
Familiars and Sorcery

The story of Chu Mo, the protagonist who has been betrayed by his Spirit Beasts since childhood, growing up in an otherworldly continent where he fights by summoning Spirit Beasts。

Hamady · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 1 Nightmare Island

Looking down from high altitude, through the thin layer of clouds, you can see the deep blue ocean under the white clouds, this view, the whole ocean is like a mirror with a curved surface, can be printed under the whole beautiful long sky.

In the middle of the vast ocean, sporadically located in many lush islands, and in a piece with dark clouds below, an island of about twenty kilometers in circumference appears to be extraordinarily special.

This is a few regular shape of the diamond-shaped island, in the very center of the island is a straight mountain peak, looking from afar like a sword inserted upside down in this vast island.

The entire island is surrounded by cliffs on all sides, without a flat beach.

In the cliff below the sea, raging waves, you can often hear the waves lapping the messy reefs when the sound of the roar.

This particular structure at the edge of the island also means that it is a closed island where it is impossible to dock a ship!


The south side of the island, a cliff extending outward, a young boy of about fifteen years of age, thinly clothed sitting on the edge of the rock, he gazed at the unknown shore of the sea level, longing eyes, but also with a trace of intriguing sadness.

This is a very unconformable age gloomy face, only he has been maintained, without any disguise, is the real flow of the heart ...

The sea waves are thrashing the cliffs, sometimes splashing, the sea breeze is bitterly cold, into the young teenager's thin clothes, raising his somewhat messy hair.

The young teenager is like a statue sitting still on the sea cliff, a small figure facing the slim and raging ocean ...


After an unknown period of time, a sound like a trumpet came from deep in the jungle of the island.

"Oooh ~~~~~~~~~~"

When he heard the sound of this horn, the teenager flowed a few disgusted emotions, but still slowly stood up and walked towards the place where the sound was heard.


The young man's body is thin, but the movement is very agile, in this complex island jungle, he shuttles freely, and soon arrived in the jungle in the middle of an open space.

The open space is probably only a hundred meters square, and the square is surrounded by a wooden wall with a thick wooden tip that is thirty meters high, forming a camp similar to a village.

There was only one gate to the camp, and at the gate stood four men in green clothing. These four men are probably in their thirties, and there is nothing more outstanding.

And what should be of concern is the wolf-type creature with terrifying fangs beside these four men!!!

"Ugh!!! Uhh !!!!!!"

"Uh-oh !!!!!!!"

When the four fanged wolves saw the teenager walk in, they immediately showed their ferociousness and opened their long mouths, exposing their white fangs completely, ready to pounce on the skinny teenager.

"Why don't you get your ass in there! Slow down, want to die? Hmph. This body of yours is not enough for my coyote to have a midnight snack!!!" One of the men with broken hair said viciously to the young teenager.

The young teenager scornfully avoided the coyotes that always wanted to pounce on him and quickly walked inside the camp.

Looking at the back of this little teenager, the man with the broken hair was spitting disdainfully and said, "I don't know who got this kid here, he looks weak, where can he stand the torment of a Nightmare battalion like us."

"It's Lord Xia, I heard ..." the other red-haired man paused deliberately, then said in a very deep voice.

"He's a dead man."

"Already dead, humph, which of the little things here is not dead?" Gu Lei said very carelessly.

"This you do not understand. This kid used to be a young master of a certain family, and I don't know what he offended, and someone paid us inside Nightmare Palace to take care of him.

"Lord Xia was in charge of this mission, and after successfully capturing this kid, he thought he was going to die anyway, so he might as well let him sign a soul contract with White Nightmare and throw him here to give us one more slave on this Nightmare Island." The red-haired man said.

Speaking of White Nightmare, the three men next to him couldn't help but suck in a breath, and one of the men purposely whispered:

"How can Lord Xia have something like White Nightmare in his hands? And is that kid really that special that he can withstand White Nightmare?"

"Which can, that boy to have this ability, has long been sent to the white Nightmare Island, which will appear in our place.

"How Lord Xia got White Nightmare I don't know, but I know Lord Xia also just took this kid with the mindset that he will die and experiment with this kid, I believe it won't take long for this kid to be completely devoured by White Nightmare." The red-haired man laughed, seemingly completely unconcerned about the teenager's death.

"Ha, so it is, it's good to die, I have long seen this kid not very good. That said, Lord Xia seems to be not very simple ah, surprisingly in the hands of the White Nightmare such as we have never seen Nightmare, you know the other Nightmare Island leader will have at most one or two blue Nightmare," said Gu Lei.

"That's for sure ... Oh, it's about time, close the door, tonight, you can hear the screams again, hehehe ..." the red-haired man laughed cruelly.

The other three laughed in agreement, with an attitude of contempt for life.



The teenager sitting in meditation on the cliff named Chu Mo, should have been a youthful and glowing teenager, but was sharpened like a concealed cold blade.

Chu Mo would appear on this island, indeed, because he was captured. And he was not killed solely because Lord Xia, as those people called him, did a devilish experiment on Chu Mo!

In fact, within this whole island, except for the deacons just now, other children like Chu Mo who are about ten years old have been subjected to this devilish experiment, that is, to a soul contract with Nightmare!

This world is a world of Spirit Beasts, and those who have the talent can become Spirit Beasts masters.

Spirit Beasts division can sign a soul contract with Spirit Beasts and let Spirit Beasts to fight for them.

Spirit Beasts and humans are master and servant relationship, humans can order Spirit Beasts to do anything.

But in this Green Nightmare Island, it is different, it is a completely isolated place.

Every once in a while, there are many teenagers like Chu Mo who are sent to this completely closed world to undergo these evil experiments that have no humanity to speak of.

Nightmare, is what they call the evil Spirit Beasts, evil Spirit Beasts are Spirit Beasts among the very special existence, they can also sign a soul contract with humans, fighting for humans.

However, they have the terrible ability to devour the soul of their master!

The children who are enclosed here, the first day they come here, are compelled to sign a soul contract with Nightmare.

At a certain time, the Nightmare that grows up in the host body will eat the soul of its master as food. The loss of the soul of the human, which means death!

And the only way to not have your soul swallowed up by this Nightmare is to improve your own strength, make your cultivation strong and make your soul powerful.

Or, to make yourself always stronger than Nightmare, to be able to live!!!



It is a most cruel hell, the children have to face not the teacher's wisdom, but a fierce, vicious, cruel people who will kill them at any time!

Here, the weak, will soon become the food of the evil Spirit BeastsNightmare, the strong, will be constantly chased by Nightmare, being chased ...

It's like a nightmare that you never wake up from!!!



Tonight there is no moon, and the sea breeze whips the low dark clouds in the sky, driving them further out to sea.

The trees fluttered and swayed in the gale, always making a whimpering sound, like a grieving woman crying.

Inside the camp, the open flat ground, the whistling wind trembling stood a hundred teenage girls, their clothes are very thin, their faces through a few numb strength and fortitude, eyes blank and reveal a few beast-like harshness.

One hundred people were lined up in a ten-by-ten line, standing neatly.

Around them, affixed to the wooden stake enclosure were ten adult deacons each.

These deacons all stood in place, and all they could see from their faces was coldness and indifference, their gazes fixed on the hundred teenage girls, watching over them at all times.

Close to that stake door, there stood three men in long dark clothes, and all three of these men looked very cold.

The stout middle-aged man standing in the middle took a few steps forward, swept his gaze grimly over the group of children, floated a cruel smile, and opened his mouth to say:

"Today is a physical training, you are today to face the ferocious Spirit Beasts by yourselves.

"I can tell you that we will only leave fifty here for the rest of the training, which means half of you will die on this test today!"

"Haha, enjoy this joy of death, those who are hammered out between life and death are qualified to enter our Nightmare Temple!"

After hearing these words from the middle-aged man, a hundred children immediately showed panic on their faces, gazing uneasily at the ten adult men around them.

One hundred people, only fifty people can survive, meaning that the chance of each person surviving is only fifty percent, how cruel is this!

Only, these villains will not have any mercy on these children, with the middle-aged man's order, the ten deacons standing on the inside of the wooden stake enclosure immediately recited a scurry of strange incantations.

Every time they purse their lips, a translucent light symbol will strangely appear around them, the symbol is like words, a blue pattern is printed and shot on the ground, the pattern flashes up a gorgeous curtain of light ...

"Ouch !!!! Oooh !!!!!!!!!!"

"Ouch !!!!!!!! Ouch Ouch Ouch !!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, a heart-pounding wolf howl rang out, a fierce beast's fishy wind instantly swept through the not-so-spacious camp, bitingly pouncing on those extremely thin-looking teenagers!

The white claws sink into the mud, the gray hair stands up, and the fangs exposed beyond the evil mouth are hideous and sharp!

After the ten Deacons completed their summons, ten predators appeared within the camp - the Fangs! The ferocious Spirit Beasts, known for their sharp and terrifying fangs!

Seeing the ten fanged wolves with their teeth and claws howling around them, the teenagers' faces all looked pale and bloodless, and even a few girls bit their lips as tears flowed out of their eyes.

Whether for Spirit Beasts, or these unarmed children, fang wolves are extremely frightening creatures, and for food, they will not hesitate to attack any creature they can deal with until they are killed.

And in most areas, adult Spirit Beasts masters have a hard time dealing with a fang wolf alone without Spirit Beasts, let alone these unarmed teenagers who have not learned any skills.

("Night Moon Blood" 3 million words, finished, new book "Familiars and Sorcery" began a new journey, click, recommend, collect, support small fish, support "Familiars and Sorcery"!)
