kaminari?" Asked Izuku. Izuku was washing the dishes from lunch and was watching Kaminari pacing back and forth from couch to couch with a worried facal expression. Kaminari hadn't heard the question and was still pacing. As Izuku put the last of the dishes away he walked over to Kaminari and put his hand on his arm and accidentally startled Kaminari.

"Holly fuck!" Yelped Kaminari, "You scared me."

"Sorry and language." Replied Izuku.

"Sorry Mom," said the electro boi." And how can I help you?"

"Thanks hon and i wanted to know why you're so worried." Asked Izuku. At that moment Momo walked down the stairs.

"Izuku can you- Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting anything?"


"Actually you have some perfect timing. Do you think you could help me." Said Izuku. Slowly walking to the couch across of the two boys Momo sat down to see what Izuku or a.k.a the class mom needed.

"How can I help you?"

"No, dad mom you dont need to help meee!"

"Shush, dear and tell us why your soo worried." Demanded Izuku. After Kaminari sighing and telling them the reason and story behind why he's worried.


( KM - Kaminari's Mom

   KSD- Kaminari's Stepdad

   K- Kaminari)

KM: Kaminari get your but down here and meet your new dad!

After walking down stairs to meet he's new dad.

KSD: Hi kid I hope I can be the best dad ever.

K: Same. Welcome to the family.

-Flashback end-

Kainari started crying lightly. Momo jumped of the couch to join Izuku in claiming the boy. Izuku was rubbing his back and Kaminari continued his story.

- Flashback 2-

KSD: You Fucking disappointment.


Kaminari ran down stairs after hearing that crash. He turned to see his stepdad holding a broken and bloody beer bottle and his mom on the floor unconscious and blood trickling down her head. His step dad turned to him.

KSD: Your next you fucker. You useless motherfucker.

As the older male slowly and clearly drunk trudged over to the frightened teen. Kaminari unwilling let loose some electricity.


The electricity had shocked him but only left him temperley stunned. But as soon as he recovered he threw the bottle at the teen hitting him in the shoulder. Having been hit Kaminari fell back against the wall. His mother had finally woke up and used her quirk on their abuser.


Kaminari had called the police but only for his phone to be ripped from his hand and to be lifted up and thrown on the floor. Forming a huge bruise on his back. Looking at his mom who had a knife in her back he called out.


Standing up to go to his mom he fell over and attracted the attention to him once again.

KSD: She is dead useless fucker.

After that sentence was finished police sirens were heard outside the building.

P: This is the police open the door.


P: Open the door!

Kaminari had now pressed who is was screamed.


KSD: You Fucking child.

The police had broken the door and was running in and grabbed him. A police woman had run to his mother.

PW: Shes breathing. Call an ambulance.

PM#1: I called one.

PM#2: There's a kid.

The police Women slowly walked to Kaminari only for him to black out.

- Flash back 2 Finished-

"And his release is today and he is visiting tomarrow. Kaminari said through his tears." Momo held him tighter and started rubbing his back. Izuku got off the couch and bent down to face Kaminari, slowly bringing his hand up to wipe off the tears.

"Shhh, it's ok he's not going to hurt you not while I'm here. Shhhhh." Izuku slowly pulled Kaminari into a hug, but since the teen was taller then him Deku sat him back on the couch