
Falling Sun

Gyun Sung world's youngest Kendo and Fencing champion transmigrated to this land called Murim 11 years ago when he was just 16. The only thing given to him was a cultivation technique and a sword. He enjoyed life adventuring across Murim for 7 years. After contracting a disease he went into isolated training for 4 years he achieved the legendary age regression stage breaking into the "Divine" stage. He exits his cave to take Murim by storm, but much has changed since his seclusion. Whether he can adapt or not is up to him. Authors note : Leave a review on things that are bad so I can change it, thank you Also here are the power rankings Divine rank - Only one person at this level (main character) Transcendent rank (only 4 of the 10 warlords are at this level currently - Rank 0 mercenary Demi god rank (where 6 of the 10 warlords are currently at) - Rank 1 mercenary Zenith rank (Big group leaders typical level)- Rank 2 mercenary Grandmaster (Most sect leaders/family patriarchs) - Rank 3 mercenary Master (big sects/family's elders)- Rank 4 mercenary Peak (elite disciples/troops) - Rank 5 mercenary 1st rate - Rank 6 mercenary 2nd rate- Rank 7 mercenary 3rd rate - Rank 8 mercenary Special ranks - Starlight mercenary (exception to the rank because their cultivation level does not reflect their true skills, meaning they can fight and win against those at a higher level then them) usually at least master rank. A very rare achievement and only awarded to a few mercenaries a decade. non-martial

ForerunnerOfSky · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Unfamiliar in a changed world (2)

Gyun found a spot on a brothel roof that overlooked the street. He sat and used a technique called "thousand mile eyes" that enhanced his vision. Though its effectiveness depended upon the level of the user, Gyun could note the mans smallest minute muscle movements even when wearing clothes. Gyun decided he would stave off his hunger with meditation and his qi sense at the same time to keep watch on the pickpocket.

After an hour the pickpocket satisfied after pickpocketing 2 more people, bought some food from a street stall and lounged around at a street corner for a half hour before he met up with another man who had a similar level of martial arts. They talked for a while before after the glanced at the sun which was beginning to set, turned and headed towards the center of the city. -Finally, I was wondering what he was waiting for, so they have a certain time they are required to work, ha like its an actual job-. He smiled as he stood up, he followed them using his "Gliding wind" foot work.


10 minutes later

Chang Soohi arrived at the meeting place after changing his clothes from his typical beggar attire to a standard all gray martial uniform. He walked with his friend Asan, they approached the headquarters to hand in their findings. On the two people they were sent to investigate, Asan felt nervous though as instead of grabbing the large bag that he was told grab he instead accidentally pickpocketed the smaller one which only had a few silver and gold nyangs. Which was quite a bit of money but he wasn't sent to steal money, he hoped Chang had better luck with the poison phoenix. They walked through the doors and made their way through the raucous and loud hall after a bit of waiting and shoving, and made their way through the crowd to the stairs which led to the private area,-well lets hope I don't die-. A guard stopped them "the young master is handling important business and will meet you when he has time".



Gyun gave a light chuckle after the pair walked into the building, "why am I not surprised, those Hao sect bastards are always bothering me!". Gyun recognized the brothel as one that the Hao sect operated, he knew this since he had often met with the Hao sect leader and he'd told him that all their brothels have the characters 'divine' or 'flaming' in their names. -Not to mention these guys are professionals to think someone would be overlooking their area from their roof-. As he noticed a man on the roof with a bow, he used qi sense to gain an idea of their security. Though he was pleasantly surprised that whoever was branch leader was either paranoid or someone very important.

He couldn't believe his luck, he sensed 83 third rate martial artists spread on the first and second floor. As well as 18 second rate martial artists and 4 first rate martial artists 1 peak rate martial artist and even a master rank. -To think there'd be a master rank in some far west city in the sticks, they must have messed up at some point or angered someone. Well based off their levels and the sense of expertise I'm feeling from them I think if I lowered myself to about peak level I could handle them without drawing too much attention since peak ranks aren't common but they're not especially rare either-. He jumped from the roof he had been observing from and was walking towards the brothel, before he paused "damn I can't let them see my face since right now nobody knows I'm still alive and now I look completely different there's no reason to go and ruin perfectly good anonymity", he turned on his heel and went to a nearby store to look for a long scarf, eventually he bought a black one.

By the time he returned the sun had gone down "damn these bastards cost me dinner" he wrapped the scarf into a mask and removed his wrapped sword from his waist and set it on the rooftop. -This should make it interesting - as he crossed the distance of the street from the roof and flew through an open window on the floor in one movement from his 'Gliding Wind steps' . While in the air he temporarily sealed his power to the peak level, -with this it will be interesting-. he twisted his body to fly through the window and landed cleanly. He glanced around as a cook who was startled dropped a platter of food. -I'm in a section of the kitchen, I don't see anyone but him, in that case- he walked past the cook and quickly searched the cabinets grabbed a few kitchen knives and a small vial of powdered pepper. "leave" Gyun was too excited at the prospect of the fight that he didn't control his bloodlust. the cook quietly looked down and went to the door, but Gyun stopped him "no out the window".

The chef climbed out the window as Gyun opened the door to the main kitchen, there was only a few employees left since now that it was night the brothel was now VIP's only. Gyun released some of his bloodlust and put his finger to his lips to intimidate the workers who didn't say anything and went back to work. He made his way to the door where he could he hear laughing and singing, he used qi sense. -All I feel are the guards a few courtesans and one normal person on the third floor with the master level, hmm this good no collateral damage-. He dismissed the other workers to leave through the same window as the cook, as he arranged the 3 kitchen knives he grabbed earlier 1 in his right hand to throw the other 2 in his left hand to wield once he enters. He took one last qi sense of the first floor, he sensed only one 1st rate on the performance stage with a courtesan ,a second rate at a table, with 40 or so third rates at the surrounding tables and booths. he would be the first to die. Gyun took a deep breath and kicked open the door.

Gyun immediately threw the knife at the 1st rate on the stage, before the man turned to look at the sound the knife lodged itself a few inches into his chest. Gyun grabbed a second knife from his left and threw at the 2nd rate who had turned his head at where the knife came from, the knife ended his life before the first man caught a glimpse of Gyun. He kept the last knife and charged at the closest guard. By the time he'd reached the third guard, everybody on the floor was aware as they charged at him. Gyun killed the third guard with a quick stab and picked up the mans sword. -Damn this swords expensive for a 3rd rate like him-, he jumped back to dodge the first few guards who reached him. He transitioned into a dual wielding style with a knife and sword, he coated his sword with qi and cut through any of the guards defenses, and used the knife to defend.

Gyun kept moving the entire fight, instead of overpowering his opponents with aura he restricted his use of qi as much as possible and only strengthened his weapons. While using his swordsmanship and battle sense as much as possible. Gyun had yet to tire but despite his perfect movements one guard tripped while attacking and because of the change of direction got a light cut on Gyun's forearm. "Lucky bastard" he unleashed an oppressive wave of qi that froze everybody momentarily, and grabbed the trembling man by the throat but decided someone that lucky deserved to live. So he tossed him into the nearby wall. He released his qi and lunged to a nearby guard who was still immobile.

The second and third floor guards arrived only 20 seconds after the screaming began, but when they arrived the floor was covered in blood and all but a half dozen or so guards were still alive. The vice-branch leader stood at the top of the stairs above all the second and third floor guards. His mouth was open in shock, even him and the branch leader wouldn't be able to clear out a room of 40 or so guards this fast alone. Yet in the midst of the carnage a masked figure stood with a relaxed posture, he seemed to only be using a second rate sword and kitchen knife. Though the man was only giving off energy that was equal to himself, the vice branch leader was terrified, when he beheaded the nearest two with a quick movement, but it was more then fast it was,"beautiful" someone muttered in the crowd. Most of the guards who'd charged down the stairs with confidence, now froze at the cold yet amused tone the man spoke in.

-There he is, he will be fun- Gyun's eyes locked on the vice leader, he tossed the knife which was chipped and had several cracks after blocking several swords into the ground he walked forward and the guards made a futile attempt to stop him. All who tried to stop him were unilaterally slaughtered with his beautifully simple movements. He noticed that the vice leader was making a break for it in the midst of the fighting, Gyun couldn't let him escape but he was also tied down by the surrounding enemies so he let out some of his qi until it was about the grandmaster level. He used sword qi to cut through all the surrounding enemies and sent a vicious shot of projectile qi, it bisected the man as he was running. His qi sense showed the master level branch leader running for it with a first rate, he used qigong to quickly get to the roof of the building while shooting projectile qi killing the rest of the people in the building and those were trying to escape. By the time he reached the roof the two were almost a mile away Gyun fully unsealed his power but kept it concealed and sent 2 masked shots of projectile qi that were extremely smooth and thin. As so they wouldn't notice it since it was a long shot, he used the thousand mile eyes technique to watch the branch leader and his bodyguards heads explode a half mile away outside the city wall as the shot landed. "Damn I'm good though maybe next time, not somewhere so crowded, someone almost escaped" He wiped his sweat and went downstairs, someone would be here to check the area, he'd already masked the sound in the building using an advanced assassination technique with his qi. So he had a few minutes before the workers returned with either the city guards or reinforcements since they left only about 2 minutes ago.

Gyun located the safe pretty quickly using his qi sense in the branch mangers office,and looted all the gold using a bag he'd found on the second floor. But more valuable was the high level information kept in the safe and filing cabinets, which he also took and for good measure he took the accounting book as well. He didn't bother to look for his money pouch that he'd come for in the first place since it was just an excuse to fight some people and he'd already made a huge profit.