
Fallout: Braving the Wastes

Typical fallout trashy isekai right? Some fallout fan becomes John fallout forming his own assaultron harem right? Well no, our protagonist wakes up in pre-war fallout and decides what to do from there. Also little bit of a spoiler but our mc's a ghoul

MirukuTaku · Video Games
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I Don't Want to See the World on Fire

A/N: Hey back with another story, gonna test the waters a bit on this one but we'll see where this goes. Hope ya'll missed me, was watching the fallout show when I started thinking "hey I should write about this" and well here we are.


(3rd Person POV)

On a rainy 3 a.m. morning we see our protagonist, Emmanuel Rodriguez, lounging on his crusty ass bed with a laptop on his stomach. We see him watching a fallout deep dive video on vault 11 from Fallout: New Vegas. 

"Man Vault-Tec is filled with some fucked up people huh?"

Emmanuel starts to ponder on the various vault experiments littered throughout the franchise such as vault 87 from Fallout 3 which was experimenting with the FEV(Forced Evolutionary Virus) which subsequently led to most of the residents dying with the minority turning into super mutants and centaurs.(A/N: Centaurs are fucking terrifying dudes)

As he was in the middle of watching the video, Emmanuel received an ad, however it was not the overly saturated shampoo ad like he was expecting. It was an ad that seemed to promote the ne Fallout show that he saw on TikTok. It was a link to a site to create your own Fallout character along with their background, stats, and all that jazz.

So without a single moment of hesitation Emmanuel went on the site. The first option given to him was the name of his character, so he named him after himself but shortened it to just 'Manuel Rodriguez'. Next he was introduced to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat distribution system along with a perk list. Emmanuel first decided to first distribute the 40 points of his SPECIAL.

Strength: 6

Perception: 7

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: 5

Agility: 7

Luck: 3

This were the stats that he was satisfied with, then he moved onto the perk list, the site allowed him 5 perks of his own choosing without a care for the level, SPECIAL requirements, or the specific Fallout games they can only be found in. So Emmanuel picked the following perks:

Lady Killer

Strong Back



Terrifying Presence

If Emmanuel were to be honest with himself he cringed a little at himself for picking the Lady Killer perk, but after his self cringing he moved on to which 3 skills he was gonna tag. After pondering over it for a couple minutes he decided to tag were guns, sneak, and speech making his stats look like this:

Barter: 18 

Energy Weapons: 18

Explosives: 18

Guns: 33

Lockpick: 18

Medicine: 14

Melee Weapons: 16

Repair: 14

Science: 14

Sneak: 33

Speech: 33

Survival: 14

Unarmed: 14

After completing the tagging of his skills, Emmanuel was also offered the chance to create a background for his character and with nothing else to do he started writing. This is what he wrote:

Manuel Rodriguez is a Mexican-American man who was raised in the countryside. His father was a the owner of a horse ranch named "Iron Thumb" ranch in Amarillo, Texas while his mother was an accountant at a law firm. He was also known to be a great horse rider and was an avid hunter who could bring down a bear with a single bullet. After graduating high school Manuel then went on to join the marines to fight against those commie bastards in China. He was then picked to test the experimental power armor in 2065 at the age of 20. After a an eventful tour in Mexico, Manuel is honorably discharged from the army at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at the age of 30 in the year 2075 where he retired and became a humble mechanic in Los Angeles, California. In the year 2077, Manuel was caught in the L.A. bombings and miraculously survived the aftermath.

After months of surviving in the smoldering and irradiated remains of L.A. Manuel noticed his body changing, slowly losing his hair, his skin becoming dry and scarred, almost similar to that of a burned person. Then his voice started to become gravelly, and eventually after 4 months of radiation poisoning he fully turned into a ghoul. Realizing the changes of his body and the full gravity of the situation, Manuel left L.A. and started wandering the Wastes of Commonwealth America.

After finishing the last excerpt of his character's background Emmanuel was satisfied with his work and proceeded to submit his character into the site's database. Then after pressing enter Emmanuel was redirected to a new site which showed him a lottery number.

At the top of the screen it revealed that the site operated like a lottery system. Apparently the person's character who won the lottery would be featured within the second season of the show which made Emmanuel excited at the prospect of his own character being used in a real T.V. show.

It showed that the lottery would be showing the winner in 10 minutes, so Emmanuel lay there on his bed with eyes dry as the salt likes staring intensely at the timer shown at the bottom of the screen. After a grueling 9 minutes and 50 seconds Emmanuel started counting down along with the timer.











Then the screen started to buffer for what felt like centuries to poor old Emmanuel. Finally, after a solid 6 seconds the screen finally loaded to reveal the numbers "227" which made Emmanuel scream and do backflips in his own mind since it was still around 3 a.m.

After mentally celebrating in his mind for a good minute, Emmanuel decided that it was time to sleep, because despite it being a weekend there's no doubt his dad would wake him up to mow the lawn or some other chore that would be boring as hell.

After laying his laptop on his desk and flopping onto his bed, Emmanuel eventually fell into a deep slumber. One that he would never wake from again.


 In a delivery room we see a young blue-eyed and blonde woman screaming her lungs out whilst berating and insulting a Mexican man around her age. Her hand wrapped around his in a grip that could only be described as a herculean feat. The man whose hand is currently being crushed is a tall and broad-chested man standing at 6'2 with long hair swept back and a 5 o'clock shadow shave his face contorted in pain as his dark eyes gazed at his wife as he struggled to get out some comforting words.

The woman, who was abnormally tall at 6'9 had her shoulder-length hair disheveled as her normally kind eyes glared at her husband. The doctor was trying to get the baby out of the large woman who was currently cursing so much that a sailor would blush, fumble, and go home after such a berating.

"One more push Mrs. Rodriguez"


As the tall blonde woman continued hurtling insults at the unbothered doctor her husband tried to soothe her by whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"Mi amor, perhaps we should *hngkh* let the doctor work without the *squeeeal* insults...."

"Gabriel I love you but one more tirade and I'm going to make you go through this."

With menacing bloodshot eyes that could pierce the soul the woman glared at her husband.

"Si, Mia, going to be quiet."

After another 2 hours of grueling labor a healthy and crying baby boy weighing an ostentatious 11 lbs and 4 oz.

The mother, Mia, took her son into her arms and let a few tears of happiness while her husband, Gabriel sat next to mother and child holding a kind gaze over the both of them. After a few happy moments Mia looked up to her husband and asked him a question.

"Well after all of that, what should we name him?"

Her husband had a thoughtful look on his face as he pondered on the name of the child. After a few moments he gave a defeated sigh and looked at his wife with such a loving gaze one would think that if she were to disappear all that love would empty out faster than the air in a balloon.

"I think of all these names for our son, but I can never decide. Perhaps you should name him mi amor?"

As Gabriel asked his question his wife put on the aura of a scholar as she thought of what she should name her baby boy, and after a few moments of careful consideration her face lit up with a smile that could only be described as a "Eureka" moment.

"Let's name him Manuel, after your father."

Gabriel looked shocked for but a moment, but immediately after his eyes started to water as he wiped a tear from his eyes.

"Si, a strong and wonderful name for my boy, Manuel Florente Rodriguez shall be your name."

As the two new and proud parents shared a happy moment, cherishing the moment of creating their own little happy family the thoughts of their son were left in disarray.



A/N: Here we go with another fic for ya'll. Hope this ends up better than the others. Sorry for being gone all this time, been a bay full of problems and work for me. Anyways I hope to see ya'll in the next chapter. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them in the comics, I'll try to answer them as much as possible.