
Fallout Game Merchant

mc gets transmigrated to fallout new vegas with the merchant system. let the questionable adventure begin.

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Video Games
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115 Chs


Six is then pulled in into the level up screen, to spend his new 13 points. He puts it all on guns again then, he goes to the perk's menu choosing Rifleman, increasing his damage by 20% on all non-automatic rifles.

Coming back to the real world he finally Loots and trades the Cazador. getting 1x Cazador poison glands, 1x Cazador egg and 1000 MSP.

[Damaged Cazador corpse: 1000, intact Cazador corpse 1800] 

Signing, because he has to now be careful how he kills something. Getting out of his depressed state Six enters into the Prospector Saloon.

Six Met up with Sunny Smiles and conversed about the plans for the gunfight. He explained that he got everyone to help out in the fight. Preparing for battle, he starts explaining how the Powder Gangers are going to attack.

"Like I said, these dumb chuckle-nuts, are going to come directly from the road of I-15 And just straight up attack us. With no cover. No ambush. No encirclement plans, they're just straight up attacking us from the road. With no regard for their lives. So, we're just going to be shooting fish in a barrel!"

"You can't be serious. No one is that stupid, to just attack straight on with no defensive cover or any tactic whatsoever."

Trudy Replied.

"My dear lady we're not dealing with the best and Brightest of the Mojave. We're dealing with escaped convicts, who chose to make themselves a big target and stayed in their prison. Instead of like the smart ones, who chose to leave the prison and ran away to another location where they can hide their identities."

"Okay then, we're putting someone on top of each house with a rifle and let them start shooting at them when they come. You're 100% sure they're going to come by the road and nowhere else."

Asked Sunny Smiles

"Yep, those Idiots Only know one Strategy. Attack straight with force nothing else."

Getting up from his seat, Six told the group that he was going to sleep on the roof of the Prospectors Saloon tonight.

Sending out ED-E with the instructions of flying at a high altitude, to give him a warning when the Powder Gangers are near.

Getting a warning at Hi noon Six wasn't surprised that these convicts would attack this late. They thought he might have a good plan to attack early in the morning when I went to sleep or late at night when everyone was asleep.

Sending ED-E To warn everyone that the attack was happening. Six took out his Ruger Precision Gen 3 Bolt-Action Rifle - .308 Winchester. Using the long scope, he aimed at the road of the 1-15 Waiting for his first target.

Taking a sip off his Vault 13 canteen, Six spots his first victim. He's moving in front of his group and looks excited about the attack. Taking a deep breath, he holds it aiming directly at his chest then.


The Powder Ganger went down and also the guy behind him. Reloading Six Fires again this time taking a leg of a Powder Ganger.

After taking his third shot and 4 Powder Gangers down, they all began to disperse. But it was too late since the Hole town started shooting with their own varmint rifles. Assaulting the powder gangers on the road

Within three minutes of the gunfight. Not a single powder ganger is left standing. Six took out ten and the townspeople took out four. Cheering and laughter could be heard all around the town of Goodsprings.

[Host has completed quest Ghost Town Gunfight: Receiving 500 MSP]

[Host has leveled up]

Entering the skill screen, Six dumped all 13 points into repair and chose the perk Toughness. Which gives him +10 In personal armor making his skin almost hard as a rock. Coming back to the real world, Six stands up on the roof and begins to climb down.

As the town was celebrating Six went directly to loot all bodies and traded them to the System store.

Getting 14x Powder Ganger Outfit, 3x single shotgun, 1 Varmint Rifle, 4x 9mm pistols, 1 .357 Magnum revolver, 3x Tire iron, 2x pool cue, 19x Sticks dynamite, ammo, 54 caps and 2500 MSP. (Not going to count Ammunition anymore it gets repetitive and boring)

Returning to where the whole town was celebrating their victory. Six walks directly to Trudy and asks her about the guy who got shot in the head, that Doc Mitch Told him about. Trudy begins to explain all about the stranger who came to Good Springs.

"Oh, that guy. He said his name was Courier And he's a courier strange name sense for someone. That poor guy got shot in the head and was buried alive. Victor the securitron dug him up and brought him to Doc Mitchell. Thanks to Victor Doc Mitchell saved his life."

"I don't know the men who shot him. But two of them were khans, up to no good and the other one was a fancy man with a striped suit which screamed that he was from New Vegas. I didn't hear exactly, but the leader was talking about the Strip. Fella wants to get there and avoid the 15, he'd have to go east. Take Highway 93 up."

"Courier left the town as soon as he could like a man Possessed on a one-man mission. Sunny over here helped him out showed him how to shoot and gave him a varmint rifle. We had a chat, and he fixed my broken radio that one of the khans broke."

Trudy finished telling Six about Courier.

"Thanks, Trudy I'm gonna go see if I can find Victor's words with him can you point me to his location."

"The Securitron. Oh, that thing Shack is near where the old school is It's hard to miss."

Leaving the group celebrating Six leaves with ED-E to Victor's shack. Before entering, Six equips Lucky and loads the JSP rounds that he bought. The rounds will give any robot more damage than usual.

Entering he sees that Victor is just standing in the corner motionless. Coming near him it activates and responds with. 

"Howdy partner! Might I say you're looking fit as a fiddle. Fancy meeting you here, friend"

"I want to speak to Mr House I have information about the platinum ship and about the strip that he needs to hear right away."

"I truly am sorry I can't help you, pardner. Was there something else you wanted to talk about?" Victor answers scratching The top of his head.

Pulling out Lucky and aiming at Victor's screen Six Shouts out

"I have valuable information for Mister House, and he needs to hear it right away are you complaining or not"

"Holster that. And be quick about it. Holster your iron, pardner! You're lookin' at a heap of trouble if you want it."

"So that's a no for Mr House. Such a shame."

Before Victor can respond, Six enters Vats and fires six times into the screen Scoring a critical."

"Now why in tarnation would you do that?"

Before shutting down.

"Next time take me directly to Mr. House."

Six Then does the usual loot/trade getting One scrap metal and 2500 MSP

[Host has unlocked secret quest usurper to the throne]

[Hosts can receive one secret ability]

[Master's strategist- Host makes plans. Upon plans, never let anyone get the best of him.

Perks given:

+Minions- Host is given a certain number of minions and sends them out to the field. Minion strength and response rate, based on Host level.

+Backstab- Host is given information if someone is going to go against the host's plans or is going to be in his way. Based on the Host level.

+ More perks on increasing ability]

[warlord- Host doesn't give a damn who's against, all he cares is about taking land from everybody.

Perks given:

+Minions- Host is given a certain number of minions and sends them out to the field. Minion strength and response rate, based on Host level.

+Colonizer- Hosts can take land and make it into their own territory. Once conquering land Host is informed of population in attacks in his territory. Based on the Host level.

+ More perks on increasing ability]

[Mad scientist- Host is a genius who is misunderstood by everyone around him Making them think that he's crazy but in fact, he's smarter than them all.

Perks given:

+Minions- Host is given a certain number of minions and sends them out to the field. Minion strength and response rate, based on the Host level.

+ Secret lair- Hosts can build a secret layer, almost anywhere to help them on their quest for creation and innovation. Based on the Host level.

+ More perks on increasing ability]

[Capitalist- Host only cares about one thing making a profit doesn't matter who's involved All he cares is about making a profit.

Perks given:

+Minions- The host is given a certain number of minions and sends them out to the field. Minion strength and response rate, based on the Host level.

+Market manage- Hosts can set up shop to trade anywhere. This opens the ability for all buildings owned by the host, to be linked for instant Trade and travel.

+ More perks on increasing ability]
























Gunslinger, Medic, Rifleman, Toughness



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8 chapters in advance