
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

Tang12 · Video Games
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231 Chs

69. Duggout Inn

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Desdemona agreed, and the tension in the room began to ease. The possibility of collaboration loomed, with both groups having a shared goal in securing the Commonwealth.

Desdemona, intrigued by Nora's candid response, posed another question.

Desdemona: "Aside from the recruitment issue, why do you want to meet the Railroad? What's your interest in our cause?"

Nora, thoughtful in her reply, explained: "We want to understand who the mysterious Railroad really is. Are they truly the only friends of the Institute? Your words about anyone killing a Courser being a friend made me think that the Railroad might harbor some resentment toward the Institute."

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of their shared suspicions hanging in the air.

Desdemona, with a firm resolve, responded to Nora's observation.

Desdemona: "Yes, we do harbor resentment toward the Institute. They create living beings in the form of synths, yet the moment those synths develop independent thoughts, the Institute shuts them down without allowing them a chance to make their own decisions."

The tension in the room seemed to shift, the shared understanding of the Institute's actions bringing a sense of unity to the conversation.

Nora: " I see but still you risk saving a machine over human lives, why?"

Desdemona, recognizing the gravity of Nora's question, explained the Railroad's perspective.

Desdemona: "It's not about favoring machines over human lives. The Institute's disregard for synth life extends to human life as well. They manipulate, control, and endanger both synths and humans. Our goal is to fight against that oppression, ensuring freedom for all—synth and human alike."

Nora, considering Desdemona's words, replied: "Freedom for all is a cause I can support. But can we trust the Railroad? What assurances do we have that our alliance won't be used against us?"

Desdemona, maintaining a steady gaze, responded: "Trust is earned, and it goes both ways. We'll prove our intentions through actions, not just words."

Nora, weighing Desdemona's words, accepted the alliance for the time being but made her stance clear.

Nora: "We'll accept this alliance for now, but understand this – if we see or hear that the Railroad puts machines over human lives, we'll have to reconsider our partnership. Our primary goal is the safety and freedom of the people we lead."

Desdemona, acknowledging Nora's terms, replied: "Fair enough. Actions will speak louder than words. We'll work together to achieve our common goals."

Sico, with a nod to Nora, suggested they head back to Sanctuary now that they've met with the Railroad. Nora agreed, turning to Desdemona.

Nora: "We appreciate your cooperation. We'll take our leave now."

Desdemona bid them farewell, expressing hope for future positive encounters. She turned to Deacon, instructing him to escort the group outside.

Desdemona: "Deacon, please see them out."

With Deacon leading the way, the group left the underground hideout of the Railroad.

Deacon escorted Nora, Piper, and Sico back to the church, and as they emerged, MacCready, Preston, and Strong, who had been on high alert, were visibly relieved to see them unharmed. However, when Deacon followed the trio, the guards reacted instinctively, directing their weapons toward him.

MacCready: "Hold it right there! Who's this guy, and why is he with you?"

Nora, recognizing the potential misunderstanding, quickly intervened.

Nora: "Easy, everyone. Deacon here is a friend. We've just made a temporary alliance with the Railroad. No need for hostilities."

Deacon, raising his hands in a non-threatening gesture, added a reassuring smile.

Deacon: "Hey, no need for the firearms. We're all on the same side here."

MacCready, after a moment of hesitation, lowered his weapon, but the others remained wary.

MacCready: "Alright, but we'll keep an eye on him."

The group, now back together and clarified, prepared their way toward Sanctuary. As the group left the church, Deacon nodded to Nora and the others.

Deacon: "Take care out there."

With that, Deacon slipped into the shadows, blending into the surroundings. The team exchanged glances before continuing their journey toward Sanctuary, the weight of their mission and the uncertain future ahead lingering in the air.

As the group traveled towards Sanctuary over the six-day journey, the landscape transformed around them. Along the way, Sico expressed his intention to stay at Diamond City for a while, suggesting others join him. Piper, always eager for a new story, was the first to speak up.

Piper: "Count me in, Sico. I could use some fresh material for my next article."

The rest of the group, however, decided to continue towards Sanctuary, each with their own reasons.

After three days of traveling towards Diamond City, the group faced numerous challenges. Raiders, ghouls, and super mutants emerged one by one, each threat met with a combination of skill and firepower from the team. Piper's quick reflexes with her pistol, MacCready's precise sniper shots, and Sico's energy weapons all played a crucial role in repelling the relentless attacks.

Despite the hardships, the group pressed on, their determination to reach Diamond City unwavering. Each victory over the hostile encounters brought them closer to their destination, but the journey remained perilous, with the Commonwealth proving to be as unforgiving as ever.

As the group finally reached the outskirts of Diamond City, Sico and Piper prepared to part ways. Piper turned to Nora with a smile.

Piper: "It's been a wild ride, but I've got stories to write. Good luck on your way back to Sanctuary."

Sico, nodding in agreement, added.

Sico: "And about Strong, you can settle him in the Red Rocket shop near Sanctuary. It might take some time to convince people he's friendly, but it could be a home for him."

With heartfelt goodbyes, Sico and Piper went their separate ways, leaving Nora and the remaining companions to continue their journey toward Sanctuary, mindful of the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead.

Sico and Piper entered Diamond City, making their way to Takahashi's noodle stand to enjoy a meal. After savoring the noodles, they each paid the ten caps and continued on to Sico's home.

In the privacy of Sico's dwelling, they carefully stowed away their gear. Sico took off his power armor, placing it among his collection, while Piper organized her belongings.

As Sico and Piper finished organizing their belongings, the weariness from the challenging journey began to set in. With a shared understanding, they retired to their respective rooms within Sico's house, seeking the comfort of rest. The quiet of the dwelling embraced them, providing a temporary sanctuary from the harsh realities of the Commonwealth.

As they settled into their rooms, the anticipation of a good night's sleep weighed heavy on their tired shoulders, knowing that the next day would bring new challenges and adventures in the unforgiving wasteland.

As Sico and Piper awoke, the dim light filtering through the windows revealed the nighttime outside. Glancing at the clock, they realized it was 6:30 PM. The hushed sounds of Diamond City drifted through the walls, creating a soothing ambiance.

Feeling the pangs of hunger, Sico and Piper decided to venture out into Diamond City's nightlife. They made their way to the Dugout Inn, drawn by the promise of hearty food and the clinking of glasses.

As they entered the establishment, the warm glow of the lanterns and the lively chatter of patrons welcomed them. The aroma of cooked meals wafted through the air, making their stomachs growl in anticipation.

Approaching the bar counter, Sico and Piper were greeted by the lively bartender, Vadim Bobrov, who introduced himself as the owner of the Dugout Inn. A bustling figure behind the counter caught their attention, and Vadim pointed to his twin brother, Yefim Bobrov, who was assisting with serving drinks.

Vadim, with a wide grin, welcomed them, "Welcome to the Dugout Inn! What can I get you fine folks tonight? We've got the best drinks and grub in Diamond City."

The atmosphere of the inn buzzed with conversation and laughter, creating a welcoming backdrop for Sico and Piper's evening in the heart of Diamond City.

Sico, with a nod of appreciation, leaned against the bar counter and ordered some food and drinks for both himself and Piper.

Sico: "How about a couple of your best meals, Vadim, and whatever drinks you recommend? We've had a long day on the road."

Vadim, ever the energetic host, promised to bring them a feast. As Sico and Piper settled in, the aroma of freshly prepared meals filled the air, and the clinking of glasses resonated in the lively ambiance of the Dugout Inn.

As Sico and Piper enjoyed their meals, savoring the flavors of Diamond City's best offerings, a man approached them. With a curious glint in his eyes, he asked Sico.

Man: "So, what's your story? Caravan? Mercenary? Guard?"

Sico, chewing a bite of his meal, looked up and replied.

Sico: "A bit of everything, my friend. Wandering the wasteland, seeking out adventure and maybe a few caps along the way."

The man grinned, introducing himself as Hawthorne.

Hawthorne: "Well, ain't that the life? I'm just kicking back, sharing stories between things. The Commonwealth's got its fair share of tales, that's for sure."

As the evening unfolded, Sico, Piper, and Hawthorne engaged in a lively exchange of stories, each one adding a new layer to the tapestry of experiences woven across the wasteland.

As the tales flowed around the table, Sico turned to Hawthorne with a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

Sico: "Hawthorne, what's your story in this crazy wasteland? Any particular adventure that stands out or a place you reckon is worth checking out?"

Hawthorne leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face, ready to share his own chapter in the ever-evolving narrative of the Commonwealth.

Hawthorne's eyes took on a distant look as he began recounting his tale.

Hawthorne: "Well, there was this one time I was doing some scavenging in a train tunnel. Thought I hit the jackpot with a stash of old-world goodies. Little did I know, it was a ghoul nest. Woke 'em up, and suddenly, I'm facing a pack of feral ghouls."

Hawthorne's narrative unfolded, describing the chaotic battle and the tense escape from the pack of feral ghouls.

Hawthorne: "There I was, back against the tunnel wall, ghouls closing in from all sides. It was a scramble, bullets flying, and the stench of decay all around. I found a narrow opening in the tunnel, squeezed through, barely escaping their grasp."

As he painted the vivid picture of the struggle, the atmosphere in the Dugout Inn hung on Hawthorne's every word, the tension of survival palpable.

Hawthorne took a breath, his tale reaching its climax.

Hawthorne: "Managed to slip through that narrow gap just in time, heart pounding like crazy. Escaped the tunnel, and those ghouls were left behind in the darkness. Luck was on my side that day."

As the tension eased, Hawthorne turned to Sico with a grin.

Hawthorne: "Now, Sico, it's only fair. You've heard my close call. What about your own tales from the wasteland? Any encounters that got your blood pumping?"

Sico continued his tale, the memories vivid in his mind.

Sico: "So there I was, on that rooftop in Concord, power armor humming, minigun spinning. Raiders thought they had the upper hand until a Deathclaw emerged from the underground, roaring like thunder. It was chaos – bullets flying, claws slashing. I fought tooth and nail to save my friend, caught between raiders and the relentless beast."

As the words hung in the air, the Dugout Inn seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the gripping story of Sico's daring encounter at Concord. The night pressed on, tales of survival intertwining, creating a shared legacy among those gathered in the heart of Diamond City.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 7,44

P: 6,44

E: 7,44

C: 7,44

I: 9,44

A: 5,45

L: 6

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, Beginner Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, and Hacking Skills

• Inventory: 16.540 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, and Furious Power Fist

• Active Quest: None.

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