
8. Showing The Prototypes And Phase Two

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After that Sico went out of the room and continued doing his job around the vault. After his job for today finished, Sico went back to his room to continue making the prototypes because it was not done yet and needed at least 2 months for these prototypes ready and then will be shown to the overseer. After making progress on the prototype, Sico continued his regular exercise and read some books until dinner then took a shower after that he went to sleep.

In the morning, Sico takes a leave from his job for about a week and makes at least 20 walkie talkies that will be given to Officer Edwards for the security department. He wants to make the security department's job easier and more efficient when talking to give some information about the situation today and help someone to call the person they need.

After a week passed, Sico brought the walkie-talkies in his bag to the security department and gave them to Officer Edwards. When arrived he saw Officer Edwards monitoring the monitor to check the situation in every place on the vault.

Sico: "Excuse me, Officer Edwards may I have a moment?"

Officer Edwards: "Yes Sico, what is it?"

Sico: "So Officer Edwards, I have a gift for the security department that can make your job easier than before."

Officer Edwards: "Oh really now? What is it then?."

Sico: "This stuff's name is walkie talkie, it can transmit our voice to another walkie talkie with a range of at least 25 kilometers, and everything that stands in the way like concrete or steel wall will never stop them."

Officer Edwards: "Wow that's amazing, then with this stuff, we don't have to run to the headquarters to transmit the situation and condition that happened in the vault today."

Sico: "Yup that's right, that's why I make this so that it can help you guys."

Officer Edwards: "Thank you Sico, for this stuff really helpful for our job and maybe for the outing group when they go out to the outside world to check out the perimeter around the vault."

Sico: "You welcome, then excuse me I have to get back to my work because I already taking a leave for at least a week so maybe there are many places that need to be maintained or fixed."

Officer Edwards: "Of course Sico, really thank you again for this stuff."

After giving the walkie talkie and talking to Officer Edwards, Sico went back to his job and continued working until midnight then went back to his room to eat dinner and take a shower then went to sleep.

2 months later, Sico finished the prototypes that he would show to the overseer. Sico brings the prototypes with the help of Curie because he can not bring all of them by himself, on the way to the overseer room Sico thinks that the second phase of the project will start soon. So while showing the prototypes to the overseer, he will ask if the second phase can start tomorrow.

When arrived at the overseer's room, Sico saw the overseer doing paperwork that she had to do all the time. The overseer saw Sico bringing some kind of technology and then realized that the prototypes Sico had already finished so she asked Sico to take a seat and explain everything about the prototype.

Gwen: "Sico, please have a seat. So these are the prototypes that you say could help us? Care to explain what is it?."

Sico: "Okay, the first one is the camera recorder, It is different than the regular camera recorder we have. I installed a night vision and heat finder mod so that we can be useful when we go into the outside world to show us how the outside world right now, can find a potential enemy when we camp outside at night and it can connect to our TV if there a network."

Gwen: "Well it's good stuff, we can use it to take a video on the outside of the world plus we can monitor what are they doing on the outside world. How about the other two?."

Sico: "The second one is the new model of the TV, this TV can show us not a black and white screen but a colorful screen. Basically, what we record or show a video on TV it's will show us the real color of the object that was shown on the TV screen and it's not as complicated to use or fix as our regular TV."

Gwen: "Wow really? Then we can basically say that your TV invention is more advanced than the TV that was made before the Great War, what a great invention Sico, and now what about the last one?."

Sico: "The last one is a new model of terminal or I prefer to call it a computer. This computer will show the more efficient ways to use it than the terminal, I already installed a new system with the name of Soft and made a few programs on the computer like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint that can be used to tell a report or calculated data easier."

Gwen: "That's really amazing Sico! With this invention, I can assure you that this additional invention can replace our all terminals in the vault. I want you to place this computer in this room right now and let me try it then show it to the others so that they can give you the resources and manpower to make it."

Sico: "Okay overseer while placing it, I will transfer your previous data on the terminal to the computer too."

After replacing the terminal with the computer and transferring the overseer data to the computer, Sico wants to ask about the project's second phase.

Gwen: "Thank you Sico for the new invention and is really easier to use than the terminal with the help of this mouse."

Sico: "You welcome overseer, now I want to ask you when the second phase of the project will start? Because I know that the resource is already gathered and it will take at least two days to gather the manpower for it."

Gwen: "Oh we can start it next week, I already told Calvin to gather the manpower and for the resources transfer I will personally lead it so there are no previous cases like before."

Sico: "Great, I will personally help Calvin with the manpower then make sure there are no people who object to this phase."

Gwen: " Thank you, Sico, now is there any question you want to ask?."

Sico: "No there's not, so I'm taking my leave now overseer goodbye."

Gwen: "Well goodbye Sico, have a pleasant day."

After leaving the overseer's room with Curie, Sico tells Curie to report to her job at the infirmary and Sico goes back to his room to place the prototypes and continue his job for today. While Sico doing his work, suddenly Calvin comes to Sico and wants to talk about the project's second phase.

Calvin: "Hey little dude, do you know that the project will restart next week? I need your help to gather the manpower for it."

Sico: "Of course, I can help you with that. Can you go to the overseer to ask her how many resources we have for this phase? I can count it to basically know how many days or months to use it and can calculate it to where we can use the resources efficiently. I forgot to ask her before when I was showing something to the overseer earlier."

Calvin: "Okay little dude, tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon meet me at the meeting room to gather the manpower."

Sico: "Okay Calvin, see you tomorrow."

After talking to Sico, Calvin takes his leave and goes to the overseer's room while Sico continues doing his work around the vault. After finishing his quota for today Sico took a walk around the vault to see if there was anything that he missed and then went back to his room to eat dinner and take a shower then go to sleep.

The next day, Sico went to the place Calvin asked to meet and saw there was a line of people outside the room. After going into the room, Sico sees Calvin recruit people one by one for the project to see if they are fit or not for the job.

Calvin: "Sico you are late, come help me there are still at least 100 people to examine"

Sico: "Okay Calvin."

Calvin: "We need at least 25 people for this project and so far there are 5 people who pass this examination."

Sico: "Okay I get to it then."

After that Sico focused on helping Calvin gather the manpower for the project, it finished when the time was already night and they already got the 25 men for the project.

Calvin: "Okay that's the last people we examine, thank you Sico for your help."

Sico: "You welcome Calvin."

Calvin: "Come now help me clean up this place."

Sico: "Aye aye captain."

After that, they cleaned up the place and then went back to their own room to rest for the night. 1 week passed by and the project's second phase will start today, Sico and Calvin went first into the place to examine the spot they needed to work on first. The place where they are renovating now is full of cages for the mole rat and the research room, Sico, and Calvin lead the people to renovate the place.

Sico Calculate that this project will take time at least 4 months because the place is bigger than the previous place and there are many broken floors because of the mole rat. Sico and the others start working on renovating the place by replacing the broken floor and then fixing the electrical power so there is no power outage in the future. Then reinforce the broken wall with concrete and steel because the place has never been maintained over the last 2 centuries while letting the others do the jobs, Sico inspects every single job to make sure there are no missed place that needs to be renovated. After finishing the quota of the day, everyone went back to their own room to get some rest because tomorrow they still needed to continue the project.


• Name: Sico

• Stats

S: 4,44

P: 3,44

E: 2,44

C: 5,44

I: 8,44

A: 2,44

L: 3

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic and Science skills, beginner Shooting and Medical skills

• Inventory: 10.000 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 5 mole rats meat, 3 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 1 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, and camera recorder blueprint.

• Active Quest: Prepare For The Future

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