
Falling Into The World Called Water

Candance was having a peaceful day before she fell into a portal into a place where the water is green the grass is blue and the sky is various shades of red. All in all she's got a headache and the sailor who saved her didn't really help much on the land.

Joanne_Vecen · Fantasy
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A Portal

My name is Candance Rivers and this is my journal. I didn't think to start one at first but my girlfriend Lucky told me that it would be a good idea and might help the next poor soul who falls into a portal and so here I am writing. Honestly I've been blessed by whatever divinity watches out for me since I've adapted to this world pretty quickly, to go from not having powers to suddenly having a large amount was, whoo boy, it was something.

Anyways this all started on a normal, peaceful day. I always knew to expect the worst on peaceful days and I was right. I was just walking down the street in my home town, lamenting my lack of anything really, at twenty-one I didn't have a job, or a girlfriend, or any friends...my life was pretty sad. So I was walking down the street and suddenly there was a purplish red light that grew brighter and dark green popped up right under me and I started to sink. I looked around frantically for help but I was alone and nothing was in grabbing distance. It was weird that I was alone, now that I think about it, that street was always busy, anyways so I sunk and then started to free fall. I screamed, I won't deny, it was terrifying and I didn't know what to do; I saw the ground approaching. It was all different shades of green and I thought I would go splat but instead it enveloped me just like water would.

I swam towards the lighter colors hoping that I was going up and luckily I surfaced before I ran out of air. I got lucky, I knew it, the sailor who fished me out knew it, hell the creatures in the sea probably knew it as well! All in all I fainted immediately after I was out of the water.

I'll update more as soon as I can, life's a bit hectic recently. If you read my last story I apologize for deleting it.

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