
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 20 Chapters ahead, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

Tang12 · Video Games
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334 Chs

66. Strong The Good Super Mutant

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They finally reach the upper level they can reach, when they left the elevator, they saw a group of super mutants are already waiting for them.

Fist, the towering super mutant armed with a menacing minigun, faced Sico and his group as they stepped out of the elevator onto the upper level of Trinity Tower.

Fist: "You humans think you can just stroll into our home? I am Fist, and I'll be the last thing you see!"

Sico, undeterred, raised his weapon, ready for the impending confrontation.

Sico: "We're here for a friend. Stand down, and we won't have to make this difficult."

Fist, however, showed no signs of backing down. The battle against Fist and his group of super mutants was inevitable, and the echoing clashes of gunfire and the roar of the minigun filled the tower.

The battle erupted in the dimly lit upper level of Trinity Tower. Sico, Nora, Piper, Preston, and MacCready faced off against Fist, the formidable super mutant leader, and his accompanying group.

Fist, wielding his minigun, unleashed a barrage of bullets, forcing the group to take cover behind debris and pillars. Sico, clad in his power armor, led the charge, strategically coordinating with his team to counter the overwhelming firepower.

Nora and Piper provided cover fire from a distance, their precise shots targeting the weaker points of the super mutants. Preston and MacCready, seasoned fighters, engaged in close-quarters combat, using a combination of firearms and melee weapons.

The battle was intense, the air filled with the stench of gunfire and the guttural roars of super mutants. Fist, relentless and powerful, proved to be a formidable adversary. However, the Minutemen's coordinated efforts and tactical skill began to turn the tide.

Sico, seizing an opportunity, aimed for Fist's weak spots, diverting the attention of the super mutants. Piper, with her agile movements, managed to find a vantage point to deliver precise shots.

As the dust settled, Fist fell, defeated, and the remaining super mutants either killed or fled. The Minutemen emerged victorious, though not without wounds and weariness from the fierce battle.

Sico, amidst the aftermath of the intense battle, checked on the condition of his team. Each member showed signs of fatigue and minor injuries, a testament to the challenging encounter.

Sico: "Everyone alright? We did well, but let's make sure everyone's patched up."

Nora and Piper tended to the wounds of Preston and MacCready, using the supplies they brought from Diamond City. Sico inspected his power armor, ensuring it was still functional despite taking some hits during the fight.

Preston, with a nod of approval, spoke up.

Preston: "We held our ground, but we should stay cautious. There might be more challenges ahead."

Sico agreed, acknowledging the unpredictability of their mission. The group took a moment to regroup, catch their breath, and prepare for whatever awaited them deeper within Trinity Tower.

After took a moment to catch a breath, the group loot the super mutant taking their weapon and ammo especially Fist minigun. While Sico loot Fist he find a key, thinking that this must be the key to the cell of Rex goodman. After finish looting, the group continue their way with they find a stairs that lead them to a rooftop.

As they reached the rooftop, the sight of a human figure in a makeshift cage confirmed their suspicions that it was indeed Rex Goodman.

However, their relief was short-lived. Upon opening the cell door, they discovered a Super Mutant present in the room with Rex. The hulking mutant turned toward the intruders, a menacing growl escaping its mutated lips.

Sico, reacting swiftly, raised his weapon, ready to defend the group and secure Rex's rescue. Rex Goodman, recognizing the potential danger, quickly intervened.

Rex: "Hold on! Hold on! This one's different. This is Strong. He stopped the others from turning me into Super Mutant chow."

Strong, the Super Mutant in question, grunted in affirmation, seemingly displaying an unusual level of restraint for his kind.

Rex: "Strong, these are the folks who rescued me. They're friends, not food."

Sico, easing his grip on his weapon, regarded Strong cautiously.

Sico: "We're here to help. If you're with Rex, then we're on the same side. What's going on here?"

Rex proceeded to explain the situation, shedding light on the peculiar alliance between himself and the Super Mutant named Strong.

Rex Goodman, having established a fragile alliance with the Super Mutant named Strong, gestured toward the rooftop's edge.

Rex: "We need to get out of this cursed tower. Strong knows a way. Let's follow him."

Strong: "Go to lift, Go fast human."

Strong, in his primal manner, talk and gestured for the group to follow him to the lift. The group cautiously approached the edge of the rooftop, where the lift awaited them.

Sico: "Let's stick together. We've got an ally in Strong, but we can't let our guard down."

As the group boarded the lift, uncertainty loomed over what lay ahead. The descent would reveal whether this unusual alliance with a Super Mutant named Strong would hold.

The lift came to a sudden halt, leaving the group stranded in the middle of the tower's descent. Before them, a group of aggressive Super Mutants emerged, launching a surprise attack.

Sico, Preston, Nora, Piper, and even Strong swiftly responded, forming a defensive stance as the Super Mutants closed in. The confined space of the lift intensified the close-quarters combat, and the clash echoed through the metallic chamber.

Sico: "Hold your ground! We can't let them overwhelm us here!"

The battle unfolded with a mix of gunfire, melee strikes, and the raw strength of Strong. The confined space posed a challenge, but the group fought valiantly against the Super Mutant attackers.

In the confined space of the halted lift, the air echoed with the chaotic symphony of combat. Sico, clad in his power armor, took the forefront, using his weaponry with precision. Preston, wielding his trusty laser musket, fired accurate shots at approaching Super Mutants. Nora provided cover fire, her shots strategically placed to thin the mutant ranks.

Piper, armed with her signature pipe revolver, navigated the close quarters adeptly, taking shots when opportunities arose. Strong, the friendly Super Mutant, unleashed his weapon upon their adversaries, creating a formidable front line.

The Super Mutants, undeterred, pressed the attack with reckless abandon. The confined space limited their movement, but their sheer strength posed a constant threat.

As the battle raged on, the clashing of metal and the roar of gunfire filled the air, creating a tense and chaotic atmosphere within the immobile lift.

With every well-aimed shot and strategic maneuver, the group aimed to overcome the Super Mutants and secure their descent in the malfunctioning lift.

After the intense struggle in the halted lift, the unexpected occurred – the lift abruptly resumed its descent. The group, still catching their breaths from the battle, held onto whatever they could as the lift descended further into the depths of Trinity Tower.

The sudden movement added another layer of uncertainty to their already tense situation. Glances were exchanged among the group, but they remained vigilant, ready for whatever awaited them as the lift reached its destination.

The lift came to an abrupt halt, and with a nod from Strong, the group understood they needed to find an alternative route. Strong led the way through the dimly lit corridors of Trinity Tower, navigating the complex structure with surprising familiarity.

As they followed Strong to the next lift, Rex Goodman expressed his gratitude for the unexpected rescue.

Rex: "I owe you one. Strong here made sure those other mutants didn't turn me into a snack."

With Strong at the forefront, the group approached the second lift, ready for whatever challenges still lay ahead in their quest to escape Trinity Tower.

When they reach the second floor the lift came halt and the disembark the lift and go to the ground floor using the stairs. After reaching the ground floor, Rex Goodman expressed his heartfelt thanks to the group for their help.

Rex: "I can't thank you enough for getting me out of that mess. Strong is all yours now. I'm heading out of this tower and finding my way back home."

With a nod of gratitude, Rex Goodman parted ways, leaving the group with Strong. The unlikely companions prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them in the aftermath of their daring rescue from Trinity Tower.

Sico, considering the potential addition of Strong to their group, turned to the others.

Sico: "What do you think? Should we recruit Strong? And Strong, would you be interested in joining us? We might be able to help you in your quest for the milk of human kindness."

The group awaited Strong's response, curious about the super mutant's decision.

Strong, after a moment of contemplation, looked at Sico and the group.

Strong: "Yes, I join. We find milk of human kindness together."

Sico, nodding, extended a hand to Strong.

Sico: "Welcome to the team, Strong. Let's work together to find what you're looking on in the future, right know we have something to do."

With Strong now part of their group, they continued their journey, leaving Trinity Tower behind. The group continue their journey to Park Street Station, where the freedom trail located.

As the group continued their journey towards Park Street Station, the dynamic of their team had shifted with the addition of Strong. The towering super mutant, though fearsome in appearance, seemed determined to find the elusive "milk of human kindness."

Sico, leading the way, addressed the group.

Sico: "We have a new mission, but let's not forget our original goal. The Freedom Trail may lead us to answers about the Railroad and their activities in Sanctuary. Stay vigilant."

The Commonwealth's unpredictable landscape lay ahead, and the mystery of the Railroad awaited them.

Sico, feeling a sense of accomplishment, heard the familiar chime in his mind as the system provided an update on the completed quest.

System: [Ding! You have completed the Quest: Rescue Rex Goodman from the super mutant.

Reward: 5 S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, beginner Lockpicking, and Hacking skills.]

The newfound skills and enhanced attributes would undoubtedly prove valuable in the challenges that lay ahead. With Strong now a part of their team, and the quest fulfilled, they pressed on toward Park Street Station and the elusive Freedom Trail.

Sico, considering his recent experiences, decided to distribute the gained stats to further enhance his abilities.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L distribution:

- +1 Perception (P)

- +1 Endurance (E)

- +2 Agility (A)

- +1 Luck (L)

With these enhancements, Sico felt a heightened awareness and agility, ready to face the challenges that awaited them. The group continued their journey, the glow of the Commonwealth's unpredictable future guiding their path.

After a three-day journey that took them past the Combat Zone, the group finally arrived at Goodneighbor. Sico told Strong to rest outside because he knew about the people hate for super mutant, the neon lights and bustling streets welcomed them as they sought refuge in Hotel Rexford for some well-deserved rest.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 7,44

P: 6,44

E: 7,44

C: 7,44

I: 9,44

A: 5,45

L: 6

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, Beginner Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, and Hacking Skills

• Inventory: 16.540 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, and Ashmaker.

• Active Quest: None.

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