
Familia: Battle Royale

Akuyama Shin the protagonist. He is not your normal adolescent teenager. He is destined to reach the peak. Watch him as he embark on his journey with his girlfriend, Anohana Anna. Will he be able to reach the peak if he have girlfriend with him? Find out as we narrate his story.

Result_Gura · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

The Beginning 3

Pew! Pshhh! Pew!

A galactic battle between Space Marine and Space pirates going on. As multiple lasers and missiles shooting out between the two sides.

The two groups are few hundred kilometers aways from each other. Yet the powers of each lasers and missiles are life threatening one mistake and a life disappears. Three frigrates from the marine circles around the destroyer setting up a formation and creating a barrier to prevent getting a hit from the pirates.

But this defensive formation would not last long. As the barrage of attacks from the pirates created a crack from the barrier.

There are 5 corvettes, 2 frigates and one destroyer. Although the pirates are numerous in numbers but their ship is not good for battle against a New Frigates from the Government and a New Destroyer. Nonetheless, the barrage of numerous attack still annoyed the Marines.

After all, The Energy providing the barrier Isn't infinite there will be a time it will be consumed.

"Prepare for counter attack after the 20% of Energy."

"Roger that Captain!"

The captain scrutinize as he watch the pirates coming to them. He saw the flag of the pirates and frowned.

The captain muttered silently. 'Gutian Pirates? What are they doing in this area? They are supposed to be in Chinese Galaxia Area.... This suspicious. How did they bypass the Japanese Empire's Radar?'

"Captain The energy is lowering to 21%. What's your order?"

"Command the Frigates to spread out and attack the smaller one first. We should head straight towards the enemy and destroy the frigates.... Ready the Particle cannon and Rail guns. Ready for my command on fire."

"Affirmative captain! Going straight!"

The destroyer turns towards the Pirates. A weapon popup below the ship, It's a rail gun. Another weapon pop up at both side of the ship, it's particle cannon.

"Full throttle!"

The captain said. The crew slide the lever on the screen as the engine of the ship going full throttle. The speed of the ship makes the ship rumble.


Space Pirates

"Boss the Marines are heading straight towards our direction."

"Hmph! This marines are full of themselves just because they have new equipment. Ready the Big boy we are gonna smash them."

"Yes boss!"

The pirates also have their own weapons. They also go full throttle.


Commercial Ship. Shin and Anna's cabin.

"Is the fight going on?"

"I think so."

Shin and Anna laid on the bed while leaning on the headboard while his hand grips her shoulder reassuring her.

Anna hugs him tightly as she became worried about their situation. She was shocked to encounter such mishap on their first travel to space. But because Shin is with her she didn't care much about it, because she felt more safer with him.

Shin was thinking on how to survive if the marines lost the fight. Even if he was strong enough to fight against 10 adults at once he was helpless in a gun fight.

He was worried about Anna's safety more than his. He didn't care what would happen to him but if something bad happen to Anna he would not be able to stay still.

As he keep thinking about countermeasure. Shin pressed the screen next to the nightstand. To call of crew staff.

A few minutes later a knock on the door.

Shin stands up and walk towards the door and opened it. A staff smilingly look at him.

"What can I help you sir?"

"Is the fight going on?"

He asked the same question as Anna asked him earlier. The staff became stiff for a second as she replied.

"Yes sir. The fight is ongoing. But don't worry we receive a report that a reinforcement in coming this way."

Shin sighed "That's great. Thanks...."

"No it's okay sir. We are responsible for everyone safety and we cannot just ignore this matter because it depends on our reputation. If we can't protect our passengers then we are not worthy to do this job."

"Is that so...."

"Is that only what you wanted sir?"

Shin thought for a bit and said seriously.

"For safety measures... But is it okay for you to gives us some self defense weapon? perhaps."

The staff frowned for a bit and realize that this person wanted a weapon for protection. But what him frowned upon is the skepticism of Shin about their protection. She wanted to decline him but she thought for a moment. She shake her head because weapon are not allowed in Commercial Space Ship. But the staff do have protection for themselves.

She also knows the situation outside and felt that this passenger's skepticism is reasonable. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't look down on their protection.

The ratings of their company is high and their security is absolute. In the end the staff shook her head.

"I'm sorry sir we can't provide you a harmful object, However we have some protection that isn't harmful but a defensive tech for the passengers to use."

She took out a pen like object from her pocket gave it to Shin. This pen like thingy is a defensive tech that will protect someone from lasers and other projectiles. But it cannot handle explosive weapons.

It was given by the higher up for the staff's protection but this staff before Shin is the same kind of selfless and compassionate girl like Anna. She became a staff in commercial Ship to attend the passengers safety. It was her dream to help people.

Unknown to Shin it was her only defensive item on hand. Shin received it from her and thanked her.

"Well then Sir, If that's it please enter your room and stay there until further notice."

The staff said as she turn around and left him.

Shin watched the attendant. He felt a bit guilty after saying that. It's not like he didn't trust the Ship's security. It's just he have a bad premonition and know his instinct and he always follows his guts.

This defensive Item can help Anna from projectiles but it cannot help him fight the enemy. It seems He need to steal some weapon. He didn't want to this but he also didn't want to fight the enemy unarmed. It would be stupid if he fought an enemy with a laser gun that can penetrate a strong metal.

So Shin told Anna he would go out for a bit and wait for him. Anna look at him with reluctance before nodding her head when Shin gave her a peck on the lips.

Shin got out of the room as he look around and look at the surveillance camera. There are also patrol bots roaming around. Seeing the high surveillance of the ship, Shin smiled wryly as he was fretting over nothing.

Even though he knows that marines would win but that doesn't mean it's absolute they would win. There's always a small mishap as Shin thought. He might be overthinking but people are not stupid and so the pirates. If they couldn't win the pirates would suffer loses but that doesn't they will run away.

Space Pirates are ruthless and cunning they would do anything to satisfy their selfishness.

Shin was thinking on how to bypass the surveillance. When he realized that the pen the girl gave him not only provide defensive barrier but also make someone who was covered by the barrier undetectable by camera's. It's impossible normally but Shin who loves technologies here can tune the defensive item invisibility item though he would only be invisible on the cameras but people would see him normally and some thermal camera would be able to see his body heat.

Unfortunately, The Ship doesn't have cabin area doesn't have any of it. So with a slight bit tuning of the pen for about a few minutes. Shin succeeded.

He calmly walk out on the hallway but he avoid some patrol bots since they have thermal and motion cameras that detect invisibility.

After some time he arrived in front of a storage room. He didn't know if there are weapons here or not but that does not stop him as he was already, why not proceed?

So he did. Opened the door of the storage room by hacking the lock system. After he hacked the lock he knew the main control will detect him for few minutes. So he was now running out of time.

He look around the room and found some defensive item like the girl have her and he pick 3 items and some EMP grenades into his pockets. But he couldn't find any guns or projectile weapon around as his sweat drips from his forehead he decided to get out before the crew found him.

But before he got out he saw a tube like tech lying near a box. It's a lightsaber... Shin smiled slightly as he pick it up. It's better than having nothing.

Shin got back to his and Anna's cabin. Anna happily stand up as she hug Shin.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Don't worry nothing happened. I got what I wanted."

Shin cup her chin and said lovingly.

The he muttered under his breath. 'I hope I wasn't found out or else I would be considered as associated with pirates. I know my action is just me being too cautious but being cautious is also good.'