
The Shadow - I

The alley was completely dark and appeared bleak and uncanny, yet without an ounce of fear, Aelia in her deep and dark red hooded cloak walked through the narrow alley in a steady pace.

When her mother was usually out of town, Aelia used to went out at night to stroll around the town and came back at precisely midnight.

Tonight, she came out to run away from her mother. It doesn't matter if her mother found out about her going out at night time without anyone of their servants around her.

As she walked through the alley in dazed, her steps suddenly halted when she unexpectedly saw the scene in front of her.

There were four men on the alley, two of the men were holding a lifeless man, while the other one was violently stabbing the lifeless man without stopping.

At once, Aelia quickly turn around from the scene and tried to hide.

"Stop right there!!!!!"

At that moment, a furious voice echoed in the dark alley, which startled her.

"Oh no." Aelia whispered in panic.

Aelia immediately started to run rapidly with all her might. At that instance, she really regretted going out in the middle of the night, unaware there's a murdered going around in the town. She had never encounter this kind of incident in all of her night strolls.

All of a sudden, a hand grabbed her arm, instantly frightened her that she promptly gave out a cried.


However, a cold hand instantly covered her mouth and dragged her to the deepest part of the dark alley.

As his hand covered her mouth, Aelia felt every parts of her body filled with trepidation from fear of this strange person. She tried to released her arm, however the person strongly grasped her arm tightly that she couldn't even move.

Is she going to die again?

Why is she so unfortunate?

Aelia close her eyes and completely surrender to her fate of being murder ruthlessly on this alley, unknown to everyone.

However, the man instantly released his tight grasped on her arms and then steadily released his hand that covered her mouth.

The instance he let go of her, Aelia at once distance herself from the man.

Ariana breathe heavily, as she stared at the man with terror. Although, he perhaps may have not intended to harm or hurt her, however the feeling of trepidation under his arms has deeply etched on her mind. As though he could crushed her in a second.

A heavy silence fall upon them, as neither of them spoke. However, his amber eyes that shone like gold on this dark alley intensely gazed on her, make her feel like he could practically see straight through her soul.


All of a sudden, a thunderous laughter reverberate through the alley from the tavern across them.

Aelia promptly glanced at the tavern and then turn back to the man in front of her.


She abruptly halted her words, when she realised the man in front of her had completely disappeared in the fraction of the second she turn her gazed away.

Aelia, for fear of another unexpected consequences, at once scurried away towards the tavern. Although, Aelia hesitate to enter the tavern, since it look like an uncomfortable place for her.

As she entered inside the tavern she realised it is utterly inconsistency towards its cold, gloomy and uninviting outer appearances. The seemingly cold tavern was filled with laughters and bawling of the drunk men.

In the middle, a large table was place where several drunk mean are having conversation while drinking, laughing and enjoying themselves. Although, some of them appear to be dangerous in way or another.

Aelia did hear some rumors about this tavern in her dream, supposedly it's infamous for something, but she can't seem to recalled what it was. Though judging by the people in this place, it's probably something shady and possibly dangerous for strangers like her. Just like the scene she witness in the alley.

Aelia pulled her hooded cloak and sat down on the corner, farthest from the drunk men.

"I heard someone was killed again last night near this alley." One of the drunk man spoke.

"What??? Why haven't we heard about it?"

Aelia ears instantly perks up, hearing the drunk men conversation.

"Keep your voice down. A few officials from the capital came yesterday and keep it under wraps."

'Is he from the capital?' Aelia thought to herself, as she recalled the strange man that save her.

"In addition, I heard that the killing are the deed of a certain organization called-" Aelia heard the man paused for a bit, maybe he's trying to remember the name.

When he suddenly exclaimed, "The shadow!!!!"

At that instance, it finally dawn on her, why this tavern was infamous in her dream.

hmmmm. I've no thought today's

Mish_Blackcreators' thoughts