
Family Chaos

As soon as you step out of your house, you are bound by the chains we call 'Social Acceptability'. While this is true, whenever my family enters our house all the restraints are off. A weekly toy gun war? That's only one of the things we do. You never know what can happen once my family gets in the same room together, and that's why we love it.

Psykickers · Realistic
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2 Chs

Family War [Part II]

I was rushing up the worn and torn tan carpet stairs as fast as possible. The timer was ticking, I had 4 minutes and 49 seconds left. Taking a right as soon as I reached the top, I increased my speed.

Passing by the bathroom on the left, Lane's room on the right, and Jared's further down on the left, I reached my destination.

My room. At the very end of the hall, this was the designated armory for the red team.

It was an average room. There was a closet standing across from the door. A queen-sized bed to the left of the closet and adjacent to that was a dresser.

There was also a decent-sized laundry chute that connected to the laundry room by the door, but it blended in nicely.

Flinging my door open at the fastest speed possible, I got closer to the closer opposite the door.

Sliding the closet door open, an incredible amount of fake guns appeared in my line of vision.

There were shotguns, snipers, fully automatic guns, and even pistols of many different varieties.

I grabbed two of the smallest pistols. They were small enough they could barely fit in my hands. Tiny as they were, they had quite an unbelievable mid-range accuracy.

I stepped aside. I began moving quickly to the other side of the room where my dresser stood.

After I vacated the area, my siblings started pushing each other a little to get to the closet first.

After a few seconds of that, they finally stopped shoving each other and instead both reached for their favored weaponry.

Jared snatched a sniper near the far right corner of the closet. He preferred to stay far away from the real action.

Lane reached for a shotgun, for excitable as he is, he also enjoyed the thrill of close range.

As they finished equipping their weaponry, I had already reached the dresser. Opening a drawer, the sight of a ton of foam darts entered my vision. There were many kinds, sticky darts, regular darts, even giant darts.

My tiny pistols could only store three darts themselves, so I did what any man would do. I picked up a fistful of them and stuffed them in my pockets and underwear.

Seeing as I had finished collecting ammo, I ran to the laundry chute.

As I opened it up, I saw around thirty-ish weapon attachments hooked on the walls of it.

My personal favorites were on the very back, two attachments with an unusual design.

If you've played any gun games before, it'd vaguely remind you of the scope of an MP7.

I grabbed them while sliding them on the top of the pistols. Since we've been having these wars for quite some time, my movements were incredibly skilled.

So as quickly as I entered the room, I left.

Rushing back out into the hallway, I ran a short distance before taking a sharp right turn into the bathroom.

There's a sink immediately to your left and a towel rack on your right. While if you looked a bit further, you'd see a toilet further down on the left, with a shower on the right.

Yet, none of those objects was my target. No, for I ran straight to the back of the room where a rather large white door with an ordinary design laid.

Turning the cold, bronze-colored knob, a lot of pillows and blankets entered my vision.

As the rules say, anything goes. There are no rules against using any objects you find around the house to your advantage.

I grabbed as many as my arms could hold and rushed out of the room.

Right as I rushed out, my brothers ran in, presumably doing the same as me.

I ran back to the stairs because this is the only place they can attack us.

Seeing as wooden rails are lining the stairway, I started by reinforcing the top with a barrier of pillows.

I left a crack in the barrier for Jared's scope, allowing optimal room for aiming.

While I was reinforcing the stairs, the others went back and made a few spots for a retreat in case it was necessary.

As I finished with the barricade, I jogged back to meet up with them to finalize the plan.

"Are you all ready?" I asked.

"Yes! We have got this one in the bag!" Lane yelled, clearly pumped up.

"I suppose because if worst comes to worst, we'll just have another loss." Jared sighed.

"Lane, I like your spirit!" I gave him a high-five. "Jared, you could be a little more optimistic," I advised as I patted his head, as a dog trainer would a dog.

"All right. I'll go over this one last time. Jared, you'll be doing the same job as usual. As soon as the rounds starts, fire a random shot in the air." I stammered out, a bit more clumsily than I would have liked.

"Lane, you're going with the Schrodinger's Cat strategy. We'll start by wrapping you inside some blankets and sitting you on a small pillow to slide you down the stairs. As soon as you hit the floor, create a small hole for your gun and fire on sight. The blanket doesn't count as your clothes, so you're safe." Seeing as we were running out of time, I sped my words up considerably. While this caused my speech to be shorter than I'd like, it still works.

"Lastly, I will be making a rope of blankets. Using this, I will slide down it. Since I made it down while you're distracting them, I am behind enemy lines. Using the element of surprise, I can shoot Grandpa in the back with no trouble." I took a second to regain my breath after quickly rehashing the plan.

We start wrapping Lane with blankets because there are about 30 seconds left.

After we did this and propped him behind the pillow barrier, we ran to our spots.

As we reached them, the timer rang out. It was time to begin our battle.

Hello! Author here. The second chapter coming out, about 6 hours after the first once came out around 1 AM EST.

Note that I'm currently on a night owl schedule, and will be going to sleep right after I publish this chapter. It'll probably be after 9 PM once I get the next chapter out.

Who knows. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I can't guarantee the next chapter will be all-to-awesome, because this is pretty much my first fight scene I've ever written.

I'm not quite sure if a toy gun battle can be considered a fight scene, but in my head it sure is.

Have a good rest of the day!

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