
Familia Chronicle: Episode Athena

Three years prior to the main story, a series of events involving the Athena familia far from the city of Orario led to the destruction of the Athena familia due to the appearance of a monster that had power far beyond expectations from the Athena familia. Until finally only the goddess Athena survived the incident because of her familia who were ready to sacrifice for her goddess.

Shiren_ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The city of Alea

Two days before the Athena Familia expedition was carried out, a traveler came to the city of Alea (that was the name of the city that gave the expedition mission to Athena Familia) and the city was meant to be the temporary resting place for the traveler.

"With the money I have now, I have already set aside money to stay for a week in this city as well as buy enough supplies to continue my journey"

I thought it would be wise to research the city and ask for recommendations on decent lodgings to stay at. With my ultimate goal of going to the hero city of Orario I need to use money efficiently. But let's go to the guild first.

With that in mind, the young man began to find out about the city he was in.

For the size of a city that is outside the walls of Orario, it is a quite lively city where some of the people there live in a relatively stable environment and economy so that the atmosphere in the environment is maintained quite well.

It seems that this city is included in the category of prosperous cities, unlike the cities I used to visit which had an unpleasant atmosphere. There are also people here who set up simple stalls to trade, which is enough to indicate that the economic cycle in this city is fairly stable.

"Yo, young man over there. Would you like some of my steak skewers? It's a loss if you come here without buying one." The trader offers food for sale while joking.

"Then I'll order two sticks." Since I felt it wasn't a bad offer and on the other hand this was also an opportunity to ask for recommendations for a good inn to stay at, there was no reason for me to decline the offer.

"By the way I've never seen a youth like you here, from your appearance you should be sixteen and above?"

"That's because I'm someone who recently came to this town, if I may ask any suggestions of good inns to stay at here?"

"Is that so, if it's a good inn then I suggest an inn near here. You just need to go straight a bit from here then turn right then you will find the inn. Fine, here is your order for a total of 100 valis."

"Thank you." With this only left to go to the guild that was in the center.


After I leave the guild it seems that in two days from now there will be an expedition to one of the paths in the middle of the forest that Athena Familia has not used for a long time. From the information that I got, the idea of ​​the expedition was that there were irregularities that occurred between the monsters around it, other information that I got was that in the forest, because it had been neglected for a long time, it seemed that there were quite a lot of herbal plants growing there. I was planning on leaving on the same day as Athena Familia, even though the paths we'll be taking are slightly different.

Evening has come, for tomorrow it is better for me to renew the equipment needed both for travel and for battle.

After making up his mind, the young man walked towards the inn that the merchant he had met earlier pointed out. The young man then went to the desk of a female receptionist to order his room.

"Please prepare one room for a period of a week."

"Fine, one room for a week will cost you 10,000 valis and in name? (Hmm...a handsome young man, is he a traveler)."

The young man noticed that the female receptionist's face was slightly red for some reason, but he ignored it and hurried to finish his order.

"On behalf of Ares, thank you." After ordering a room, Ares decided to immediately rest in his room.