Man is not greater than God. There is only One that is Good and that is God. When you Worship lusts and go your own way it will lead to an insatiable thirst for those lusts.
You will seek to find and eat and drink with the drunken before you inevitably lose yourself into temptations and then strive to live as much Inside this life as possible before you get inevitably cut off from the earth.
Be not of a prideful mind, for God, Jesus Christ sees those wicked things in the Heart. Those thoughts do not belong to you, but by the enemy. You will be beaten by many stripes if ye be of a prideful mind and ye shall be humbled.
For it is written, whoever exalts himself shall be humbled and whosoever shall humble himself shall be exalted. When ye be of a prideful mind it leads to a hatred from God. You start to become more weary. You start to carry this thirst for becoming happy and in the Joy of the LORD, and start to strive to live in this world as much as possible before you get sent into death and then afterward Eternal damnation.
This world serves as a gateway. The grave is not the end but eternal life is. There will be many times where the enemy will try to use others to push you off and make you stray far from the path of The Father. They may try to pick you up and lead you far from Him, and make you become disobedient and even at such lengths, go against God which in all ways are foolish. They will even try to disguise it as a blessing when in reality and all actuality it is more of a curse than a blessing. They may try to coat it in deceptions of Jesus Christ and use his name and religious spirits to make you believe that it is a blessing. But be ye not deceived, for many shall come saying I am Christ and deceive many.