
Famillia in Harry Potter

A normal Teenager got Transmigrated to the Wizarding World. Read on how he can survive and win against he's families enemy and also the expectation's of all the people under him and his family, can he succesfully survive against everything the Magical World can offer? Well there i tried making a Good Sypnosis, i know it's still trash so why the hell not just read the novel *Wink *Wink Note that English is not my Main language and that im still a student so dont expect daily update's but i'll still try on updating 2 chapter's per day. ฅ'ω'ฅ There will be some mistake's and spelling or even the grammar just comment and the mistake and i'll fix it asap. Thank You^ω^

Xinne · Book&Literature
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15 Chs


I just passed through the floo with my knight's and not gonna lie i miss my surrounding, The Verde Manor really has a place in my heart or is it because it's my home.

When i looked around i can see my Grandpa their standing imposing as ever but their's a litte smile on his face today when he saw me.

I ran to Grandpa and hugged him thightly, im not really person who show's many emotion especially to other people, but i dont know it's like my body just move on my own.

"So, how's your stay in the Delacour's?". Grandpa asked me while patting my head." It was great they were really nice they even treated me like a son to them". I said to grandpa having a happy smile thinking about them.

"I'm glad that they treated you well or their would have been severe consequence's on their part". Grandpa mumbled he didnt know i heard him but i still smiled, so this parental love this is the first im experiencing this.

"So now my dear Grandson of mine your father and mother are still in their respective campain's there still not finish but dont worry because the one's they are fighting now are just the one's who have escaped." Grandpa said to me because he think's i may find them later but realize that their still not here.

"How about Uncle?", I asked Grandpa we are already walking in the big hallway's of the Manor."Well you know about him too obssesed with potion's and alchemy, he's in the potion's room experementing on some new type of potion, you can visit him later so have you eaten already?". Grandpa explained to me, now i'm curious on what he is experementing about maybe im gonna visit him later, I just agreed on Grandpa offer to eat im hungry i still didnt eat breakfast because we were in a hurry to leave.

We finish eating breakfast then i decided to ask Grandpa in lesson's about magic, There are so many people in the Magical World who are trying to harm us, Me as the only direct grandson of the person who is proclaimed by the people in magical europe as the stronges magician in Europe.

I should learn some battle magic so that i will not tarnish our family name and my Grandpa's reputation. He agreed with me but first he said to me that he is giving his gift to me.

I asked him on what gift is he giving me, he said that it's something related to my eye's, I asked him why my eye's, He explained to me that my eye's is the eye's of the Patriach of the Verde family.

"He was the first battle magician who is Merlin supposed foe who he 'heroically vanquish' and he's also the creator of the most deadly curse in Europe Avada Kedavra,

He's eye's was special Grandpa said,his eye's can see the truth of people's emotion and you can see animals, being's that are not visible to the normal eye."

It also boost your magical ability, because you know about the core about us magical people right? When you turn 11 it's your first magical maturity but with this eye you will have an extra core in your eye's than the rest of the magical community which only has one, Even me has only one but look on how powerfull i am.

"Then why is the first Patriarch of our Family was not known like Merlin is?". I asked Grandpa, Merlin is revered in the whole world.

"It's because Merlin killed our Ancestor, I dont know about everything but it said in our historical document's that Merlin killed our Ancestor when he was just turning 30 and he's magical abilities are nowhere near Merlim.

But he was a genius he created many spells on scripture's but when he died many people stole the scripture's and made it their own, This is stolen valor of our family". Grandpa said while seething in anger.

"Only the Avada Kedavra was named to our Ancestor because that was one of the reason that Merlin killed him, He made the reason that our Ancestor is a dark magician like Morgana herself.

"Because many dark wizard's of that time use Avada Kedavra as a mean's of killing, he killed our Ancestor because of the reason that he is inderictly the cause of thousand's of death's of people the world."

"But if our Ancestor was not too young he would have killed Merlin and who know's maybe we now ruled the World or part of it should i say the least, It say's here that the fight almost lasted an hour but nevertheleast our ancestor lost and was killed by Merlin."Grandpa talled me the story of our Ancestor the first and said to be the Greated of the Verde's.

"What was his name Grandpa?" I asked Grandpa with an astonish mixed with worship look on my face. He chuckled and said with a loud voice

"CHRISTIAN ALESSANDRO VERDE" That was his name and yes we named you Christian because you have the same eye's as him, We also hoop that you have similar achievement's like him or even surpass his achievement's.

"Then you want to know what your eye's are called?" Grandpa asked me which i just nodded he laugh like a madman at first then said.....



Author-San here im too sleepyyyu and i still didnt proof read it so it will have some mistake, kindly comment it so that i can changed or. improved it.