
Family Chain

Treasure Elaine Marcus' life spun around when she was chosen as the heiress of the Marcus' fortune. Her ardent and devoted dream of being a ballerina is brought to an abrupt halt. As she steps into this new life of a rich business mogul, she realizes she would not only be faced with the tremor and pressure of being the CEO of a company at a young age, but also with the desire to stay alive in the midst of her blood thirsty and money grubbing step siblings. She suffers emotional traumas being loved by many men, some for her wealth, others for her looks. Trying to live through the betrayal of her friends, Treasure is even more shocked when she finds out the person behind her father's murder

Elettariahelix · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The New CEO

Yes Angeline, it was a success." Came Mrs Daisy to her PA back in Coventry.

"Treasure and I will be on our way back tomorrow" she said again.

"Mom?" Treasure called when Daisy had hung up the call.

"Jake called me earlier today, he wants me to come over..." Treasure's words trailed off as she observed her mother's countenance.

"Ok." Mrs Daisy replied with a smile. Treasure beamed.

"Thanks mom" she said pecking Mrs Daisy on the cheeks.

"I promise, I won't be long." She spoke again before leaving the room.

"Alright darling." Mrs Daisy replied.

"We've got a flight to catch tomorrow, please don't stay out too late" she said again.

     Minutes later, Treasure's phone rang.

"Hey Tresh, I'm outside your hotel." Jake said.

"Really? I will be right there" Treasure replied as she gave her face one last look at the mirror.

"Mom, I'm leaving." She said.

"Ok darling." Mrs Daisy replied.

"You look dashing!" She complimented.

"Thanks mom!" Treasure yelled from the door before leaving.

Outside, at the parking lot, at the sight of Treasure, both Mrs Jade Jackson and Jake came out from the car. Mrs Jackson drew Treasure into her arms in a hug.

"Oh goodness! You're all grown up now!" She yelled. Treasure grasped for air in her arms and when she was released, she looked to Jake who quickly understood the question in her eyes even when she spoke nothing.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you she was coming." He said itching his forehead in embarrassment.

"She told me she was dying to meet you and your mom, please could you direct her to your room?" He asked with a polite stare, Treasure couldn't refuse.

"Sure." Treasure replied.

"Let me give my mom a call" she said reaching out to her phone in her hand bag.

"Yes...yes please do" Mrs Jackson replied still holding on to Treasure. With the speed of lightening, Mrs Daisy was at at parking lot and was wrapped tightly in Mrs Jackson's arms.

"Why don't you both catch up on old times" Jake said interrupting their unending session of pleasantries.

"Treasure and I will head out first." He said again.

"Alright... alright" they both replied heading back to the hotel while Treasure and Jake zoomed off in his car.

      The mansion of the Jacksons was a huge and unique one. The surroundings were decorated with beautiful flowers, and the cars packed in the front of it added a special sparkle to the entire premises. As they walked in, Treasure tried her best not to look towards the pool. She held her bag tight in fear as they walked past it into the house. The interior decoration was superb. Everything was in red, gold or white. From the couches to the throw pillows, and the side stools, the best designs, and workmanships were used. Treasure looked at the walls, and what she saw, made her think she was in a house filled with mirrors that reflected her younger self, but with different clothing and hairstyles.

"Jake? What is all these?"she asked still looking around. Jake chuckled collapsing on a chair.

"paintings of you Treasure!" He replied with a smile. Treasure gasped when she saw a painting of herself gifting Jake a painting palette on the day of their graduation.

"You painted this too?" She asked, and Jake stood to his feet.

"No one else was there Treasure, I guess that answers your question." He said staring at the dumbfounded Treasure. As she stared at all the paintings, Jake pointed out to one of them.

"see that one over there?" He asked. Treasure looked in the direction he was pointing.

"Its a little messy..." she said

"...but its still very beautiful" she spoke again. Jake giggled.

"thanks..." he said,

"...but I didn't mess that painting up, Vanessa did." Treasure was taken aback. Jake read the questions on her face.

"Do you remember, back then when Vanessa and I had a little row between us?" He asked as he caressed the painting.

"you had to threaten us with loosing your friendship before we were forced to settle things out between ourselves" he said again and Treasure gasped.

"you two never told us the reason for that misunderstanding not minding how many times we asked." She replied

"Yeah, that's true, it was too embarrassing to speak of it back then." Jake smiled

"but this was the cause of our row" he said still caressing the painting.

"I don't understand" Treasure complained.

"You see Treasure..." he said.

"I was supposed to paint a portrait of Vanessa during our painting class, but unfortunately, I had gotten so used to painting a portrait of you. I mixed everything up, and was painted you instead of Vanessa. She was furious, when she saw that it wasn't a portrait of her, so she poured her bottle of water on it." He paused as he shook in laughter.

"I got mad at her for ruining the painting I had spent much time and effort on, so, naturally, I yelled at her, I guess that's what really happened that day." He laughed.

"it took me the whole night of to restore your face, and I wasn't going to forgive Vanessa so easily." Treasure laughed touching the painting too.

"you were wrong Jake." She said.

"...but its a good thing you both settled your differences back then." She spoke again, this time staring at him. Jake got lost in her stares too, but suddenly, she spoke again.

"you really are talented, to have been able to restore the painting from such a huge damage." Jake smiled, as he stood, still admiring Treasure.

"you've always been very pretty, back then, and even more now" he said, but Treasure stared, lost for words. For some reason she couldn't get herself to believe those words were just mere compliments from an old friend. They sounded so real and flattering like words being spoken from a lover. The atmosphere was already so awkward but Jake spoke up first

"You thirsty?" He asked as he hurried to the kitchen

"Forgive my manners" he said again as he returned with a glass of water.

"What would you like?" He asked

"Just say the word and I will whip it for you" he joked and they both laughed.

      They spent hours talking about their highschool and University days. From their conversations, Treasure realized Jake and Vanessa had both attended the same schools, and had studied business administration in the same University. They both worked in Jake's uncle's company, and went on business trips together. They visited each other's homes, and went on holidays together as well. Treasure was amazed at this, and was happy they had kept their friendship that long.

After what felt like hours, Treasure finally spoke

"I've got a morning flight tomorrow, I need to get my stuffs ready to leave." She said. Jake's countenance fell.

"I'd definitely see you again." He said.

"Yes!" Treasure said

"If you ever visit Coventry again" she added. Jake smiled.

"I will" he replied.

"It's a pity I didn't get to see Vanessa one last time" Treasure said.

"oh Vanessa!" Jake said.

"I invited her, but I guess she was too busy to make it. Don't think about that." He said in consolation, but Treasure forced a smile.

   Back in Coventry, Mrs Daisy and Treasure prepared themselves to inform Barrister Malcom and Mr Donald of Treasure's position as the heiress of JGM internationals.

"We'd leave for Barrister Malcolm's office tomorrow morning, I have already informed him of our visit, so be prepared" Mrs Daisy said.

"I have also asked Mr Donald to meet us there as well, we can't let such a golden opportunity slip" she spoke again.

"Alright mom." Treasure replied.

"Do you think we can trust them?" She asked with so much worry written on her face.

"Relax darling" Mrs Daisy replied.

"I'm always here for you"

Meanwhile, Rodney was thrown into a state of confusion since the last time he contacted Treasure.

"What did she say son? Did you ask her out on a date?" Mrs Donald asked immediately Rodney stepped his feet into the living room

"I didn't mom" he replied nonchalantly" Alarmed, Mrs Donald held onto his hand

"It's been six months since she returned, and exchanged contacts with you. Don't tell me you've been this nonchalant towards her." She said

"Mom, first of all, I haven't been LAZING ABOUT" Rodney replied as he sipped his coffee.

"Secondly..." He continued

"I reached out to her but she didn't return my calls. I don't want to be tagged a stalker at such an age.

"If you ask me, I don't see the importance of all these." Mr Donald said interrupting their conversation as he walked in.

"I have told you times without number to focus your attention on the company and its matters!" He spoke sternly.

"you don't need to get into anyone's good book or woo a woman now. Is this too complicated for you to understand?" He yelled.

"What's wrong in dating a woman?" Came Mrs Donald.

"If you loved work so much, why then did you marry me huh?" She asked

"You should have gotten married to the company instead!" Mrs Donald yelled, but Rodney held her hand. Mr Donald turned to leave, but Rodney spoke.

"I'm sorry dad" he said

"sorry I haven't been focusing all my attention on my work. I promise, you won't have to bother about that again."

"That's a good decision" Mr Donald replied

"I'm leaving for Barrister Malcolm's office now" he said

"Is there a problem dad?" Rodney asked

"I don't think so, but it's a private meeting between Mrs Marcus, Barrister Malcom and myself. I will tell you the details once I return. In the meantime go to the office." He said and walked out.

     At Barrister Malcolm's office, Mr Donald was shocked to see Treasure, but he was even more shocked when Mrs Daisy told them about Treasure being the heir to JGM internationals. Barrister Malcom was lost for words, but Mr Donald seemed to be more affected by this news.

"T...this is unbelievable!" Barrister Malcolm exclaimed.

"Marcus has indeed outdone himself this time. I should've read the handwritings on the wall, when he wrote about not minding the gender of the heir. I guess its our turn now to do the needful Donald." He said jerking Mr Donald back to reality.

"Ye...yes...you are right Malcolm." He said, and turning to Treasure, he stuck out his hand for a handshake. Treasure took his hand without hesitation.

"Congratulations Miss Marcus, from today you have become a very rich business mogul" he said, but Treasure replied

"I regret to say sir, but I know nothing about the pangs of being a successful CEO, I was hoping to learn from you since you've been with my dad for such a long time." She said. Both Barrister Malcolm and Mr Donald were taken aback, but Mrs Daisy spoke up

"My daughter lacks full knowledge of the world of business, I have taught her the basis these last months, but I still need your help." She pleaded.

"I have full faith in you Donald" she said

"Please teach my daughter everything she needs to know about the company. You were Marcus' PA, and I'm most certain you'd know more about the company than anyone else." She turned to Barrister Malcolm

"Please, Treasure needs to know everything about the legal rights of the company. You've been the company's legal advisor and advocate for a long time as well, please teach my daughter all she needs to know." She said

"We will do our very best" Barrister Malcolm replied and Mr Donald nodded in agreement.

"I want Treasure to be introduced as the new CEO soonest." Mrs Daisy suddenly chipped in, to the surprise of Mr Donald and Barrister Malcom

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Mr Donald asked

"I mean, she knows little or nothing about the way things are run. Whatever she isn't accepted or ridi..."

"She's Marcus's daughter!" Mrs Daisy spoke sternly.

"She's also an Adama! She can never be ridiculed!" She said again.

"Please try to understand my point..." Mr Donald tried to explain, but Mrs Daisy won't listen.

"My daughter will take her place as the CEO of JGM internationals no matter what, I will work hard to make her worthy of that position so you need not worry about that" she said

"Alright Mrs Daisy." Barrister Malcom said

"But bear in mind that announcing Miss Marcus as the new CEO could raise brows and attract Marcus's enemies to her. She'd need more protection." He said. Mrs Daisy grew cold, but Treasure held her hand in hers.

"You need not worry mom, please don't think much about it" Treasure said to her.

"I will contact all the managing directors of the different branches." Mr Donald spoke

"I will do well to inform them of the arrival of the company's heir." He said as he forced a smile for the meeting.

"I hope you have a detailed evidence to prove your position as late Lord Marcus's heir?" He asked

"Yes, I have all the documents to prove that." Treasure replied.

Back in New York, Jake and Vanessa had not spoken since Treasure travelled back to Coventry.

"Jake?!"Mrs Jackson called out as soon as Jake walked into the kitchen

"Yes mom." He replied

Mrs Jackson sat on a cane chair watching her son gulp down a cup of water.

"Vanessa called." She said.

"Really?" Jake replied

"Yeah!" She was at your house but couldn't find you. she was a bit worried but I told her that you came here" she said.

"I see" he replied nonchalantly.

"you've not been yourself." Mrs Jackson spoke again.

"what's wrong Jake?" She asked staring deep into his eyes.

"Nothing mom, I...Vanessa and I had a row over the phone that's all." He said rubbing his eyes.

"A row? but why? You and Vanessa have always been in good terms, so what's happened now?" Mrs Jackson asked. Jake took in a deep breath and replied.

"I don't know, she just changed all of a sudden, but I can't understand why." He said

"But that's not the reason I'm moody mom"

"Really?" Mrs Jackson asked

"Yeah..." He said.

"I miss Treasure" he said.

"I should paint a portrait of her" he said again.

"Seriously Jake?" Mrs Jackson laughed.

"not again"

"Haven't you painted enough portraits of Treasure already?" She asked

"Look at the living room, the kitchen and even your bedroom Jake, there are more Paintings of Treasure than of me and your father." She complained, but Jake remained indifferent.

"I don't blame Vanessa for getting so upset you know." She said.

"I don't understand what you're saying" Jake replied coldly. Mrs Jackson got up to leave but suddenly remembered something.

"Jake?" She called.

"Your uncle called earlier today. He'd be coming over to the office. You better be there early" she said

"he has an important work for you" she said Jake was taken aback.

      Jake arrived at the office earlier than usual. Soon he was asked to Mr Jackson's office.

"Good morning Mr Jackson" He greeted formally as he walked into Mr Jackson's office.

"How are you son?" Mr Jackson asked as a smile curled up his face.

"Very well sir" Jake replied

"Drop the formalities" Mr Jackson spoke.

"if I had a son when I should have, he would have been about your age."

"Yeah, maybe even older, but you had refused to get married, or even adopt a child" Jake replied, and Mr Peter Jackson laughed.

"I tried to adopt you from your dad" he joked.

"My Father's got only me" Jake replied, and Mr Jackson laughed again.

"Speaking of your father, where is he?" Mr Peter Jackson asked.

"He took a trip to Coventry for a board meeting. He mentioned something about a new CEO, so..." Jake broke off. Mr Peter Jackson laughed.

"JGM's got a new CEO? That's great, I hope its not one to stress my little brother like Donald is already doing" They both laughed, but Mr Peter Jackson continued.

"Listen son, I'm sending you to your dad." He said. Jake was confused.

"To...to my dad?" He asked.

"Yes..." Mr Peter Jackson replied.

"I bought a share in Rendezvous company, and they've got a shareholders meeting. I'm very busy at the moment so I want you to represent me over there" he said. Jake was lost in thought.

"Rendezvous? Mrs Daisy's company? Coventry?" He asked.

"Yeah! that's the one mi boy!" Mr Jackson replied. Jake beamed.

"OMG! I can't believe this!" He exclaimed.

"I'm going to Coventry!!!" He yelled. Mr Jackson laughed.

"You should leave a day after tomorrow, prepare yourself, all the preparations have already been made" Mr Jackson said

"Really? What about my boss?" Jake asked

"I'm his boss, and I have already requested a week leave on your behalf" he said

"Awesome!" Jake exclaimed.

"I Will get myself prepared." He said.

In Coventry, Treasure was getting prepared for her first day in JGM

"I'm a little nervous mom!" Treasure said as Mrs Daisy helped her tidy up her outfit.

"Relax Tresh, they are humans just like us, and don't forget that they are your employees." She said.

"Their ages or their faces shouldn't scare you at all, because you are their boss." She said as she patted Treasure on the shoulder.

"Thanks mom" Treasure replied and Mrs Daisy hugged her.

"You are now a woman Treasure, face it." She said.

"I have a shareholders' meeting a day after tomorrow and I want you to be in attendance." Mrs Daisy said.

"But I'm not a shareholder at Rendezvous" Treasure argued, but Mrs Daisy smiled.

"I own sixty percent shares, and thirty of them was bought in your name, so they belong to you." She said.

"you are a member of my shareholders meeting." Mrs Daisy said.

Treasure was dumbstruck.

"Wow, what a unique way to share such an awesome news" Treasure said

"I'll be there" she said.

"Goodluck today my angel." Mrs Daisy said.

"I have assigned bodyguards to protect you from now on, please don't wander off from them. I have given them strict orders not to let you out of their sight" Mrs Daisy said.

"Was that really necessary?" Treasure asked.

"Yes, it's necessary!" Mrs Daisy replied.

      Treasure stepped into JGM international limited in a grand style. Her bodyguards walked around her obstructing her from the views of the employees. As they walked, everyone got up to catch a glimpse of her.

"Who is that?" Sarah, one of the receptionists asked no one in particular.

"I don't know, but I guess she's a managing director from one of the branches of JGM" Jane, another receptionist replied.

"I don't think so" came Jane

"why would a manager need this much protection?" She asked again.

"It must be the new CEO, I heard its a lady, but I'm unsure" Selena, a third receptionist spoke.

"Well, we'd find out soon." Sarah replied.

Treasure sat amongst the managers. They kept staring at her wondering why a young girl of her age was invited for their meeting.

"we already total seven, who then is this girl, and what branch of JGM is she managing?" They kept asking themselves, but Treasure sat still trying not to pay attention to their gossips. She noticed Mr Jackson, Jake's father, but since he couldn't recognize her, she made no efforts to greet him either. As Mr Donald walked into the conference room, they stood up on their feet, and sat only when he had taken his seat. The seat of the CEO was left vacant, but everyone knew that it was soon to be occupied by someone they didn't know. Mr Donald spoke for a while after appreciating them for their presence in the meeting. He talked about some other things concerning the company then he hurried over to the introduction of the new CEO of JGM.

"We all know that its been ten years since we lost our CEO, late lord Johnson Gale Marcus to a terrible accident." Mr Donald said lowering his head in sadness. Some of the managers wore sad faces, while the others were less concerned. Mr Donald took a deep breadth and continued.

"today, I'm glad to introduce the new CEO of JGM internationals, Miss Treasure Elaine Marcus!" He said, looking towards Treasure. She stood to her feet, to the stares of everyone. Most of them were amazed, while others were obviously uncomfortable.

"The new CEO is this lady?"

"I thought Marcus had four sons?"

"Why a girl? And a young one at that, occupying the position of the CEO when we are here?" They murmured amongst themselves. Treasure walked to the seat meant for the CEO, making herself comfy. She was given an applause, and when she drew the microphone closer to speak, a defeating silence filled the room.

"Most of you here are surprised to see that my late father had chosen a woman to succeed him. Some of you are not sure that I will handle the matters of the company well.  Most of you are embarrassed that a twenty two years old is your CEO, and you will be forced to work under her.  Some of you feel this position should have been yours, but was taken away from you." Treasure paused, and drumming her fingers on the table, she continued.

"I have some advice to all these categories of persons I have just mentioned." She said

"Forget my gender, your uncertainty, and your judgements. We all have one goal here, and that is success. It doesn't matter that I'm a woman. If you don't give the company your full commitment, we will suffer a huge set back, and we'd all crumble, regardless of your positions here. Some of you are dependent on this company's means, but the others might not. But if you allow yourselves to be deceived, then some of us will work out of here billionaires, while the others will be reduced to zero." Treasure smirked taking them aback.

"Im not trying to scare anyone, neither I'm I trying to step on anyone's toes...." She said

"...But I know that in every great establishment, there's always a Judas. I'm warning in advance, as well as preaching togetherness." Treasure relaxed on her seat.

"I'm glad to have been chosen as my father's successor, and its my priority to live up to expectations." She said.

"I won't fail any of you on that..." she said

"...and I in turn won't tolerate failures from you." She said Thank you for your presence here, and thanks in advance for your great contributions towards the success of JGM internationals, thank you." She ended, but everyone kept mute. They didn't expect such fluency and domineering composure from such a young girl. The whole room was quiet for what felt like forever, before Mr Jackson started an applause. The others joined in, and soon the room began to echo with their applause.

  After the meeting, Treasure was shown her office. It was a magnificent room with really expensive interior decorations. On the wall behind the seat of the CEO, was the map of the world with red points on it, showing the countries where the other seven branches of JGM was located. Just beside it, a big frame of lord Marcus hung, and next to it, so many frame awards hung too. Treasure counted them and they totalled forty eight. She looked at the glass ones sitting on the table, reflecting the light from the windows on her and a smile curled up her face.

"Dad, indeed put all of his time and effort into this company." She said to herself. All of his stationeries were customized, with the initials of JGM written on them. There was a gold stamp on the table, and a pile of files beside it. On the table between two couches, stood a coffee maker, and behind one of the couches, stood a small wine bar. At a far corner of the room, stood a refrigerator, and on it, another award of recognition stood. Treasure looked up at the ceilings, and a glittering chandelier hung from it. The ticking of an expensive gold clock on the wall caught Treasure's attention. She read the time and smiling, she walked to the huge glass windows. She pulled up the window blinds and a lovely view of the road filled with cars and busy people met her eyes. The premises was indeed a large and beautiful one, and Treasure appreciated the smell of fresh air that warmed her nose from the chilling of cold air from the AC fitted office. She was still staring outside when Mr Donald came in after gentle tap on the door.

"it is you Mr Donald." Treasure said walking away from the window. Mr Donald smiled, and with a slight bow, he said.

"Ma'am, I hope you like your office decorations?" He asked

"I can have them changed if you don't." He said. Treasure smiled.

"I love this office the way it is." Treasure replied. As she walked into the closet, she said

"All these are male tuxedo suits, and its obvious I won't be needing them. I want them sent out for charity." She said.

"what do we restock them with?" Mr Donald asked

"Leave that to me, its my office now isn't it?" She asked and Mr Donald nodded. He turned to leave but suddenly remembered something.

"Miss Marcus, you're to hold a meeting with all the staff here, so that they can all get to know their new CEO." Treasure smiled.

"Alright." She replied

     Meanwhile, Jake was just watching the morning news when Treasure's position as the new CEO popped up.

"Your childhood friend, whose painting is the interior decorations of our house is the new CEO of JGM?" Mrs Jackson asked in shock"

"Wow! Wow Treasure...wow!" He exclaimed"

"Does this mean Treasure was lying about her inheritance?" He asked himself.

"Did you say something?" Mrs Jackson asked, but Jake shook his head. Quickly, Jake called his dad

"Is this true dad?" He asked

"Treasure is the new CEO of JGM?" He asked.

Mr Jackson laughed pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"A new CEO emerges, JGM has been handed to a woman" he replied.

"She's not just any woman, dad" Jake said

"She's Treasure Elaine Marcus, a woman of steel." Jake replied still lost staring at the Tv screen.

"Your mom told me Peter asked you to represent him in the shareholders meeting tomorrow at Rendezvous." Mr Jackson spoke as Jake turned off the Tv.

"Yes dad, I will be coming to Coventry tomorrow" Jake replied

"My brother trusts you so much, better do well not to fail him" Mr Jackson spoke.

"Yes dad." Jake replied, and staring at the table clock, he said.

"Its getting late, I have to get back to go" Jake said

"Ok then, take care of yourself" Mr Jackson replied before hanging up the call.

"Yes dad, you too, see you soon" Jake replied.

"I'm coming to you Treasure" he spoke to himself as soon as he hung up the call.