
Family Chain

Treasure Elaine Marcus' life spun around when she was chosen as the heiress of the Marcus' fortune. Her ardent and devoted dream of being a ballerina is brought to an abrupt halt. As she steps into this new life of a rich business mogul, she realizes she would not only be faced with the tremor and pressure of being the CEO of a company at a young age, but also with the desire to stay alive in the midst of her blood thirsty and money grubbing step siblings. She suffers emotional traumas being loved by many men, some for her wealth, others for her looks. Trying to live through the betrayal of her friends, Treasure is even more shocked when she finds out the person behind her father's murder

Elettariahelix · Urban
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23 Chs

I'm Sorry

It took Treasure three whole days to get Ingrid's cell phone number from Mrs Smith. Percy was reluctant to call, but after much persuasions from Treasure, he informed Ingrid of the date. Ingrid couldn't stop blushing. She didn't even care that Treasure was also invited, she felt on top of the world being asked out on a date by the guy she had a crush on. After a long wait, it was finally Saturday, and Ingrid took out her time to get dressed. Percy was nervous, but Treasure was indifferent about it. The trio arrived almost at the same time, and after they made themselves comfy, they each ordered their favourite dishes.

"I'm really happy that you agreed to hang out with Percy and I tonight Ingrid, I promise it will be worthwhile" came Treasure, but Ingrid didn't say a word in reply.

"Hopefully, after today, we'd both become good friends" Treasure spoke again, but Ingrid replied in a rather harsh tone.

"I doubt that!" She said. Percy watched the both of them.

"I guess I'm the third wheel afterall" he muttered to himself After about thirty minutes of a boring conversation, Treasure wrote something in a note and slipped it into Ingrid's left hand under the table, then got up to visit the ladies. Ingrid opened the note and read what was written in it.

"I won't be back in a while, so this is your chance to make him notice you." Ingrid smiled. For the first time in her life, she was really grateful to someone.

"I can't believe this, Treasure's trying to get me hooked up. I really shouldn't have doubted her character..." She thought to herself

"What's keeping Treasure? I better go make sure she's ok" Percy spoke breaking into Ingrid's thoughts.

"Oh no! You can't go to the ladies, you're a guy...a boy actually... Any of the two, I really can't..." Percy's laughter drowned the rest of her sentence, and Ingrid blushed.

"Im sorry" she apologized,

"I didn't mean to sound hilarious" Ingrid said.

"No...no, its ok." Percy replied, as he raised his glass up to his lips. Ingrid saw her opportunity, and spoke up

"You haven't changed a bit, you still have a good sense of humor, like good old days in middle school." Percy smiled.

"Really? Its a good thing, isn't it?"

"Of course, you make starting a conversation with you easy. I should thank you" Ingrid replied, but Percy couldn't stop smiling even when his cheeks were obviously hurting.

"You know, back then, I always thought you were the pompous type, so I was scared to approach you. But now that I have gotten the opportunity to sit with you one_on_ one, I will be more than glad to know more about you" Ingrid said.

"Wow! No one has paid me this much attention in a while, I feel like a celebrity right now" Percy replied caressing his hair, as they both burst out laughing. Percy was about saying something when he sighted Treasure.

"Oh no, she's back, how about we meet some other time to discuss this? I don't want to bore Treasure. We meet here, next Saturday, same time. Is it convenient for you?" He asked

"Yes it is" Ingrid replied bewildered, her crush had finally asked her out on a date.

As Treasure took her seat, she observed the both of them. Ingrid was looking even more cheerful than before, and Percy was more relaxed.

"Queue in the bathroom, unbelievable right?" She spoke since none of them took the initiative to ask her why she had taken so long. Percy and Ingrid laughed, and to Treasure's surprise, Ingrid held her hand.

"Thank you" Treasure read the words off Ingrid's lips and a brighter smile curled up her face. A smile of fulfilment and relief.

Like one of the famous fairytale movies, Percy and Ingrid became very close. He asked her out for their school promenade before the whole class. Ingrid had felt so good that she had began tearing uncontrollably. Treasure watched them in admiration, and when she had gotten tired of smiling, she got up and left the class. Treasure didn't even attend the party, she was satisfied with her result, and her performance in the school lacrosse team as well as her ballet dancing. She had received so many awards at the school's "Rose day," and that was enough to cheer her up.

Treasure was now in her eleventh year in CHS, and having won so many awards for the dance club, she was made the vice president, while Ancel, the president. Treasure had not seen this coming, but there was no turning back. She and Ancel had to work together to keep the club in progress, but Ancel took it as a golden opportunity to finally befriend Treasure. After one of their tiring ballet practices, Treasure was about leaving when he stopped her.

"Can I have a word with you" he said with a calm face. For the fact that he was the president, Treasure couldn't refuse. She sat on a seat, and crossing her legs, she said.

"I'm all ears."

Ancel sat beside her.

"its been years since we first met, but we haven't been able to resolve our differences. I was at fault, so I should say the sorry..." He paused, but when Treasure said nothing, he continued

"I'm sorry Treasure, I was rude to you over the phone, and um..."

"You were rude to your cousin" Treasure finished. Ancel lowered his gaze in shame, but Treasure continued.

"its ok, now that you have acknowledged your mistake, I guess we are cool now." She got up to leave, but he held her.

"Friends?" He asked, Treasure looked at him for a while, trying to consider his proposal.

"Yes, friends." She replied shaking him. Ancel smiled.

"Thanks, thanks a lot, see you around" he said and walked away.

"I hope this turns out right" Treasure muttered to herself.

Ingrid and Percy were officially dating. Everyone at school had already tagged them "lovebirds" and Treasure felt fulfilled. Back at home, Treasure had totally forgotten about Lady Minerva's offer to show her around the mansion. She had been so busy with her academic and social lives, that she didn't even notice she was being watched. Once, she had caught lady Sydney going through the books in her library, but she was not suspicious of anything. Although Sydney had been scared out of her wits when Treasure had walked in on her, Treasure didn't even notice her fear. She had become more and more occupied with her private life that she didn't even spend much time with any of the maidservants. She had even forgotten to give Mrs Smith a call, or even check up on her mom.

Meanwhile, back in Coventry, Mr Donald had been restored to full health, but his confessions on what had happened on the day of lord Marcus' murder had not in anyway helped the police officers in charge of the case. Mrs Daisy was already loosing her patience, but Barrister Malcolm saw it as his duty to keep her in check. Mr Donald had also taken over the company as the managing director, and according to plan, was making efforts to search for the so called heir. Elmer wasn't giving up either. He was determined to find the heir and get back what he claimed belonged to him.

It was Valentine's day again in CHS, and as usual, Treasure received so many gifts and cards from secret admirers. Ancel had sent a bouquet of flowers, but his card was plain with four simple words.

"To my friend, Treasure." She was happy it wasn't anything more than that, and had said a grateful thank you to him too. Even though they had become friends, she still didn't have the courage to ask him about Romane. He was graduating soon, but she was still unsure how to approach him with the question. They were both called to feature in a classical ballet movie, and after playing the role of Hannah and Jones, they became celebrities. Everywhere they went, they were recognized and tagged the king and queen of ballet dancing. Ancel seized the opportunity and asked Treasure out, but she refused with the excuse that she wasn't ready for a relationship. Ancel had felt sad, but Treasure didn't have to feel guilty for long, for Ancel had graduated, out of CHS, for good. " we will miss everyone, especially you Treasure, recruiting you into our dance club was one of the best decisions I have ever made." Amber had said to Treasure before she left on Rose day.

"Although you outshined me, but I'm no longer feeling jealous about it." Rachael said and Treasure giggled.

"You should have accepted Ancel, he was every girls dream, especially mine, but I guess you had your reasons, and I won't question that. Just make sure you finally date someone." She said again smiling, and Treasure nodded.

"Take care of our club, and hand it down to someone reasonable ok?" Ella said.

"See you out there" Rachael spoke again and they both left.

Meanwhile, Mrs Smith was growing impatient with lady Sydney.

"Its been three years...three years Sydney!" She said in a rage

"... you haven't given me any good news concerning the house deed! How much longer must I wait? You are indeed incompetent!" Mrs Smith scolded Sydney over the phone. "I'm sorry madam, I will try my very best, please be patient" Sydney replied, but Mrs Smith hung up the call in anger.

"Who was it?" Lady Antonia asked suspiciously, but lady Sydney walked out pretending she wasn't the one being spoken to. "I know you are hiding something, but I will find out what it is" Antonia said to herself. Treasure sat on her bed writting...

Dear Diary,

I'm so excited, three years of my life has passed quickly, and I'm gradually coming to the end of my highschool years in CHS. I have won so many awards, from ballet dancing, lacrosse and my school works generally, but I still miss all of my friends in Coventry, especially Lexi, and Romane. I miss Mrs Camilla Brunet too. Although Mrs Karen is nice and gentle, I still miss that French accent Mrs Brunet speaks with. I can't wait to see you all again.

Today, Ingrid, the girl I spoke about the other day, dropped a note in my locker. In it, she wrote something about a house deed, and asked me to search for it in my house. She asked me not to tell anyone, but I really don't understand what she meant. Anyways, apart from the fact that I'm a little surprised she could warn me against danger, or advice me over care, I'm also very happy she no longer considers me a rival or an enemy. I miss hanging out with Percy, but he still calls me once in a while, but all the same, I think its time I took a tour around my house, maybe search for the so called house deed, its my house after all. I will write you some other time, till then,

Your Author,


When she had locked the diary in a safe beside her bed, she called the maid quarters immediately.

"Yes little mistress, what do you need?" Lady Antonia asked, and Treasure replied.

"I need someone to show me around the house, are you busy?"

"No miss, Minerva and I will be there in a minute" Treasure dropped the land phone and went down to the living room to wait for them. Like magic, Sydney came out of nowhere and began to massage Treasure's legs.

"What are you doing?" Treasure asked looking suspiciously at her.

"Well little mistress, I heard you want to take a tour around the house, I was wondering if I could be of help. I know almost every part of this mansion, I could show you around if you want." She replied.

Treasure looked her over and nodded her head. Sydney smiled and got up to her feet immediately.

"We should start now little mistress." She said, but Treasure replied,

"wait! Antonia and Minerva will join us in a bit." Treasure watched as Sydney's countenance fell, but she didn't care to ask why.

Treasure was taken to parts of the mansion she had never been to. As they walked, Treasure was told what each room was used for, and which belonged to whom. When they got to Mrs Daisy and lord Marcus' room, Treasure refused to go in.

"I will see it some other time, when I'm ready." She said, and Minerva took her to lord Marcus' study.

"Sir used to work from home in here" Minerva said.

"These were his computers, and his notebooks. This was his good luck pen..." Minerva said handing the pen to Treasure.

"it must be really expensive, but why should I keep it?" Treasure asked.

"No one knows when he or she would be in need of the tiniest of luck." Antonia replied. Treasure put the pen in her pocket and began to feed her eyes with everything in the study. She walked to a corner and pulled open the curtains.

"Wow...what's this?" Treasure asked no one in particular. She was staring at the painting of a well known cartoon character painted on the black wall.

"Spongebob? In dad's closet? Please tell me more about this dad of mine!" Treasure said laughing uncontrollably.

"Nobody ever told me he loved cartoons." She said again admiring the painting. Sydney however looked disappointed.

"This was the last room I needed to check for the house deed, but its empty, with the painting of this caricature smiling at me to make matters worse. What do I tell madam now?" She thought to herself.

"But how is it my fault? Maybe the house deed isn't here after all"

"is everything alright with you Sydney? You look disappointed" lady Antonia spoke smiling slyly. Everyone focused their attention on Sydney but surprisingly, she replied.

"am fine... disappointed? Why should I be? I only just remembered I haven't done the laundry, so I'd get going now" she turned to leave but Treasure spoke,

"you didn't mention anything about doing the laundry before, did you?" She asked. Sydney was taken aback.

"Um...no, but I..." She struggled with her words.

"Its ok, relax... I'm not going to bite you" Treasure said with a smile across her face.

"I have a job for you." She said as she sat in her father's chair. Sydney and the others exchanged glances but Treasure didn't mind.

"You told me you knew almost every part of this mansion, didn't you?" Treasure asked crossing her legs on the desk.

"Yes...I did" Sydney replied, and Treasure clapped her hands in excitement.

"Bravo!! That's a relieve, you and Antonia will search this house properly for my house deed." Sydney almost fell to the ground out of shock.

"Your...your house deed?" Sydney asked. Treasure got up to her feet .

"yes, my house deed." She replied

"I want it now, after all, this house is mine isn't it?" She asked no one in particular,

"so I've got the right to the house deed. don't you think so too Sydney?" Treasure with a smile.

"Um...ye..yes..." She replied.

"That's wonderful...so off you go you two, please work together, and yes, Sydney, you must be careful this time, I won't be lenient with you if you loose my house deed." Treasure said with a copy smile on her face.

"You know, I haven't forgotten about my stick note. you didn't apologize, but I won't ask you to." She said.

"I mean, its been three years already, its useless now." Turning to Antonia, she said.

"Antonia watch her closely, a house deed is a very important document, so you need to be careful." Treasure smiled and turned to the other maidservants.

"we should go see the garden, i'm a little curious about those roses." She said walking out of the study. Antonia observed Sydney's countenance.

"You look really sad, are you disappointed now?" She asked, but Sydney looked her over and walked out, while Antonia laughed after her.

"How did she find out about the deed?" Mrs Smith asked totally frightened.

"I don't know madam. I have been placed at a crossroad now. She has lady Antonia on my trail, so even if I find the deed, I can't give it to you. I think she's suspicious of me..."

"Who's suspicious of you?" Antonia asked walking in on Sydney.

"Oh no!" Sydney muttered to herself as she hung up the call.

"No...nobody is...what...what are you talking about?" She asked visibly shivering. Antonia smiled slyly and spoke with rather stern voice.

"Listen Sydney, I don't know what you are up to, but I'm certain its a bad thing. Whoever it is that you have been reporting matters to, I will find out." She drew nearer to Sydney and whispered,

"I have always known you as a cunning woman, but I had thought you'd change with time, but no, because just as a leopard cannot change its spots, you cannot change your character. I will have to tell the others about you. Heaven knows what you are planning, but I will not rest until I have exposed you." Sydney was mute, unsure of what to say. Antonia stared at the cell phone in her hand and longed to get hold of it, but she controlled herself and walked out, leaving Sydney alone in the room. Mrs Smith kept on calling, but Sydney was too scared to take the call.

"I wonder what's going on over there. That little girl is a pain in my butt. I wish I could just get rid of her" Mrs Smith muttered to herself. Ingrid tiptoed back to her room.

"Oh lord protect Treasure." She muttered to herself.

Mrs Daisy was so worried about Treasure that she called her to speak with her, but after their conversation, she still missed Treasure even more than before.

Mrs Daisy dropped her cell phone, as Sophia walked up to her with a cup of coffee.

"Thank you" Mrs Daisy said when she had taken a sip.

"Are you sure you want to continue working here Sophia?" She asked.

"My daughter has asked me to give you the sack to enable you spend quality time with your son, but you are refusing to leave and I don't understand why. I have already promised you a better job, with a fatter salary, and your son is in his second year in the university, he'd be in dire need of money now, but you won't listen" Daisy complained

"you have done more than enough for me and my son madam." Sophia replied.

"My salary here is already enough to take care of Enzo. I don't lack anything thanks to you. Please don't stop me from working here." She pleaded.

"Its ok... I was just worried about you...but since you are happy, its fine, you may leave now" Mrs Daisy replied. Sophia turned to leave but suddenly stopped.

"madam, is everything alright with little mistress?" She asked. Mrs Daisy replied almost immediately,

"yes dear, I just spoke to her over the phone, she's alright, but why do you ask?" Sophia lowered her gaze.

"well, I was just curious madam, its been three years and she's not home..."

"Don't worry about that, my Treasure will be fine, I'm not so sure, but I trust her to take absolute care of herself." Mrs Daisy dropped the cup of coffee and buried her face in her jewelry box, while Sophia left the room.

It was already two weeks, but Antonia and Sydney were unable to find the house deed.

"We couldn't find it little mistress, we searched the whole house, and I have been with her the whole time. We are very sorry, please forgive us" Antonia said while Sydney stood about herself.

"Its ok, you did your best. You may leave now, I'm really tired." Treasure replied.

Sydney on the other hand had reported to Mrs Smith concerning the house deeds.

"Its has to be somewhere. Since Treasure is in search if it, that means she doesn't have it either, but where could it be?" Mrs Smith asked herself.

"Did you say something mom?" Ingrid asked, but Mrs Smith forcing a smile, replied

"no dear..."

"are you going somewhere?" She asked as she allowed her eyes absolve every bit of her daughters outfit.

Ingrid adjusted her hair band

"yes mom, Percy and I want to see a movie." She replied. Mrs Smith looked her over, and with a stern voice, she said.

"you have your GED exams soon, you must perform excellently well or I'd personally send that boy to his grave!" She stormed out leaving Ingrid dumbstruck.

In Cherry's house, Curtis and Charles were still nosing around trying to find the heir. Cherry had tried to settle their differences, as well as make them work together, but all her efforts proved abortive. Devastated, she had given up on the both of them, and didn't even care that none of them took their education seriously. Curtis kept meeting with an invincible friend, and Charles skipped lectures at school on an alarming rate.

While Mr Donald and Barrister Malcolm struggled to find the heir, the detectives in charge of Lord Marcus' case went about looking for the slightest clue to unravel the mystery behind his death. Meanwhile, Treasure had written her final exams, and graduated from Clifton high school. She hadn't gotten any information about her middle school friends, Jake, Vanessa, Lexi and Romane, but she still moved on with her life. She was already making preparations to get her drivers' license and every other important document as well. Staring at the so many awards she had received from CHS, she said to herself.

"its time to chase that dream!" She had just gotten up to take a shower when Lady Pauline came in to tell her she had a visitor.

"This early? Ok, I will be there in five minutes" she replied putting on her bedroom shoes. After brushing her teeth, she threw her robe around her shoulders and left for the living room.

Getting to the living room, Treasure was taken aback. "Ingrid? Percy? Wow, what a pleasant surprise" she said as she sat on a seat, but still a bit shy she had to appear in a dressing gown before her highschool friends.

"Antonia! Please get us something sweet" Treasure ordered adjusting her night robes.

"So what do I owe this visit?" She asked smiling. Percy spoke first.

"well, Ingrid and I were just going for a walk, so we decided to drop by."

"Really?" Treasure asked looking at Ingrid.

"Is Percy speaking the truth?" She asked again. Ingrid smiled without a reply.

"I see... a walk? This early?" Treasure asked looking suspiciously at them. Percy chuckled while Ingrid laughed.

"Ok, the thing is, we wanted to tell you something" he said and looking at Ingrid, he nodded his head, and she spoke

"Treasure, I'm inviting you for a party in my house next week, its going to take all night, but I promise, it will be fun." Treasure was lost in thoughts.

"wow, I'm surprised, and excited too, but then, I apologize, but I can't make it.

"why?!" Percy and Ingrid asked simultaneously.

"You see, I just enrolled into Bristol school of dance, and I've got classes next week. I will be too occupied with some other activities as well, so I won't be able to make it. I'm really sorry..." Treasure apologized.

"It's ok Treasure, would have loved it if you could make it, but, it can't be helped. Ingrid said looking a bit disappointed, but Treasure, knew there was nothing she could do.

"sooner or later you'd be taking your RAD exams right?" Percy spoke trying to liven the mood Treasure nodded.

"I'd return to Coventry after that" Percy forced a smile.

"We'd miss you" he said. Treasure laughed saying,

"yes, me too" Treasure replied. They discussed for a while, and when they finally left, Treasure took her bath, and prepared a list of her balle uniforms to be bought. She wrote down her timetable, and pasted it on the wall in her closet.

"Its time to face my life!" She said with a broad smile on her face

"vocational ballet training, sounds nice" Treasure said to herself staring up at the timetable, but she knew nothing of what the future held for her.