
180. Preparation On Making a Harbour PT.2

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With that settled, Sico found himself a cozy spot in the living room, settling in for a much-needed rest after a long and eventful day. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship and support of his friends in Sanctuary.

The next morning, Sico woke up to the enticing aroma of breakfast filling the air. Stretching as he emerged from the sleeping bag, he noticed Codsworth bustling about the kitchen, expertly preparing a delicious morning meal.

Codsworth: "Good morning, Master Sico! I hope you had a restful sleep. Breakfast will be ready shortly."

Sico smiled appreciatively, feeling grateful for Codsworth's hospitality.

Sico: "Thank you, Codsworth. That smells amazing."

As Sico made his way towards the dining area, he saw Nora and Donny already seated at the table, engaged in conversation.

Nora looked up, a warm smile gracing her features.

Nora: "Good morning, Sico! Sleep well?"

Sico nodded, taking a seat at the table.

Sico: "I did, thanks. And it looks like we're in for a delicious breakfast."

Donny greeted Sico with a shy smile, still adjusting to his new surroundings.

Donny: "Morning, Sico. Codsworth is making scramble egg!"

Sico chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth at the sight of Donny's enthusiasm.

Sico: "Scrambel egg sound perfect. Thanks for having me over, Nora."

Nora waved it off with a grin, pouring coffee for everyone.

Nora: "Anytime, Sico. We're glad to have you here. Now, let's enjoy breakfast before we tackle the day ahead."

After a few minutes, Codsworth finished preparing the food and elegantly served it at the dining table. The aroma of freshly cooked eggs filled the room, eliciting satisfied murmurs from everyone present.

Nora: "Looks delicious, Codsworth. Thank you."

Codsworth beeped cheerfully in response, pleased to have been of service.

Codsworth: "You're quite welcome, Mistress Nora. Enjoy your meal!"

The group dug into the hearty breakfast, savoring each bite as they exchanged light-hearted banter and discussed their plans for the day ahead.

Sico: "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

Nora glanced at the blueprint for the harbor, which lay on the table, her expression thoughtful.

Nora: "We'll need to gather the materials and equipment we'll need for construction. I've already contacted Sturges and Hancock to start making arrangements."

Sico nodded in agreement, already mentally preparing for the tasks ahead. With their plans set, the group continued to enjoy their breakfast, energized and ready to tackle the challenges of the day ahead.

After they finished their breakfast, Nora turned to Codsworth with a gentle smile.

Nora: "Codsworth, could you please send Donny to this address here at Sanctuary? He'll be staying with a new family who will adopt him."

Codsworth nodded understandingly, his mechanical whirring indicating his compliance.

Codsworth: "Of course, Mistress Nora. Right away."

Donny looked up, a mix of emotions crossing his face at the mention of a new family, but he nodded in acceptance.

Donny: "Okay, Nora. Thank you."

Nora reached out to squeeze Donny's hand reassuringly.

Nora: "You're welcome, Donny. It's for the best."

With Codsworth's guidance, Donny left the dining area, heading towards his new home with a sense of hope for the future.

As Donny departed, Nora turned to Sico, her expression determined.

Nora: "We'll make sure Donny finds a good home. Now, let's focus on our plans for the harbor construction."

Sico and Nora left Nora's house, their minds already focused on the tasks ahead. They made their way to the Scavenging Department to meet with Hancock, the head of the team responsible for gathering materials and resources for construction projects in Sanctuary.

Upon arriving, they found Hancock overseeing the bustling activity of his team, who were sorting through salvaged materials and preparing for their daily scavenging runs.

Nora: "Hancock, we need to discuss getting the materials we'll need for the harbor construction project."

Hancock turned to face them, his expression serious yet determined.

Hancock: "You got it, Nora. What exactly are we looking for?"

Nora consulted the blueprint, outlining the specific materials and equipment required for the harbor construction.

Nora: "We'll need a variety of building materials like wood, concrete, and steel, along with machinery for excavation and construction. Can your team handle that?"

Hancock nodded confidently, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Hancock: "Consider it done. My team will scavenge every nook and cranny of the Commonwealth to gather what you need. We'll have those materials ready in no time."

Sico and Nora exchanged a grateful glance, appreciating Hancock's dedication and support.

Sico: "Thanks, Hancock. We appreciate your help with this."

Hancock grinned, his demeanor relaxed yet determined.

Hancock: "No problem at all. We'll get it done, no doubt about it."

After expressing their gratitude to Hancock, Sico and Nora bid farewell and left the Scavenging Department. They made their way to the Construction Department to meet with Sturges, who was taking a break from his work on the underground facility project at the Science Department.

As they entered, they found Sturges poring over blueprints and construction plans, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Nora: "Sturges, we need to talk about allocating manpower for the harbor construction project."

Sturges looked up, his expression shifting to one of curiosity.

Sturges: "Sure thing, Nora. What's the plan?"

Nora explained the scope of the harbor project and the manpower requirements outlined in the blueprint.

Nora: "We'll need skilled workers for various tasks like carpentry, masonry, and machinery operation. Can you spare some of your team to assist with the construction?"

Sturges considered their request, weighing the priorities of the ongoing projects.

Sturges: "We're stretched thin with the underground facility project, but I can reallocate some of our manpower to help with the harbor construction. It might slow down progress on the facility, but I think it's a worthwhile investment."

Sico and Nora nodded in agreement, grateful for Sturges' flexibility and expertise.

Sico: "Thank you, Sturges. We really appreciate your support on this."

Sturges smiled, his enthusiasm undimmed by the added workload.

Sturges: "No problem at all. We'll make it work."

With the manpower allocation settled, Sico and Nora left the Construction Department, feeling optimistic about the progress they were making on the harbor project.

After concluding their meeting with Preston, Sico and Nora made their way to the Intelligence Department to consult with Piper and Nick Valentine. Upon entering the department, they found Piper and Nick deep in conversation, poring over maps and documents.

Nora: "Piper, Nick, we need your help with something."

Piper and Nick looked up, their attention shifting to Sico and Nora as they approached.

Piper: "Sure thing, what's going on?"

Nora explained the purpose of their visit, detailing their need for information regarding any word or rumors circulating around the Commonwealth about the Minutemen acquiring the Yangtze submarine.

Nora: "We're trying to gauge public opinion and see if there's any potential fallout or repercussions from our acquisition of the Yangtze. Have your scouts or operatives picked up on anything?"

Piper and Nick exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions thoughtful as they considered Nora's question.

Nick: "We haven't heard anything concrete yet, but I'll have my contacts keep an ear to the ground. If there's anything brewing out there, we'll find out soon enough."

Piper nodded in agreement, her determination evident.

Piper: "And you know I'm always digging for information. If there's a story to be uncovered, I'll get to the bottom of it."

Sico and Nora expressed their gratitude for Piper and Nick's assistance, knowing that their expertise and connections would prove invaluable in gathering information.

Sico: "Thanks, Piper, Nick. We appreciate your help on this."

Piper and Nick nodded in acknowledgment, their resolve unwavering.

Piper: "Anytime, guys. We'll keep you posted if we hear anything."

With their inquiries made, Sico and Nora left the Intelligence Department, feeling confident that Piper and Nick would keep them informed of any developments regarding the Yangtze submarine and its impact on the Commonwealth.

After leaving the Intelligence Department, Sico and Nora made their way to the Minutemen HQ to prepare for a meeting with all the departments involved in the harbor project. They entered the meeting room, where they found the table already set up with chairs arranged around it.

Nora: "Let's make sure everything is ready for the meeting. We want to ensure all departments are on the same page."

Sico nodded in agreement, rolling out a large blueprint of the harbor onto the table and placing notepads and pens at each seat for taking notes.

Sico: "We'll need to discuss each department's responsibilities and coordinate our efforts effectively."

Nora began arranging folders containing relevant documents and reports, organizing them neatly at each seat.

Nora: "We'll also need to establish timelines and milestones to keep everyone accountable."

As they finalized the preparations, Sico and Nora felt a sense of anticipation building. They knew that the success of the harbor project relied on the cooperation and coordination of all departments involved.

Sico: "I think we're ready. Let's gather everyone for the meeting and get started."

Sico reached for his handy talk and called his secretary to request the presence of Hancock, Preston, and Sturges at the meeting room.

Sico: "Hey, could you please get Hancock, Preston, and Sturges to the meeting room? We're about to start the discussion on the harbor project."

His secretary acknowledged the request, promising to inform the designated individuals promptly.

Secretary: "Sure thing, Sico. I'll let them know right away."

With that settled, Sico and Nora took their seats at the head of the table, ready to lead the discussion and ensure that everyone was aligned on the goals and objectives of the harbor project.

After some time, Hancock, Preston, and Sturges arrived at the meeting room, each taking their respective seats around the table. Sico and Nora greeted them with nods of acknowledgment, signaling the start of the discussion.

Sico: "Thank you all for coming. Let's dive right into it. We're here to discuss the harbor project and each department's role in its construction."

Nora began by outlining the scope of the project, highlighting the key milestones and timelines they needed to adhere to. She emphasized the importance of collaboration and communication to ensure the project's success.

Nora: "Our goal is to build a harbor that meets the Yangtze's docking requirements while also providing support facilities for its operations. We'll need everyone's expertise and cooperation to make this happen."

Hancock, Preston, and Sturges listened attentively, nodding in agreement as Nora spoke. They each offered insights and suggestions based on their department's capabilities and resources.

Hancock: "My team is ready to scavenge and gather the materials needed for construction. We'll spare no effort in ensuring we have everything required."

Preston: "And we'll allocate a dedicated militia team to provide security for the construction site. Safety is our top priority."

Sturges: "We'll reallocate some of our manpower to assist with construction tasks. We might have to adjust our timelines for other projects, but I'm confident we can make it work."

Sico and Nora expressed their gratitude for their commitment and cooperation, reaffirming their confidence in the team's ability to bring the harbor project to fruition.

Sico: "Great. Let's get to work. We have a harbor to build."

Sico turned to Hancock, keen to gather more details on the timeline for material collection.

Sico: "Hancock, how many days do you estimate your team will need to collect all the materials?"

Hancock leaned back in his chair, considering the question carefully.

Hancock: "It depends on the materials we need and if we already have some in stock. If it's something we have readily available, we can get it within a few days. But for more specialized items, it might take a bit longer."

Sico nodded, understanding the variable nature of the timeline.

Sico: "Understood. Let's work on getting an inventory of what we have and what we still need. That way, we can plan accordingly."

Hancock agreed, already mentally organizing his team's scavenging efforts.

Hancock: "I'll get my team on it right away. We'll give you a detailed report on our progress as soon as possible."

After discussing the timeline for material collection with Hancock, Sico turned to Sturges to inquire about the allocation of manpower for the harbor project.

Sico: "Sturges, how many people do you plan to delegate for the harbor project?"

Sturges leaned forward, his expression thoughtful as he considered the question.

Sturges: "I'll delegate around 50 people from my team, including myself. We'll prioritize the harbor project to ensure it gets the attention it needs."

Sico nodded in approval, recognizing the importance of having skilled workers dedicated to the project.

Sico: "That sounds good. And what about the underground facility project?"

Sturges sighed, his expression grave as he addressed the matter.

Sturges: "Given the urgency and importance of the harbor project, I've decided to suspend work on the underground facility for now. We need to focus all our resources and manpower on the harbor construction."

Sico understood Sturges' decision, knowing that sometimes priorities had to be reassessed based on the needs of the moment.

Sico: "Agreed. Let's put all our efforts into the harbor project. We can revisit the underground facility once it's completed."

After addressing Sturges' decision regarding manpower allocation, Sico turned to Preston to discuss the security measures for the harbor project.

Sico: "Preston, how many militia members do you plan to assign to protect the harbor project area?"

Preston paused, considering the question before responding.

Preston: "I'll send three veteran militia teams, each consisting of 15 people. They'll be equipped with full gear and heavy weaponry to ensure the safety of the construction site."

Sico nodded, impressed by Preston's thorough approach to security.

Sico: "That sounds like a solid plan. We want to make sure the construction site is well-protected. Thanks, Preston."

Preston nodded in acknowledgment, his expression reflecting his dedication to the task at hand.

Preston: "You can count on us to keep the area secure. Safety is our top priority."

With the security arrangements confirmed and all departments aligned on their roles, Sico and Nora felt confident in moving forward with the harbor project. They thanked Hancock, Preston, and Sturges for their cooperation and commitment before concluding the meeting and preparing to embark on the next phase of the construction.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -

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