
Familiars and Sorcery

The story of Chu Mo, the protagonist who has been betrayed by his Spirit Beasts since childhood, growing up in an otherworldly continent where he fights by summoning Spirit Beasts。

Hamady · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 14 New Battle Skill, Rip Claw

At night, Chu Mo then opened the Book of 100 Herbs to see how to play the effect of the dark blue healing grass.

Centipede in the race level is obviously higher than Moonlight Fox, and Centipede is very aggressive, the small Mo Xie innate conditions are not as good as that guy, has not too dominant.

So, Chu Mo must let the little Mo Xie strength in these two days to improve quickly, so, Chu Mo also had to stay up late to learn the way to refine this potion.

The way to make Healing Grass is not too difficult, just soak it in water, pull off the stems and leaves, chew it up, and then use your soul power so that it can be fused into Spirit Beasts' bodies.

Healing grass is a medicine with two characteristics, the first is naturally self-healing wounds, the second is to strengthen the claw area of Spirit Beasts, to be able to get three dark blue healing grass, Chu Mo is indeed very lucky, after all, the price of this healing grass in the market are about a gold coin.

And one gold coin would be enough to buy a medium Spirit Beasts.

The next day Chu Mo then did not let little Mo Xie practice, but made his own potion and carefully applied it to those wounds of little Mo Xie's paw.

"Ooo ~~~~~" Little Mo Xie stuck out his tongue and licked those scars on Chu Mo's hand.

"This small injury will heal quickly, healing grass only so some, there is no need to waste on my hands ...," Chu Mo touched the little Mo Xie, said with a smile.

"The effect of this medicine will last about half a day, this half day you do not move your claws, the second half of the day, you rest and rest, we will practice tearing claws tomorrow." Chu Mo said.

"Oooh ~~~~~~" Little Mo Xie lifted his little head and his slippery tongue licked Chu Mo's cheek.

"You mean you'll practice at night?" Chu Mo some surprise, looking at this appearance of petty, but the bones of the arrogant little guy, Chu Mo floated a smile, open mouth, said

"Well then, let's practice tonight and try to finish off that Centipede!"

The strengthening process was straightforward and once it was completed, Chu Mo sent Mo Xie back into Spirit Beasts space.

The effect of the healing grass is pronounced. The young claws that originally needed two days and two nights to recover possibly, but in half a day, were already intact!

The most important thing is that this half day, the little Mo Xie's first grade young claw, has initially reached the middle stage!

Although still the same or a level of young claws, but the little Mo Xie stretched out, has shone up a sharp light, obviously than before there are a few offensive!

During the night, Chu Mo then took little Mo Xie to the same location on the lawn as yesterday.

"Mo Xie, use your full strength and see how many times you can knock down these trees." Chu Mo said.

Mo Xie let out a chirp and ran quickly, the silver moonlight spilling over her clean white fur, little Mo Xie's athletic figure leaping up quickly, claws raking through the trunk of the tree!

"Swish !!!!"

This claw, very deep, trapped at least three or four centimeters!


The second claw crossed again, the trunk has clearly appeared large cracks!!!

"Swish !!!!!"

The third claw swept through, the trunk has completely lost its support, in the creaking sound, slowly fall down!

"Three times!!! Very good, very good!!!"

Little Mo Xie's performance makes Chu Mo very satisfied, after all, in yesterday, little Mo Xie is worn out claws, only barely with seven times to bring down the tree, but today only need three attacks.

A claw pre and mid-term does have a clear difference, the pre-small Mo Xie need seven or eight times, even wear their claws for the cost of sub ah be able to complete, the mid-term young claw, but easily knocked down such trees, claws have not yet shown any signs of wear and tear!

"Now then, let's try to try 'Rip Claw'." Chu Mo said.

Tearing claws is a skill that most Spirit Beasts with claws have, but it is also the most effective and direct attack skill, little Mo Xie can perform this skill well, to tear through that Centipede's defense is absolutely no problem!

Generally, the young claws reach the middle stage, Spirit Beasts will be able to cast the tear claws.

Skills can be said to be an instinct of each Spirit Beasts, as if the fish they grow to a certain level, they will be a variety of swimming skills.

Spirit Beasts skills likewise, they reach a certain level, will comprehend these essential combat skills for survival, and do not need to deliberately stimulate, the main thing is to use it more skillfully in battle.

"Are you ready?" Chu Mo glanced at Little Mo Xie. Little Mo Xie nodded seriously.

"Okay, Rip Claw!" Chu Mo immediately gave the command.

After Little Mo Xie got the order, Ling Ling's body quickly scurried out, this time, Little Mo Xie was running at full speed, turning speed into power!

In the darkness of the night, a silvery light flashed in general, leaping up fiercely, cutting a delicate arc, followed by a cold flash of the two claws, quickly ripped open!

"Swish Swish !!!!"

Tearing claws overlapping, sounding crisp and clear as if they were cutting through unobstructed water!

"Cackle ~~~~~~~~~"

The next moment, the ten-centimeter diameter trees emitted an unpleasant ringing sound, and slowly fell to the side under the tearing claws!!!

"Well done!" Chu Mo's face floated up when he saw little Mo Xie's attack power increase dramatically.

"Ooooooooo ~~~~" Little Mo Xie immediately paced back with the same look of excitement.

"Go ahead and make sure you get the most perfect release every time, after all, the opponent moves, not these trees." Chu Mo said.

After a significant increase in attack power, the little Mo Xie is also very motivated, immediately locked on another tree, after Chu Mo gave the order to run away.

This time the little Mo Xie jump seems not to calculate the distance, did not play the power of the tear claw to the first time that degree, only left a trace in the tree.

"It doesn't matter, a few more practices and you will be able to master it skillfully." Chu Mo said with relief.


All night Chu Mo was training little Mo Xie's tearing claws, and it was only when the moon was slanting that Chu Mo returned to the cabin with a tired little Mo Xie.

Although Mo Xie's young claws were already in the middle stage, the release of the tearing claws also caused considerable wear and tear on them. Chu Mo also made a point of blending another healing herb and applying it to Mo Xie's claws so that he could regain as much combat power as possible the next morning.

The next day, little Mo Xie's claws became a few points sharper, and this day, Chu Mo still focused entirely on training Mo Xie's Rip Claw skill, to ensure that Mo Xie can cast this skill in any direction, at any angle.

"Swish swish!!!" Two cold lights staggered left and right, the tearing effect of the tearing claw instantly sliced the tree trunk that was thrown into the air into several pieces, the trunk fell, and little Mo Xie's delicate body landed lightly on the ground.

"Very well, just keep this coherence. Running, jumping, striking, landing, and attacking after the series of movements are completed, and not falling any breaks." Chu Mo said.

"Oooh ~~~~~~" Little Mo Xie enunciated a few times, and his eyes also conveyed a few confidence.

"Practice will end early today, and we'll get a good night's rest to prepare for tomorrow."

In the evening, Chu Mo then took Mo Xie back to the wooden house.
