

The next morning I woke up late, and it seems that Adam didn't bother to wake me up either.

I just decided to skip school. Since it's Friday, I'll have the weekend to convince myself that I have to go back to school . After that humiliation in the cafeteria, I had alot of convincing to do.

I did my morning routine and went downstairs. Adam was in the study; his laptop was opened in front of him and was furiously typing.

"Good morning, Adam. " I hugged him .

"Feeling better?"

"Mhm, much better."

"Want me to heat up some food from last night?"

"I'm not really hungry..." I trailed off at his stern look. "Fine. " I gave in.

He grinned, took off his reading glasses and headed for the kitchen.

He watched me like a hawk and made sure I ate everything he heated up for me. It feels nice to know that someone cares so much, but I really needed to loose weight .

"There, I'm done."

"So, I was thinking ..." He started saying.

"No, don't do that! You'll hurt yourself!" I cried.

He playfully glared at me. "Smartass." He started tickling me. We both fell into a laughing fit. "Because of you I forgot what I was going to say." He accused.

I laughed and mumbled a faint 'sorry'.



"I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday. I was just so angry at myself. I'm supposed to look after you, protect you, and I can't even stop our own brothers from bullying you."

"Adam, please don't blame yourself. I couldn't have asked for a better big brother."

He smiled fondly at me. "I remember what I was going to say. Why don't we go out for the day? Have a small brother sister bonding day. Just you and me."

"Really?" I already felt giddy with excitement. We used to do these all the time when I was little. "Where?"

"It's a surprise." He booped my nose. "Go get ready."

A little after I got ready, the door bell rung and Adam yelled that it was for me. I was surprised . I don't have any friends .

By the door stood Drew. I pushed up ny glasses and walked over to him.


"Hi, Lia. How are you?"


"I can't believe your brothers would do something like that." His voice held disgust. "You're they're little sister! They're suppose to protect you not hurt you !" He exclaimed.

You don't know the half of it, buddy.

"You know we haven't had the b-best relation ship." I said quietly .

Drew knew about the bullying but not all of it. He often stood up for me, that's why my brothers wouldn't do much when he was around .

"A-are you staying?"

"No, I have to get back to school. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." His cheeks got a little red at his confession.

I smiled. "Well, thanks for stopping bye."

He turned to leave but ended up walking into the door. His cheeks flared in embarrassment. He looked at me and chuckled, clearly embarrassed.

"When did the door get there?" He stopped . "That didn't make sense . Bye, Lia. " he waved and walked swiftly away.

He's acting weird.

I turned around and squeaked in surprise. Adam was behind me .

"How long were you standing their?"

"Long enough to hear your boyfriend make a fool out of himself ."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Whatever you say."

Adam and I went out and had a nice little picnic. We went strolling around the park and I forgot all about my problems.

I took alot of pictures. This was the first time in a while I really enjoyed myself. The first time when I wasn't worried about my weight or what I ate.

When the day was done, we went home, and I went straight to bed .

Laying in bed, evil negative thoughts plagued my mind . I was overwhelmed with guilt . I ate so much today. I wonder if there was a way to get rid of the extra calories faster.

Grabbing my phone, I browsed the internet. After a while I found something.


It looks like Bulimia is an eating disorder where a person would force themselves to throw up after binge eating.

I skipped the parts of it being bad for the body and the serious health complications it could lead to; my eyes were locked on the images of the skinny girls. To someone else they would probably look sick; some of the girls and even boys had bones sticking out at odd angles, but to me they looked gorgeous. That's what I want to look like. Then I'll finally be beautiful, and maybe my brothers would accept me.

If I force myself to bring up all the food that I've eaten then it won't digest and I wont gain the calories. Right? Is that how this works?

I went to the bathroom, determined to do this. I grimaced at the thought of using my fingers. I just decided to get it over with.

I stuck my fingers down my throat as far as they could go and before I knew it I had my head over the toilet, puking out everything I had eaten.

My stomach was in an uproar afterwards. Maybe I shouldn't do this. If I feel this bad then it's bad for me . Maybe I'm not even that fat. Adam said I'm beautiful, so maybe I am.

I shakily walked to my full body mirror. I stood there, staring at myself. Who am I kidding? I'm hideous I didn't even realized that I was crying.

"I hate you." I cried to my horrible reflection. "I hate you so much."