
Family doesn't end with blood

Moanah is a normal teenage girl. Only her life isn't normal. She and her brothers and sisters live in a beautiful house. Together with their stepmom, stepsisters and stepbrothers, they have become a huge family. But the silent life of Moanah takes a turn when she has to face Jimmy....

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 5

"Beep Beep" sighing Moanah turns off the alarm... "Friday' she moans. At last, ...

After Ian's speech yesterday, Moanah is unsure whether it will be a good weekend. Sighing, she dresses in dark jeans with a black-blue checkered shirt. She puts a denim jacket over her bare arms and puts on her sneakers.

As usual, everyone is fighting for the bathroom again. Rolling her eyes, she walks downstairs. "Sorry" shouts Ian and rushes past her. He quickly grabs his briefcase and wraps the scarf around his neck. "Fell asleep with Mason, no time" he gasps and kisses Amanda as he walks outside. Smiling, Amanda shakes her head and hands Moanah an apple. Her turquoise nurse's uniform seems so light up her blond high ponytail and pale skin.

"I have to go," she begins, rubbing David's shoulder. "Do as your father say, be good and please David... Try to catch up with the lessons." David nods with a sigh.

Surprised, she jumps up when she opens the door. "Hi Jimmy" she greets and lets him pass. "I'm going to be back late, there is money for pizza in the pot" she shouts and closes the door. Moanah silently takes a glass of milk. "Great" she mumbles and tries to ignore Jimmy his burning eyes. David keeps a close eye on Jimmy. He doesn't seem to trust him. "Hey Moanah, you want to ride with me again?" Moanah shakes her head. "I'm sorry David, I would love too but I don't have to be there this early now." David nods. "No probs, see you this eve?" Moanah nods and allows him to kiss her jaw.

"Be careful," he says before giving Jimmy a friendly greeting. 'You too" Moanah says and drinks her glass. Only now she realizes how silent the house is.

While she tries to make her lunch, she does her best to ignore Jimmy his burning stare. It seems stupid, she has been in the kitchen alone before, but this is the first time that she feels really lonely.

Startled she jumps up when Jimmy places his hands on her shoulders. "Jimmy" she asks hesitantly. "Never heard of personal space before?" "Oh I would love to be in your... personal space" he whispers chuckling. Moanah rolls her eyes. She feels sick all of sudden. "Shy" he asks jokingly. "Disgusted more" she growls.

Jimmy chuckles as she steps away of him. "Come on Moanah, what do you think? He, you and me?" "Oh god, that's terrible" answers Moanah in disgust. "Come on" he laughs and steps closer. Moanah swallows. She takes a cup of coffee and bites her lip. "Have some coffee" she says and tosses the warm coffee over him. "Fuck" curses Jimmy and lifts his shirt from his burning skin. He looks up for Moanah but she took advantage of the moment to hastily walk away.

God why didn't she took David his offer. At least she knows she can trust him. Sighing she takes her bike and drives off to school. Frustrated she tries to calm herself down with her favorite papa roach song.

"Freaking Jimmy" she still mutters under her breath as she locks her bike. Why is he so... well. So, him?!

"Hey," Sasha asks hesitantly when she notices Moanah's upset face. Moanah finally smiles. "Hey." "What is it?" "I have to change classes" Moanah sighs. "No ... Come on? Really?" Moanah nods. "Apparently it exists; doing too well in school." Sasha smiles gently. "Well, I can still see you in the breaks, right?" "Sure" smiles Moanah and gently embraces Sasha. "Have you colored your hair" asks Moanah in amazement. She suddenly notices that her blonde locks have been changed for dark red. Sasha shakes her head. "My hair was thinned too much and fell out. I had to shave it off. This is a wig." "Moanah bites the inside of her jaw." I'm sorry. "Sasha smiles cautiously." I hope the day is over soon ... weekend "she starts to change the subject." Me too "replies Moanah, mixed. Her weekend wasn't going as planned now everyone was grounded. Everyone except her. Maybe she could go somewhere. "What are your weekend plans?" "Hoping that Friday is fast over" Sasha blows. "I have therapy Saturday and Sunday I will be sleeping most of it off." Moanah nods. "I hope this day is fast over too," she says. And not just this day she adds in thoughts.

With a sigh, she drags herself to class when the bell rings. Frowing Tristan looks at her. It almost seemed as he forgot already that Moanah is in his class now. His girlfriend Sarah, hangs in his arms as if she was a puppet. Her crimson-colored hair, dark green eyes and multiple facial piercings betray that she as well is Emo/Metal. Her pear-shaped body, with full round boobs is dressed in a tight black dress. High heel combat boots and a ripped spiderweb panty.

"Hey" laughs Jimmy and passes Moanah. He gives Tristan a fist and smiles. Tristan grins and sits down next to Sarah. Surprised, Moanah looks up when Jimmy sits down next to her. Oh no, she thinks hopelessly and takes her pen. "Good morning" greats the teacher. "How is everyone?" When nobody answers he takes places behind his desk.

"Let's start, shall we. Economic Zoology, page 458." "I only have till 405" Tristan says. The teacher looks up while everyone else laughs. "That cannot be. We have 698 pages. " "Not me" Tristan says. "That's okay. Two books were only half. It looks like you are the lucky one. Just watch with Sarah, I'll get a new book for you later. "Tristan sighs and closes his book."

Jimmy pen? "Jimmy shakes his head." Surprise "the teacher whispers sarcastically. Moanah looks through the window dreamily. New class ... She sighs new beginnings. Let's hope this new beginning is a good one.

Soft she whimpers and pulls her leg away when she feels Jimmy his fingers. Why he sits next to her? How can she escape this? Escape him? God why did she try to do her best she curses.

It looked like months before the bell finally went. Enthusiastic kids run outside. Ready for the weekend. Moanah walks slow out while Jimmy walks next to her. Smirking he places his arm over her shoulders. "So, weekend plans" he jokes. "None of your business" growls Moanah and gives him a hard bump with her elbow. While the other pupils laugh Jimmy doesn't seem amused. Moanah swallows. Why did she do that? she has a feeling that she will regret this. Hastily she unlocks her bike and drives home. She is totally ready for another weekend. Another boring weekend with absolutely nothing to do...