
Family Chain

Treasure Elaine Marcus' life spun around when she was chosen as the heiress of the Marcus' fortune. Her ardent and devoted dream of being a ballerina is brought to an abrupt halt. As she steps into this new life of a rich business mogul, she realizes she would not only be faced with the tremor and pressure of being the CEO of a company at a young age, but also with the desire to stay alive in the midst of her blood thirsty and money grubbing step siblings. She suffers emotional traumas being loved by many men, some for her wealth, others for her looks. Trying to live through the betrayal of her friends, Treasure is even more shocked when she finds out the person behind her father's murder

Elettariahelix · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

"it's you I'm in love with"

With Treasure gone, Jake began to feel a bit uncomfortable

"I need to meet her in private and explain myself" he thought

"Excuse me" he said as he stood up to leave

"Are you alright?" Vanessa asked as she held on to him, but Jake mumbled a reply. He walked towards the convenience and waited for Treasure in front of it. He didn't wait for long before she came out looking more beautiful than ever. She seemed to have re-applied her make overs, but Jake couldn't stop staring at the little scar on her forehead that she had sustained from the accident. She was surprised to see Jake, but she walked on like he was some stranger.

"Treasure..." He said as he held her.

"What is it?" She replied coldly making Jake more nervous than he had been when he first kissed her.

"H...how have you been?" He asked, but Treasure said nothing

"W...when you were admitted at the hospital, I wanted to stay back to take care of you, but there were urgent matters at the company that needed my immediate attention. I'm really sorry, I... I didn't mean to leave your side at such a time, please forgive me." he said.

"I...I tried to reach out to you, I... I called so many times but it just wouldn't go through, I finally gave up on calling, but I had plans to visit you before your invitation" he said as he caressed her palms, but Treasure withdrew them.

"Enough..." She said

"You better leave first, before this turns into a big misunderstanding" Jake stared in  confusion.

"What do you mean?"he asked blocking Treasure's path

"Seriously?" Treasure said in disbelief

"Are feigning ignorance?" She asked with a frown

"Why would I? I don't understand you Treasure " he replied

"You read my letter right?" He asked but Treasure scoffed

"Yes, I did, so...?" She said. Jake saw the indifference in her eyes, but was determined not to give up.

"I...I understand how you feel Treasure, I know you're still mad at me about that night, but I swear, I meant my every word in that letter, I really do love..."

"... Vanessa right?" Treasure asked interrupting Jake

"What?? No, of course not, Nessa and I are just friends" he said, but Treasure was red with anger.

"Just friends you say?" She asked fuming

"Just friends?! but you spent the night at her house all wasted that you couldn't even get up to meet me." she voiced out. Jake became even more confused.

"What in the heavens are you talking about? Why..." He suddenly kept mute lost in thoughts.

"No...no way...is Vanessa hiding something from me?" He asked himself, but Treasure stared at him in disgust.

"Tre... Treasure I don't know why I can't recollect any of this, but I..."

"What's going on here?" Vanessa asked as she walked in on them.

"Treasure are you alright?" She asked reaching out to touch Treasure's cheeks, but Jake caught her hand in time

"Tell me Vanessa, what is this I hear?" He asked

"Did Treasure visit New York city in my absence? Tell me what's going on?" Vanessa was visibly shivering. She didn't expect her plans to come to a total failure within a short period of time and in the most embarrassing manner too.

"I....no, I mean yeah, she did but I..." She struggled for words

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Jake asked furiously. Treasure stood transfixed watching the drama before her


"You were so drunk how could you have known?" Treasure asked innocently.

"Drunk?" Jake asked in confusion but turned to face Vanessa

"I need a detailed explanation right now!" He said sternly.

"Fine!" Vanessa yelled in frustration

"Treasure did visit but I didn't tell you anything about it. She told me she wanted to give you a surprise, so I told her we could meet up at my house, but..." She paused

"Go on!!" Jake yelled

"I made her believe you were wasted and slept at my house, but in reality..."

"...he wasn't there?" Treasure asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he wasn't with me at that time, he wasn't drunk and wasn't really in my room." She said without any feeling of guilt or remorse. Treasure couldn't take it in.

"You...you were half naked ...those marks... I...I mean..."

"Yes, I faked them so you will believe Jake and I had a thing" she replied, and Treasure's eyes widened in shock.

"S...so y...you both aren't in a relationship? Y...you both aren't dating?" She asked, but Vanessa said nothing. Jake lowered his head in disappointment.

"H...how could you Vanessa?" Treasure asked in anger

"W...why did you do this?" She asked again, but Vanessa got mad.

"Why?!" She exclaimed.

"I will tell you why right now" she said as she stood before Treasure.

"It's because you always meddle in my business and take away what's rightfully mine. Right from pre school, it has always been the same! I've always liked Jake, I had him all to myself but everything changed right from the day he set his eyes on you again. Why Treasure?" She asked

"Why did you have to come back into our lives? Huh?" She yelled  holding Treasure by the arm, and boring her nails into Treasure's skin. Treasure winced, trying to get away from her but Vanessa held on to her.

"Let go off me Vanessa." Treasure yelled, but she won't budge.

"Why can't you stay away from us? I'm tired of this pretence. I'm tired of forcing my aftection towards you!" She said

"You know, I wished you died in that accident, maybe then I might have been able to have peace of mind."

"Vanessa!!!" Jake yelled pulling her away from Treasure and slapping her full in the face.

"Jake no!" Treasure said but Jake didn't listen.

"Don't you dare say that again or I might do something really nasty right here." He said sternly.

"How dare you Jake?" Vanessa cried.

"h...how dare you raise your hand at me?!" You know how much I care about you, but each time I try to make my feelings known to you, you always play ignorant! You only care about Treasure! For nine good years, you only spoke of her, how glad you'd be if you saw her again, if she had grown up to be a woman with a different personality and mindset towards life...

You never really cared how I felt, you didn't ask me what I wanted, all you ever dreamt about was Treasure, just Treasure! You ruined so many painting classes for me, you gave the excuse that Treasure's portrait was the only picture in your mind each time you touched your painting brush. I took them all in, but not anymore. All you ever talk about is Treasure! What about me?" She yelled as she made to grab Treasure, but Jake held her.

"Don't push me vanessa, I'm warning you!" He said, but Vanessa lurched forward. She made to slap Treasure, but Ancel caught her hand just in time.

"No one touches my woman." He said. Both Treasure and Jake stood dumbstruck.

"Get out of my way you punk!" Vanessa yelled but Ancel wouldn't budge.

"I...I  should leave, before I cause anymore trouble here." Treasure said and walked away, while Jake went after her.

He met her at the packing lot, in the midst of her bodyguards. The car door was already opened for her, but as she made for it, Jake called out to her


"Treasure please don't leave!" He said trying to hold her, but the guards came in between.

"d...don't do this Treasure, please don't leave" he begged

"I...it's....it's  you I love, please, don't leave." He cried, but Treasure got into the car and zoomed off. Jake felt weak in the knees. He buried his head in his palms in frustration.

"Are you alright Jake?" Romane asked walking in with Nigel.

"No...Jake replied trying to hold his tears in, but he failed. As he cried, Nigel hugged him patting him many times at his back.

"I'm sorry man." Nigel said, trying to console Jake, but Romane stood about herself still trying to understand the situation at hand.

Treasure got home really exhausted, but she couldn't fall asleep. The thought of Vanessa kept running through her mind.

"I can't believe she tried to separate Jake and I" she thought to herself.

"why didn't she tell me?" Treasure asked herself as she sobbed

"I would have let her have him. Why did she have to do all that?" She cried.

"Has Jake really been thinking about me all these years? How long did Vanessa put up with this act? Does she really hate me this much? She asked herself.

"Oh gosh, what am I thinking?" She said. Her phone rang, distracting her from her thoughts, and looking at the caller, she sighed.

"Ancel... I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone." She said.

"I understand." Ancel replied,

"but I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow" he said again.

"I'm hooked!" Treasure said.

"You can't keep avoiding me Treasure, how long do you think you can run for?" He asked

"Please Treasure, I just want to meet you, I promise, I won't do anything funny" he said

"I'm sorry, but I've got loads of work at the office" Treasure replied and hung up almost immediately

Jake on the other hand wasn't himself anymore. He was even more confused than ever.

"What do I do?" Should I give her a call?" He asked himself

"no, probably not." He said

"I don't have much time to spend here in Coventry, how in the heavens am I supposed to resolve these differences?" He spoke worriedly. As he took off his shirt to take a shower, the doorbell rang.

"Room service sir!" The hotel attendant yelled from the door.

"Get me a cup of latte." Jake said.

"Anything else sir?" The attendant asked him but he was lost recalling those loving moments with Treasure when he first kissed her. It had been such a perfect time to confess his feelings to her but things had gone south out of the blues

"S...sir?" The attendant said jerking Jake back to reality

"Umm...no...that's all for now" he replied

"Yessir." The attendant replied.

"No, I need to see Treasure." He said to himself,

"I just can't deal with this"he complained.

"Good morning madam, you have a meeting at 9:15 am today and..."

"Why are you giving me this information?" Treasure asked her secretary. "Where's my PA?" She asked again.

"Umm madam, he...he just completed his standard training for corporate assistant, he will be on the next flight from Germany to Coventry" she said

"...and Rodney?" Treasure asked

"Has he reported to work?" She asked again.

"Yes ma'am, he is right outside your door" the secretary replied

"Reschedule this meeting to a later time, I will be having a quick class with Mr Donald." Treasure said

"Yes ma'am" the secretary replied and made for the door, but Treasure called her

"Bernice, show Mr Rodney in will you?" She said

"Yes ma'am," the secretary replied

"It's been a while Treasure said immediately Rodney stepped in.

"Your father has taught me a lot about the company since I became the CEO of JGM, but I will be traveling abroad for more studies. I won't be back until six months, so I need someone who can run the affairs of JGM untill I return. I believe you've suffered enough for your actions, so I'm giving you this big responsibility, I hope you don't fail me" she said, but Rodney stood dumbstruck.

"B...but I...I caused the company such...." He struggled with his words but Treasure interrupted him

"I know, but I believe you've learnt your lesson. This is a form of punishment anyway, I will be needing a detailed report daily while I'm away, so you better not try anything funny" she said

"Welcome back to JGM" she said again with a coy smile on her face

"This is a trap, I know that for sure, Treasure has become even more vigilant than father had expected. She cannot be underestimated. What card is she playing now " Rodney thought to himself as he shook her hands.