
Issue solved

Welcome home honey, what took you so long. these are the welcoming words Victor received the moment he arrived home.

ooh it's nothing I just had to go through some files.

But am back now no need to worry, lets head to the diner first, we can talk after or while eating because am really famished now. Victor and his wife Sarah walked down to the diner while eating they started sorting out their problems.

So what is the matter love Victor asked. the problem is David trying to leave the house his wife replied shortly as she called out ....


Am coming mum he replied

So why were you trying to leave the house Victor asked nonchalantly. Dad it really pained me to know that you could threaten my girlfriend without even notifying me what you noticed wrong with her, so you could know if I was aware of whatever it is that you noticed

So you are trying to tell me that you were aware that she is a prostitute and you still want to marry her? Victor asked flabbergasted

Yes that is it, but point of correction she was, not she is because she stopped prostitution the moment I said I would marry her.

Ok you can marry her since you insist but you have to take permission from your paternal grandfather Victor retorted coldly


David was shocked after hearing his father's words. are you trying to tell me that I have a paternal grandfather and you never spoke of him.

Yes because you never asked Victor replied.

Okay where is he, and why is it that You never mentioned him or visited him till the extend that I never thought he existed.

Okay it's a long story Victor replied shortly

Yes, and I want to know about it David said almost shouting back at his father.