
False Hero

Being stabbed in the heart with a piercing blow, he died with a tragic fate. But in a twist of fate, he awakened in a completely different realm where he met a demi-goddess who gave him another chance of being born in another world. Just like that, A boy named Grey Hoffmann was born in an imperfect world, born to two loving parents. Grey Hoffmann was given divinity by the demi-god the moment he was born, in the hopes that one day that divinity would grow into godhood that would end all other gods. But the demigod had soon realized that Grey wanted no part in gods, a normal life is what he aimed for in his past and current life. But just like his last life, his want for a normal life came to an end when the person he looked up to the most died in front of him, in addition to that the eight-year-old witnessed thousands of death. Just like that, His normal life came to an end, again. From that day the eight-year-old grey set food in the path of the hero, but he soon realized that the innocent logic of heroism didn't apply to this world. This world didn't need a hero, it needed a necessary evil that would keep this world in check. Grey's troubled fate came to a clam when he met friends who were just like him, orphans of war. Along with them he promised that they would walk the path of revenge together, and fight for all that is beautiful, even if it ended up dirtying their hand. But fate had other plans as he saw the church of horrors, the church was the symbol of gods cruelty on mortals and the gods were the reason for the tragedy Grey had to suffer. But Grey's descend to a twisted human being was gradually getting more deeper as he kept witnessing the cruelty of this world and kept hearing the whisper of death. But even after all that Grey came to terms with himself and who he was, The path that he had led in past lives, the path that he had walked in this life, and the path he will walk led to the person who he was meant to be, Turning him from an experiment by a demigod to a false hero who will wage war against the world. Follow the journey of Grey Hoffmann, a person that has seen beyond the simple term of Hero or villain and Good or evil, to a person who is much more, A false hero. In end will be able to become a false god? We will just have to wait to see where his story ends.

fahad_nawaz · Fantasy
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191 Chs

Chapter 13: A date?


"When I think about it, we are still practically strangers." Said Rai while walking with Grey on the streets.

"Yeah, we are practically strangers," answered Grey.

There was a stall of food, it had food that smelled and looked like Fried chicken. Looking at those mouth-watering food, Grey's stomach started growling loudly.

"Hey Rai, let's eat those," asked Grey.


Grey stood near the stall, there was a kid frying the fried chicken on the back. But kids working in this world weren't out of normal. Kids working in family businesses were legal in this world.

"Can I get two plates?"

On the food stall, there was a kind-looking old man, "Sure, wait a second. We are just taking out a fresh batch."

"Okay no, problem." Replied Grey.

The old man placed freshly fried chicken, two pieces on each plate "Do you kids want the spicy sauce."

"Ah sure." Grey turned towards rai to ask does she want it or not, but she gave an answer before he could answer "Yes, I want it too."

The old man topped the fried chicken with the sauce and handed it to both of them.

"Here you go, kid."

Grey tasted it and it instantly hit his tongue that how delicious it was.

"Delicious," said Grey out loud.

After hearing the compliment, The old man let out a laugh "That was made by my Grandkid. He is a good kid, if you ever meet him in the future, be sure to get along with him.". The old man thought that Grey and Rai was local resident and they didn't clear his misunderstanding.

"Ah, sure."

After finishing up the fried chicken

They went on to try many different things after finally settling down on a chair near the fountain.

"It was some delicious food." Said Rai looking at the sky.

Grey also looked at the sky, the night sky was beautiful. He didn't have the memory of his old life, he wasn't sure that he even lived a life before the current one. Looking at the three moons in the sky made him kind of assured that he lived a life before this one, cause he was sure that in his old life there was always one moon in the sky.

In this world stars resonated with each other and so did the three moons, like they are talking to each other. It felt like they were sharing energy or mass with each other. There was always a stream of energy that appeared between stars from time to time, making it feel like they were sort of resonating. People believed that it's the stars deciding the fate of humans and these stream of lines meaning that the fate of the human changed because of their actions.

Because of this Resonation between stars and moons, the night sky was always lively. It gave a feeling that you are never alone under the night sky.

"Hey Grey, did night sky was always this lively? Was there always three moons?" Asked Rai. The question made Grey look at Rai with slight shock and curiosity 'Maybe she is from the same place that I came from' thought Grey. But he realized the girl sitting beside her was very beautiful. She had dark purple straight long hair, with red eyes.

'The reflection of the starry sky in her eyes is beautiful.'

While he was looking at her, she looked back at him, catching him looking at her.

"Did I catch someone? You can appreciate my beauty. You know what, you have special permission from me to look at me whenever you want. It's a special treatment for my prince who saved me." Said Rai.

"Thanks for that. But like I said to you before it wasn't me who saved you, it was my mom."

Grey got up from his seat and dusted off his pants.

"Anyways, lets get back home."

"Sure." Replied Rai.

"By the way, are you sure you want to get adobted by some family in this village?" asked Grey walking back to the home.

"I want to work and live alone, but this guy won't let me do it. But it makes sense, I am still a kid." Said Rai, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"You know what, ill come back for you. When I get 12. I have decided that at age of 12, I will set out on a journey around the world. I want you to join me."

"Sure, going around the world is part of my mission too, so why not. Lets go around the world someday."

As they were talking, they didn't realize that they were at the entrance of the door.

"Time went by fast," said Grey.

"Yes it did" replied Rai in response.


Five days went by quickly, in those five days grey took one more bath and today it was his final blood bath of Panb snake.

"Finally I am done." Said Grey, he turned to face Alice and asked "Do we have to stay here a week more, my bath is already done."

"It will take a week for your body to stabilize, Till then you can spend time with your new friends that you made here."

"Okay, but-" Grey thought back to his so called friends he met here,

'From the time I got here, I got to know new people. One of those is Rai, she is pretty entertaining. Then I met two more other kids, one of them was the cook of the fried chicken shop. I got to know him later, His name is Elrich. he is a pretty cool dude too. The other one is a kid named Rudi, he is the son of one of the Friends of Kian. He has this weird obsession with heroes, he has this collection of books about heroes that was summoned from another world, and of course, he wants to become the hero of justice and in conclusion, I would prefer staying away from Rudi.'

"Fine ill head out and play with them." Said Grey, but he didn't have any intention to play with them.

After a while, Grey was in Rai's room.

"What are you doing Rai?" said Grey who was lying in her bed. Rai was sitting in the bench, as she was reading a book. She turned the page before answering "I was researching about something, But there aren't many books in the library of this village that are helpful.".

"What information are you searching upon?" asked Grey.

"I want to know about heart stones, but there isn't much to go on."

"Ah, you are talking about those two stones that are mentioned in the story of world twins?" said Grey.

"Yes, but everywhere they are mentioned is too vague and there is no conclusion to their story." Said Rai with a troubled expression.

The story of world twin is a story that was told from generation to generation among people, but the story eventually stopped spreading and no one knows where the story started from and if the story was even real. But the story of world twins has a major role in Grey's future life and the story of world twin is a story that will be explored in the future.

"I am sure you know this, but the origin of this story is believed to be from Amon village and specifically it was first heard by Hero Amon, well he is considered as devil outside this village though, how about we go to temple of this village, we will ask temple maiden about more information." Said Grey.

Rai was quiet for a while like she was considering something or maybe she was just processing the information "Fine, let's go to the temple, she might know something."

"I'll ask Aunt Sofia to accompany us."

The next chapter of the story will take a rapid pace, that's a promise. If you are wondering about world twins, it's a story for a future arc, nothing to do with the current one.

You have my thanks, that you took the time to read this chapter and your comment will be really appreciated.

If you really like the story, you can give me a power stone. but do that only if you like the story.

Thank you for reading this chapter :).............

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