
Familiars and Sorcery

The story of Chu Mo, the protagonist who has been betrayed by his Spirit Beasts since childhood, growing up in an otherworldly continent where he fights by summoning Spirit Beasts。

Hamady · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 7: Creatures Beyond the Ninth Order

"Squeak ~~~~"

Chu Mo's body was short, and with the tenacity of the branch, he leapt up and lunged towards the low flying Bluebird, and his machete slashed!

It's close!

Chu Mo's judgment was spot on, and the slash landed exactly where Bluebird was flying!

"RAVING!!!" Bluebird let out a shrill cry, and just as Chu Mo's sword slashed at it, Bluebird's wings flapped and its speed suddenly increased!

Chu Mo only saw the cyan figure sliding past in front of him, and his strenuous slash only slashed at Bluebird's tail, sweeping off a cyan feather!

"Extreme Shadow, this Bluebird is so sick!" Chu Mo's face changed, not expecting this Bluebird to have learned the instant speed-up skill of Extreme Shadow!

After a slash fell short, Chu Mo fell directly from a height of nearly ten meters, but fortunately, the bottom is a soft grass mat, Chu Mo landed a roll, it will ease the impact.

Raising his head, Chu Mo took a regretful look at the Bluebird.

Generally speaking, Bluebird can only master the difficult flying technique of Extreme Shadow when it reaches the sixth level.

The feathered crown of this Bluebird in front of us clearly indicates that he is only of the fourth rank, yet he is able to perform the skills of the sixth rank, indicating that this is a Bluebird with very high qualifications!

High level, high qualification, this is simply the very perfect battle Spirit Beasts, if you can capture, can definitely defeat the rest of the island!

"Raving !!!!!!"

Suddenly, Bluebird let out a chirp, and the cyan figure swooped down from the sky in a magnificent swoop!

"Shit!" Chu Mo snapped, realizing he'd pissed off Bluebird, grabbed his machete and ran as fast as he could into the thicker brush!

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo !!!!!" A fierce gale pounded at Chu Mo's back, Chu Mo felt like he was having some difficulty breathing, and those gravel heads on the grass were splashing around.

"The whirlwind ... God!" Chu Mo looked back, he found a three meter high spiral turbid air flow swept towards himself, grass and short trees were all pulled up, whipping around Chu Mo!

Three meters high whirlwind, enough to throw a hundred kilograms of objects to a height of five or six meters, falling words, either dead or injured!

The airflow around him became as sharp as a blade, and the whirlwind was only ten meters away from Chu Mo, who already felt a sucking force pulling him into the whirlwind!

"Un ~~~~~~~"

Suddenly, a bull-like cry rang out in the forest, followed by the appearance of a heavily armored creature between Chu Mo and the hurricane!

The whirlwind swept past the heavily armored creature's location, rolling the heavily armored Spirit Beasts up slightly by a few centimeters.

The Spirit Beasts is huge, the whirlwind did not cause much impact on it, just kept dazzling around him.

The heavily armored creature spun around for a few weeks and finally slowly landed on the ground. And the whirlwind, after being hindered by such a weighty force, also slowly dissipated at last.

"Ny Rhino Beasts, what a timely appearance too!" Chu Mo took a look at the Spirit Beasts, which resembled a rhinoceros but had thick armor, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Nirvana beast is absolute strength and defense type Spirit Beasts, the level is high, and from the appearance characteristics of this Nirvana beast in front of you, this Nirvana beast is definitely has reached the eighth rank or more.

"Un !!!!!!"

Apparently angered by Bluebird's misfire, the Nhinoceros opened its mouth and spewed a sonic boom directly towards Bluebird!

The sonic boom bursts at Bluebird's left wing position, knocking Bluebird straight over!

"Poof ~~~~~~" Bluebird landed on a tree canopy and shook his head.

Bluebird seems to realize the power of the Ny Rhino beast, also dare not approach, a vicious look at Chu Mo, under the last resort, flapped his wings and flew away.

"The higher Spirit Beasts are really not that easy to capture." Looking at the departing Bluebird, Chu Mo also shook his head helplessly, rushing to a few regrets.


After the whirlwind, the small forest also looked a bit messy, and Chu Mo was worried that he would still be targeted by the angry Bluebird and had to start looking for a new trap site.

Fortunately, this journey is also relatively safe, Chu Mo also did not encounter any ferocious Spirit Beasts, smoothly looking for a new hiding and trapping place, Chu Mo began another round of waiting.


"Those guys should be starting to upgrade their Spirit Beasts already ..." Chu Mo couldn't help but start talking to himself. To get good Spirit Beasts, Chu Mo must also have this guts and patience.

A day of waiting and nothing to gain, Chu Mo leaned on a tree branch, gazing at the slanting bright moon, the look also darkened a few, subconsciously touched his heart.

The devil inside the body is always there, which makes Chu Mo feel that every moment he breathes, is a bit depressing. Moreover, Chu Mo has a vague feeling that this devil is about to enter the third stage of strength, then he is one step closer to death.

"And I don't know how long I'll live ..." muttered Chu Mo after that, also closed his eyes and took a nap.

Chu Mo, who slept on the trunk of the tree, was always covered by a layer of gloom, like a ghost lying on top of his head, making his whole person look more silent and helpless ...


It was another three days of continuous waiting.

The moment I woke up early in the morning and opened my eyes, Chu Mo was stunned, and my hazel eyes were wide open!


Heart "pounding"!

Faced with the creature that was at least two meters tall and four meters long and beyond the ninth rank, Chu Mo's breathing stopped!

G lizard monster: demon beast world - beast system - lizard tribe.

The lizards are the Spirit Beasts, a higher race of lizards than the previous medium Man lizards, and have fire attributes and fire skills, and the flames coming out of their mouths are enough to burn the wolves of the Deacons directly!

In addition, the body defense of the lizard monster is also very good, his outer layer covered with horny armor, this thick layer of horny armor, I'm afraid that is to let ten wolves in that tear an hour, there will be no damage!

This kind of Spirit Beasts, Chu Mo even think about a heart, after all, this grasshopper monster not only race level beyond the higher, even the strength stage, also beyond the ninth order!

The huge body crawled through the Chu Mo genus, not caring at all about Chu Mo's trap, not to mention the bait Chu Mo put in, so leisurely but imposingly walked through the tree.

A hot, hot breath came over Chu Mo, already drenched in sweat, but still not daring to make any move!

The lizard monster paused for a moment, and then continued to stride forward.

And after seeing the lizard monster leave, Chu Mo is also greatly relieved, gaze at this body size close to four meters Spirit Beasts, Chu Mo is also secretly envious, if it can be captured, they can not only defeat all competitors, and even escape from those guys ...

It's just a shame that it's so hard to achieve ...

"Soso ~~~~~"

Just as he was sighing, suddenly, Chu Mo heard some slight rattling.
