
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 20 Chapters ahead, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

Tang12 · Video Games
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334 Chs

71. Saving Vadim

If you want to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check out my Patreon!!!

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The trio, united in their resolve, prepared for the unconventional plan to boost Travis's confidence in the face of adversity.

As Travis, encouraged by Sico and Piper's support, gathered his courage, he turned towards the two bullies who had been bothering him. With newfound determination, he addressed them firmly, "Hey, enough is enough! I won't let you guys push me around anymore. Back off!"

The patrons in the Dugout Inn watched the scene unfold, and as Travis spoke up, Sico and Piper stood ready, a silent assurance that they were there to support him. The bullies, taken aback by the unexpected resistance, exchanged uncertain glances.

As Travis stood up for himself, the bullies, momentarily taken aback, exchanged uncertain glances. However, their hesitation was short-lived. In a sudden turn of events, the bullies lunged at Travis with barehanded attacks, and the other patrons in the Dugout Inn gasped at the unfolding chaos.

Sico, prepared for the possibility of a confrontation, swiftly engaged with the bully who targeted him, while Piper, demonstrating her agility, countered the assault on Travis. The inn erupted into a chaotic brawl as fists flew, and the atmosphere crackled with tension.

In the midst of the chaotic brawl, Sico and Piper, alongside Travis, skillfully navigated through the flurry of fists. With practiced moves, Sico deftly countered the attacks from the bully he faced, while Piper showcased her agility, swiftly neutralizing the threat to Travis.

The patrons in the Dugout Inn watched the trio's coordinated efforts, the atmosphere tense yet filled with a shared anticipation. Sico and Piper, with their combat skills, managed to subdue the aggression without escalating the situation further.

As the brawl gradually simmered down, the bullies, now realizing the resistance they faced, reluctantly backed off. The Dugout Inn returned to a semblance of order, and the patrons observed the unexpected turn of events.

As the dust settled in the aftermath of the brawl, the Dugout Inn slowly returned to a semblance of order. The patrons, once caught in the midst of chaos, observed the unexpected turn of events with a mix of relief and curiosity.

Travis, visibly shaken but empowered by the support of Sico and Piper, took a deep breath. The bullies, now realizing the resistance they faced, reluctantly backed off, nursing their bruised egos.

With a collective exhale, the patrons in the inn resumed their activities, and the tense atmosphere began to dissipate. Travis, with a mix of gratitude and newfound confidence, turned to Sico and Piper.

Travis: "I... I don't know what to say. Thank you both. I never expected anyone to stand up for me like that."

The trio found a quieter corner of the Dugout Inn to discuss the unfolding events. Travis, still processing the unexpected turn of events, expressed his gratitude.

Travis: "I never thought I'd see the day I'd stand up to those guys. Thanks for being there, Sico and Piper."

Sico, leaning back with a smile, replied,

Sico: "Sometimes, a little backup makes all the difference. You held your ground, Travis."

Piper, nodding in agreement, added,

Piper: "You've got the charisma for radio, and now you've got the guts to face down bullies. Not bad for one night's work."

Travis, a newfound determination in his eyes, said,

Travis: "Maybe I needed this. Thanks, guys. Now, let's hope Diamond City Radio hears a different tune tomorrow."

After their heartfelt conversation, Travis, expressing gratitude once again, said goodbye to Sico and Piper. With a newfound sense of determination, he left the Dugout Inn, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As Travis departed, Sico and Piper, carrying the satisfaction of a mission accomplished, made their way to Vadim. The lively atmosphere of the inn surrounded them as they approached the bar counter where Vadim was busy serving drinks.

Sico, with a nod, signaled their presence.

Sico: "Vadim, the plan worked. Travis stood up for himself."

Vadim, a grin spreading across his face, responded,

Vadim: "That's fantastic news! I appreciate your help, Sico and Piper. So you ready for the next plan?."

Sico, raising an eyebrow, responded to Vadim's mention of the next plan.

Sico: "Hold on, Vadim. You didn't mention a second plan. What's this about?"

Vadim, a mischievous glint in his eyes, leaned in and explained the details of the next stage in their unconventional efforts to boost Travis's confidence.

Vadim: "Didn't want to overwhelm you with too many details. This next one's is an easy one, but I've got a feeling you're up for it. Are you in?"

Sico and Piper, intrigued by Vadim's revelation, shared a glance before Sico nodded.

Sico: "Alright, Vadim. Lay out the plan. We're in."

Vadim, with a sly grin, explained the next stage.

Vadim: "Travis has a bit of a crush on Scarlett, the waitress here. Word is, she might feel the same. I was thinking, if you two could convince Scarlett to spend some time with Travis, it might just be the boost he needs."

Sico and Piper exchanged knowing smiles, ready to play Cupid in this unexpected twist of events.

Sico and Piper, on board with Vadim's plan, approached Scarlett who was taking a break outside.

Sico, with a friendly smile, initiated the conversation.

Sico: "Hey, Scarlett. How's the night treating you? We've got a little something on our minds, and we think you might be interested."

Piper chimed in, "It's about Travis. Seems like he's got a bit of a crush on you. Any chance you'd be up for spending some time with him?"

Scarlett, intrigued by the unexpected proposition, looked between Sico and Piper.

Scarlett, intrigued and with a hint of a smile, responded to Sico and Piper's proposition.

Scarlett: "Travis, huh? Well, if he's as sweet as you say, I wouldn't mind spending some time with him. But first, I gotta know... does he really like me?"

Sico and Piper exchanged a glance before nodding.

Sico: "Absolutely. Travis has a genuine crush on you. We thought it might be nice if you could spend some time together."

Scarlett, with a playful glint in her eyes, agreed, "Alright, lead the way. Let's make this Travis's lucky night."

After hearing that Scarlett went to Travis's place to see Travis. Meanwhile, back at the Dugout Inn, Sico and Piper intended to report to Vadim about the successful progress of their plan. However, upon entering the inn, they were met with a somber atmosphere.

Yefim, Vadim's brother, approached with a worried expression.

Yefim: "Sico, Piper, something's gone wrong. Vadim's been kidnapped by those bullies you crossed earlier. They're demanding payment, and Vadim's refusal led to this."

Sico's jaw tightened, and Piper's eyes flashed with concern as they processed Yefim's words.

Sico: "Kidnapping Vadim? We can't let that stand. Where are they holding him?"

Yefim, nodding toward an ominous note left by the bullies, responded.

Travis: "They mentioned that Travis knew the place. So he tell's me that if we want to knew, ask Travis."

Sico and Piper, fueled by a sense of urgency, quickly made their way to Travis's place. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and they needed information from Travis to locate the location where Vadim was held captive.

Upon reaching Travis's residence, they found him were with Scarlett. The atmosphere in the room held a mix of concern and determination. Sico, cutting straight to the point, addressed Travis.

Sico: "We heard Vadim's been kidnapped. Do you know where they're holding him?"

Travis, a solemn expression on his face, responded,

Travis: "Yeah, they mentioned they have a place called Beantown Brewery. It's to the north of Diamond City."

Sico and Piper, now armed with the information they needed, exchanged a determined glance. It was time to head to Beantown Brewery, confront the bullies, and bring Vadim back safely.

Suddenly Travis, with a determined look in his eyes, spoke up,

Travis: "I can't just sit here. If Vadim got into this mess because of me, I want to help get him out. I'm coming with you."

Sico and Piper exchanged a brief nod, acknowledging Travis's resolve. The trio, now united in their mission, prepared to face the challenges that awaited them at Beantown Brewery.

As Sico, Piper, and Travis made their way towards Beantown Brewery, the night air hung heavy with anticipation. The trio moved cautiously, aware of the potential dangers awaiting them at the brewery. Travis, fueled by a mix of guilt and determination, walked alongside Sico and Piper, ready to confront the bullies and rescue Vadim.

Upon reaching the entrance of Beantown Brewery, a dimly lit and seemingly desolate building, the trio exchanged glances. The distant sounds of movement within hinted at the presence of the bullies and, hopefully, Vadim.

With a silent understanding, they pushed open the creaking door and stepped into the shadowy depths of Beantown Brewery, where their rescue mission would unfold.

As the trio ventured deeper into the Beantown Brewery, the dimly lit corridors and echoes of distant movement heightened the tension in the air. As they turned a corner, they encountered individuals who appeared more than willing to protect the secrets within the brewery. The guards, upon seeing Sico, Piper, and Travis, immediately assumed an aggressive stance.

Without hesitation, the guards lunged forward, initiating a confrontation that added a layer of peril to their already challenging rescue mission. Sico, Piper, and Travis, united in their goal, stood their ground and prepared to face this new obstacle within the brewery's depths.

The confined space of Beantown Brewery became an arena for the clash between the trio and the aggressive guards. The air filled with the clash of metal, gunshots, and the occasional battle cry. Sico, with his combat expertise, strategically countered attacks, while Piper gracefully dodged incoming strikes, delivering precise blows.

Travis, despite the initial hesitation, found his resolve and fought alongside Sico and Piper, determined to make amends for the situation Vadim found himself in.

As the battle unfolded, the echoes of conflict reverberated through the brewery, each strike and gunshot a testament to the trio's determination to rescue Vadim. The guards, realizing the formidable opposition they faced, fought with a desperate intensity.

Having subdued the guards, the trio pressed forward through the dimly lit corridors of Beantown Brewery. The faint glow of brewing equipment cast eerie shadows, creating an ominous atmosphere as they navigated the maze-like structure.

As they cautiously entered a room, they discovered Vadim restrained, with the two bullies standing menacingly nearby. The air in the room crackled with tension as the trio faced the final hurdle in their mission to rescue Vadim.

Sico, Piper, and Travis exchanged determined glances, ready to confront the bullies and secure Vadim's freedom. The fate of the brewery and the resolution of the night's events hinged on the impending confrontation.

The room erupted into chaos as the trio engaged in a fierce battle with the bullies. Sico's precise shots, Piper's agile strikes, and Travis's newfound determination combined to create a synchronized assault.

The bullies, overpowered by the relentless onslaught, soon found themselves defeated. The tension in the room gave way to a palpable sense of victory as Sico, Piper, and Travis swiftly moved to release Vadim from his restraints.

Vadim, though shaken by the events, expressed his gratitude.

Vadim: "I owe you all a debt of gratitude. Thanks for coming to my rescue."

The trio, having successfully completed their daring mission, now faced the aftermath. With Vadim freed and gratitude in the air, the quartet – Sico, Piper, Travis, and Vadim – made their way back through the winding corridors of Beantown Brewery.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 7,44

P: 6,44

E: 7,44

C: 7,44

I: 9,44

A: 5,45

L: 6

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, Beginner Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, and Hacking Skills

• Inventory: 16.540 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, and Furious Power Fist

• Active Quest: None.

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