

"Where am I?" Dan thought as he slowly opened his eyes only be blinded a moment later by the naked incandescent bulb that swung above him.

While waiting for his eyes to adjust he tried to calm himself down and collect his thoughts. His memories were hazy but, they soon came back to him. "My name is Dan Young I'm 22 years and . . . and I was hit by a car while on my way to work! Is this a hospital?" Dan thought as he tried to get up and look around.

"Huh, strange why can I move? Am I paralyzed!" However after a moment of panic he realized that, that wasn't the case. "Hmm weird I can feel myself moving but, I'm not strong enough get up. Was I in a coma and my body has atrophied?"

"Well its fine as long I can still move, I can build up my muscle strength again eventually anyway." After deciding not to dwell on it Dan once again turned his attention to his surroundings. The roof above him wasn't like anything he had seen before. It was more like something you would see in a bunker or a battle ship rather than a hospital.

It was all metal and covered in large bolts with all sorts of wires and tube running back and forth along its edges. After straining to turn his head he saw all sorts of computers and machines. They all looked incredibly complex but, somehow though they gave him the feeling of being retro while looking at them.

Not long after faint voices could be heard in the distance. It was an old man with round Harry Potter glasses and a short doctor in a lab coat.

"How is he doing Doctor?" said the old man as he walked up towards Dan.

As the old man neared him Dan realized with horror that the man was a giant he was easily 30-40 feet tall.

"Wait" Dan thought to himself "That doesn't make any sense no one is that tall but, if the old man wasn't a giant then"?

"Good" replied the doctor "All his tests came back negative and his Rad level is practically at zero. All in all I would say that this is the healthiest child I have ever seen in my 20 years as a pediatric doctor."

"Wait CHILD" Dan thought that he misheard.

"That's great" exclaimed the old man "Maria will ecstatic when she finds out. She's been worried sick that there might be something wrong with the baby."

"Wait BABY."

Before Dan could completely react to what he heard the old man bent down and picked him up. Looking up to meet the old man's gaze he was shocked. He could see his reflection in his glasses it was the face of a baby.

"Waaaaaah" Dan cried out in shock.

"Oh you scared him" snickered the doctor.

"Haha so it seems"

As they were laughing misfortune of a newborn child Dan was was still reeling from this shocking information.

"Was I really reincarnated I can't believe I'm that lucky . . . or would it be unlucky since I died such an early death?

After the initial shock Dan was surprised to find out how well he was taking it.

"What I need to do know is understand exactly where I am. Am I still in America? Am I in a different time? Or am I in a completely different world?" He was incredibly excited at the infinite possibilities of reincarnation and the chance to get a do over in his life.

From the time he was born his old life was incredibly boring. His parents died when he was very young so he was raised in an orphanage until he was 18. From there he went to community college to get a degree in computer engineering. Never talking to girls or getting into trouble he always did exactly what was expected of him nothing more nothing less.

It wasn't that he wanted to live such a boring life but, every time the chance to live his life came there was always this little voice in the back of his mind telling him that he couldn't do it and he wasn't good enough.

Now however whether it was the thought of being a completely new person or that something inside his very soul was different now. The voice was gone now and all Dan could think about was that he wanted this new life to be one worth living.

Thank you for reading my first chapter. If you see any flaws in my story or have good idea's for locations, characters, creatures or whatever please leave a comment and thanks for reading

9Lightningcreators' thoughts