
fallout creator

the main MC been transported of the world he know. lucky for him he have time to set up his plans before fallout comes. with his handy Danny pip boy with the ability to create anything the limit of his imagination as well a system to Aiden everything he need. P.S. This is my first time making my own story I don't own anything except my character. I'm making this story for entertainment for myself as well as anyone else who love to read it. If you have any great idea write a comment below.

David_Delgado · Games
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chapter one new beginning

almost done I thought excited completing my first task of my new life right from me. My own personal fallout shelter vault Phoenix.

Of course those idiots and vault-tech think it's better to add numbers instead a name.

They don't understand the meaning behind it.

They think a rich kid buy a vault to satisfy his need but I know. I know the future I am in fallout world.

how all of this begins is simple in my previous life.

I was a great scientist, engineer and last and least a great Commander. when I was born I was different my IQ so high to reach Einstein himself.

with my great mind I learned many things of a time when improving myself.

When I grow up to teens I show the world how great I am. But sadly my greatness short lasted because of the world war III.

Luckily being I'm a great scientist and engineer I have a comfortable life building weapons making new ideas as well making super soldiers.

of course I'm the first.

I know the truth life it's never play fair.

of course I hear rumors scientists or engineers will be assassinated once in a while.

to delay progress in our side.

Want us to be weaker.

so I train myself to the best I can learning all military tactics and slowly reach the rank. with the super soldiers serum it was smoothly for me.

many of my enemies call me the mad scientist. how I attack my enemies with my greatest mind and my greatest technology.

and then after the war.

I have retired enjoy my life the rest of my life is watching anime, movies play games read fanfics or novels enjoy what life give me.

and here I am dying on my bed of old age.

Of course I'm kidding what really happened some spy somehow found my home and execute me.

here I am and this fallout world where the end times is coming.

Lucky for me God have given me two items and a wish the first item is a Pip-Boy my second item is my citizen papers and a credit card with infinite money.

Of course it will not be infinite after the fallout I guess God plan this out and the last one a system I wish. and of course a new 18 years old body handsomely and strong for the future I will have. for my 7 years I've been working my own little project to amen my cost.

now turning 25 years old I finally reach Commander in the military with my highly skilled and my talent self.

I have somewhat access most things in my state as a sample I could go any military basis with my commander pass code.

as well a scientist I also have some access in some places to learn science and research of these great scientists. helping me in the end to build this perfect vault. vault Phoenix contains factories, armory, living quarters, mining, research labs, medical Bay, storage, vehicle Bay, 4 nukes in case of emergency of course.

and last one of these the most important of all the library containing all knowledge in this world I swear knowledge I had added my own.

the plan is to hibernate when the bombs drop wake up let's say fallout 3 to control the enclave. And then after full control of the enclave I could try to take control of the brotherhood of steel too. hibernate again to reach Fallout New Vegas and fallout 4.

that's the plan here there be a lot of twists and turns but hopefully I can reach that goal. My vault is completed now I just had to wait and see.