

Danica Waylon got a nostalgic feeling as soon as she looked around the familiar place after getting out of the airport. Welcome home, Danica, she told herself and glanced at her eleven-year-old brother who was ecstatic to be back in California.

Danica couldn't help but smile at his excitement. Seeing the suddenly confused expression on his face, she ruffled his dark brown hair and said, ��Aziel, you don��t have to put pressure on your tiny head. I know how to get to our old place.��

Crossing his arms against his chest, Aziel frowned. ��Why can��t I remember where we lived before? It was three years ago, so I shouldn��t have forgotten our hometown.��

Danica pursed her lips, not bothering to answer him immediately. She pulled the luggage along with her as she headed towards the cab. Aziel ran ahead and blocked her way with his small frame.

��Why don��t I remember, Dani?�� he asked again with a tint of disappointment in his voice.