
The Adoption

Feb 14th 1999,

They say every year on 14 February people celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends. The day I was born I knew I was different from other children. I'm 16yrs old, been adopted many times trying my best to be accepted by families yet I keep coming back because I'm different. Why does it have to be me? why can't I be normal like every other kid out there and have fun with a family or a place I could finally call home? So many years have passed, watching kids get adopted to nice families and never coming back. Why me? I burst into tears, hating myself for being different. I hear one of the workers talking to a lady at the front counter. I wonder if they are looking to adopt me? I laughed sarcastically, why would someone want me. I walked to the door nearest to the counter and hid in the shadows so no one could see me.

There was a cold chill down the workers spine as she sat near the counter filling out the adoption forms. She took one glimpse at the beautiful lady dressed in rich clothes that even the worker couldn't even pay with her monthly wage. The worker was almost finished and she looked into the lady's eyes to ask what her name was. But something was unusual the workers eyes grew large and she couldn't help but stare. My name is Anasia Parks and I would love to adopt a girl. The once mysterious lady turned into a powerful lady. The worker at the front desk noded as if she was being controlled, she stood up and was about to walk to the back area when she saw me. The worker told me to come forth as i was going to be adopted. I came back with the worker. My skin was as white like snow, lips as red as blood, hair as dark as night and eyes as beautiful as the stars. Ms Parks asked why such a beautiful girl was left behind? The worker replied 'this child has been adopted many times for her beauty yet she keeps coming back because the parents had been dealing with supernatural things that keep happening to them ever since they adopted the girl.' I bet the lady was scared after hearing the story. I looked at the lady again and she smiled. She looked like a nice lady looking to adopt a child. She didn't look terrified at all. I was shocked but very confused. I told her Why would you want me? I'm different. She replied 'child everyone is different in this world, don't be afraid of being different be afraid of being the same as everyone else. Being different isn't a bad thing it means your brave enough to be yourself.' I stood there speechless, I didn't want her to see me cry, I finally found someone who understands who I am. 'Ms Parker I'm glad you came' I replied. She looked at me again with a smile on her face. I was finally going to be adopted after so many years of adoption. The worker finished the adoption papers and Ms Parker and I were off.