
Here We Go Again


Fuck I'm getting weaker by the second. Every time Dixie touches me it's like heavenly bliss. I don't think she knows the effect she has on me. Today she started singing with a weird voice, I ended up giggling so hard. She sure knows how to make a girl smile. I love Lee more than Dixie but I can't help but warm up towards her. Poor Lee, he deserves someone who won't lie and keep secrets from him. Do I tell him or not?

Divyaa, my friend who knows about Dixie, drags her away and I hear their conversation." I know Tay's a little attracted to me." says Dixie. "Well, you've already guessed it." replies Div. This leave Dixie extremely confused. I hate Divyaa, I swear we're only friends other wise we'd strangle each other.

"Why the fuck did you say that?!" I yelled at her. Then walked away, I will not be dealing with right now.

Dixie came up to me during break and after what happened this morning, I was feeling nervous. If she finds out it could ruin our friendship. I keep making it super obvious and I get flustered when she's standing too close. And her smile is like the sun after it rains; bright, new and warm. Just as I was getting lost in her adorableness, Divyaa took a walk with Dixie and I know Div won't say anything but who knows.

"She knows but doesn't believe it." whispered Div, in a hushed voice. I just sigh and keep walking head down. So far, Dixie's noticed I'm acting strange around her and I know who told her. James, her boyfriend forced it out of me that I like his girlfriend and he must have told her. Thank god she doesn't believe it.

Another guilt trip. Lee is a literal angel and he's so soft and cute and I really do love him but it's hard to explain. I am a very love based person and I have a lot of love to give and for that to happen, I like two people. Lee still owns my heart but I'm afraid that Dixie is close behind.


I really want to know if it's true or not. Does Tay like me? I want it to be true but then there's James I have to deal with. Flashbacks from last night come back to me. She fucking likes you for god's sake! Tell her you won't be leaving me, tell her you won't be a f*g with her AND TELL HER TO STOP RUBBING HER GAYNESS ON YOU!!. I've never seen James this angry before. He's usually a very sweet person but I can't believe he called my best friend, someone who's been there for me when he was busy, a.. a f*g. As a supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ I can't believe what he said. When did he get so possessive? Rage filled my body and I wasn't thinking about I what I did. I threw the hot liquid at him and left. Never looked back. I haven't talked to James yet but my phone lights up every minute with his apology. I eventually forgive him but no way are things going back the way they were with us.

The day started off great as I saw Tay being her idiotic self. I had a great time making her laugh and blush but what really confused me was the conversation with Divyaa. I told her I knew Tay was attracted to me but I don't really believe it, same with what James told me. Tay's got Lee.

There are so many hints and signs Tay likes me but I don't believe it. I mean yea she's acting different and mentions someone other than Lee but no way is it me. That'd be too out there. I don't want to confront her cos she doesn't like that and she would deny it like all the other times anyone did that. I wish I could see what goes on inside her beautiful mind. no no no bad, James is the one, we're too close, I can't be falling for my best friend.