
Falling In With You

When boudoir photographer Cam meets handsome Aleksi in the laundry room of their building, he has no idea just how much of a life-changing impact the other will have. The moment Aleksi sees Cam, he's smitten. When his regular photographer quits on him, could it be the perfect opportunity to get closer to Cam? A story about falling in love, coming out, and coming to terms with yourself.

CynicalFallout · Realistic
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Music in my Veins (You're an Addiction I Just Can't Shake)

"Aleksi, are you sure about this?" Nervousness edged its way into Camerons voice, as he shifted closer to Aleksi. Music thrummed loudly, the bass seeming to vibrate through his bones as they stepped into the club. "I've never been in a place like this before…"

It was the truth too. Even regular bars weren't something that Cameron hadn't frequented since his college days, and that felt like it had been a lifetime ago. Still, he'd taken care in his appearance tonight. Form fitting jeans, a gray t-shirt that settled on just the right side of too tight. Platinum hair had been carefully brushed and styled, pushed back save for the few stray locks that fell in his eyes. If he were being completely honest with himself, he'd been looking forward to this all week, unable to get the thought of black lace on bronze skin out of his mind no matter how hard he tried.

"Cam, you're stressing out too much, stop overthinking it." Aleksi snorted, shifting until his arm could brush against the taller mans. "Lots of straight people come to gay clubs too. Besides, I'm here with ya, right? And I ain't gonna let anyone steal ya off and have their way with ya, promise." He teased. "We're just gonna have some drinks, maybe dance. I promised ya a fun night, and Aleksi Vidane is a man of his word, if nothing else. I'll protect you." He purred, laughing warmly as he gave the others arm a squeeze.

"Are you sure I'm dressed right, at least?" Cameron questioned as they reached the bar. He felt underdressed- or maybe overdressed- compared to Aleksi's black lace kneehighs, booty shorts, shirt hanging off one shoulder (and no, he refused to commit the submissive as fuck emblazoned across the pale pink fabric to memory), and dear God, was that a black bra strap and garters? This man was out to kill him, Cameron swore.

Wait- had anyone ever died from being too turned on before? Probably not, but with Cameron's luck, he would be the first. He could picture the headlines now- ��Local Gay Man Outted Post Mortem After Death by Arousal." God, and wouldn't that be the way for him to come out of the closet?

"Cam, you look great." Aleksi chuckled, curling his fingers around the others arm and guiding him towards the bar. "You just gotta relax, we're just here to have fun, right? So why don't we start by getting a drink. It'll help let up some of that tension." He soothed, pointing at the drink menu and holding up two fingers to the bartender. "Here. Try this. Everything's gonna be fine, I promise. And if you don't have fun, we'll go somewhere else."

The reassurance had the tension bleeding away from him, a smile settling on his lips as he slid into the seat beside Aleksi. "Yeah, alright. You got a deal. Besides- we're already here, it'd be a shame to not at least try to have fun." Cameron tipped back the drink, icy blue eyes widening slightly in surprise. "Oh shit, that's really good." Nothing like the stale tasting beers Emily's brothers drank when they drug him to the pub with them. It went down smooth, and before he knew it, his cheeks were flushed red, empty glasses in front of him.

A song came over the speakers, Aleksi lighting up, reaching out to grab Cameron's hand, his own freckled cheeks touched pink from the booze. "This is my song! Come dance with me?" Already he was standing, fingers curled around Cam's, a crooked smile on his lips.

"No way, Leks." Cameron protested, snorting in amusement. "I don't know how the hell to dance, I've never done it before, and I'm sure as hell not about to start in a crowd this large. I'll fall on my ass and embarrass myself." He couldn't resist rolling his eyes at the puppy look he received, reaching out to ruffled Aleksi's hair lightly. "Alright, alright, fine. But you have to teach me how, and no leaving me alone out there, ok?"

God, why was it so hard to say no to him? Somehow, it was easier here. There was enough people that no one would be paying attention to him, and with Aleksi's smile and those goddamn eyes, he could hardly remember why he'd been nervous in the first place. And besides- it wasn't like anyone here would know him. He'd even told Emily where they were going before she'd left.

The alcohol thrumming in his veins had him grinning, offering the younger man a pale hand. "Alright, smarty pants. Let's see if you teach an old dog new tricks." He laughed, curling his fingers around delicate ones, thumb brushing along smooth golden skin lightly. He felt- happy. Light even. How long had it been since he'd actually had fun on a night out? Most of his time these days seemed to consist of work, meetings, and events he had no interest in with Emily.

Aleksi snorted in spite of himself, rolling his eyes playfully as he guided the blonde through the crowd before turning, draping an arm around his neck. "You make it sound like rocket science." He chuckled, curling a hand in blonde locks and tugging lightly. "It's not that complicated. Look- put your hands on my hips and just- move with me. See? Easy."

He couldn't help an amused laugh as hesitant fingers lay on denim clad hips, leaning up on his toes to stage whisper in Cameron's ear. "You know I don't bite, right? Neither do my shorts. Relax for me, we're just here to have fun." He soothed, running a hand through soft platinum locks once more. "Just feel the music."

God, Cameron could feel his face burning, and at this point, he couldn't tell if it was from the alcohol or this imp of a man. "I'll try." He breathed, fingers settling until they were comfortable on the other, drawing him close. It was just dancing. The fingers in his hair felt fucking fantastic though, and it was all he could do to bite back a moan as Aleksi tugged once more. Fuck- he was in so far over his head here. But as the warm haze of alcohol settled into him, he couldn't find it in him to give a fuck.

"You know…" Hips rolled against the others teasingly as instinct finally began to take hold, inhibitions easing away under the bright lights and that addicting thrum of bass that seemed to rattle his very bones. "I feel bad for everyone else here. The most gorgeous person this place got, and he's dancing with an idiot with two left feet."

A hand settled on Cameron's chest, splayed out comfortably. The ghost of a grin tugged at the corners of Aleksi's lips, emerald eyes alight with mischief. Chocolate curls fell loose against bronzed skin as they danced. "Mmm, then you have the best left feet I've ever seen." He teased, brushing his hips to the others playfully. God, another time he'd allow himself rejoice in the height difference, in the way his face could nestle perfectly into the crook of the taller man's neck, breath ghosting along smooth porcelain.

God, those hips were going to be the death of him, Cameron mused. A low growl escaped him as his fingers looped into the loops of the others shorts. He tugged him closer, until their bodies pressed flushed to one another. It was as though heat were pooling in every inch of him, tendrils that branched out and clutched within him.

This was a bad idea. This was…. Wait, why was this a bad idea again? More and more, it was getting harder to remember. All that he could think of was lithe hips under his hands, hands on his chest. "You're so fucking beautiful…" Cameron admitted, dipping to nuzzle his nose against dark chocolate curls. "I bet everyone here would love to be the one holding you, and who could blame them?"

Bronzed cheeks colored pink, rose dusting across dark freckles as emerald eyes peered up at the other. His tongue darted out, ran along his lower lip teasingly. If he didn't know better, he'd almost say Cam was flirting with him. Fuck it- what was the harm in finding out? "Yeah?" He purred, voice low and husky. "And what about you, Cam? Are you happy to be the one holding me?" He questioned, curling his fingers once more into the older mans chest. "Because I think maybe you have it backwards… you have to own a mirror, right?"

"I have eyes, don't I, Leks?" A quiet sigh escaped him as he dipped, resting their foreheads together. "Of course I am. Fuck, baby… I'd have to be stupid not to. Been thinking about you non-stop." He admitted, fingers sliding from Aleksi's hips to his ass, drawing him closer. "Be so much easier if I wasn't, but you've been hell on my head ever since you opened your door in those panties. Maybe even from the first time I saw you doing laundry."

Emerald eyes widened at the admission, glancing up and meeting ice searchingly. A quiet laugh escaped him, as he leaned up on his toes to brush his lips to a chiseled jaw, lips trailing to the other mans ear. "Guess that makes two of us." Aleksi purred sweetly. "Because I've been thinking of nothing but your lips and if they're as soft as they seem."

A low chuckle was the only warning he got, before those very lips were descending upon him. It wasn't a gentle thing- no, this was a kiss of possession, there was no mistaking it. It was rough and fiery, his body drawn closer still. Fine by him, the less space between them, the happier Aleksi would be.

A breathless moan fell from his lips as he pressed forward, melting into the kiss. Fingers tangled more fully in platinum locks, feverishly tugging Cameron closer as lips parted to grant the other access. He'd been wanting this for so long that it scarce seemed real that he was finally getting it. Nothing else mattered in that moment, everything seeming to fall away from around them. Not the girlfriend, not the fact that Cameron probably wouldn't remember this tomorrow. Nothing but lips on his own and hands groping his ass to keep him close.

"Leks…." Cameron groaned, as he kept the other held tight against him. Kissing Aleksi was unlike anything Cameron had ever felt before. Whereas kissing Emily was a tame, quiet thing, kissing Leks felt like fireworks exploding within him, until every part of him sang with desire. When lips parted, his tongue pressed in without hesitation, tasting the sweet alcohol they'd been drinking on the others tongue.

"Cam!" Aleksi mewled feverishly, finally pulling back for air. Soft pants left him as he lay a hand to the older mans chest, fingers clutching on tight for purchase. This, at least, he knew. Here, he was in his element. He leaned up on his toes, mouthing along the others jaw, down his throat. "I've wanted to kiss you so damn bad, you know that? For ages, I've been dying to have you push me into a wall and kiss me fucking senseless."

"Happy to provide, baby." Cam's head dipped, mouthing along the others neck. A smirk tugged at his lips as he suckled a mark into bronze skin, watching with awe as violet bloomed and blossomed beneath his touch. He reached out and caught Aleksi's hand, lifting them to his lips before guiding him to a plush booth.

Aleksi followed all too happily, and the moment Cameron was seated, he was shifting with ease to straddle his lap, catching the others lips near desperately. Heat coiled within his stomach, hips rocking against Cameron teasingly. "You feel so good." He groaned, fingers tangling once more in platinum locks. He tugged teasingly, lips once more coaxing the other to claim his mouth, a soft moan escaping him.

Hands settled on his ass, guiding him against Cameron, the friction and the booze leaving ivory skin tinged pink. He felt fucking amazing, absolutely incredible. "Fuck, baby…" He groaned his own rolling up to meet each teasing rock. There was no thought for the fact that they were still in public, albeit nestled in their own little corner, hidden by the pounding lights and music.

If this were anyone else, Aleksi would have already snuck hands under a shirt, offered to go somewhere more private. But Cameron… Cameron was drunk, and unlike Aleksi's usual drunken hook ups, he doubted the blonde would be doing this if he wasn't. A low groan escaped him as those firm hands cupped his ass tighter, the strain against the front of his denim shorts bordering on ache as he pulled back from the kiss, mouthing along his jaw.

Fuck, why did he have to be a decent person? He bit back a huff, resting his forehead to Cameron's shoulder, fingers toying with silky tresses at the others nape. "Baby… we gotta slow down." He murmured. He didn't fucking want to- but he didn't want this to go further than Cameron was ready for either. And there was still the girlfriend to contend with…

Oh well. He wasn't a goddamn saint after all, he didn't give a fuck about the elusive Emily. Aleksi sighed, leaning up to brush their lips once more. "You're drunk, beautiful. No more than this, okay? Just kissing and hands for tonight, yeah?" Aleksi crooned, lips trailing over porcelain cheeks, a firm jaw, just to return to catch those lush lips once more.

A soft whine escaped Cameron's lips at the teasing touches, back arching up off the soft, plush fabric of the booth as he rolled up once more. Dimly, somewhere far away and murky within his brain, there seemed to be an agreement. No more than this, though he couldn't quite place the reason. "Kissing you could be an addiction." He purred, a wicked grin tugging at his lips as his head dipped, suckling at golden skin until violet once more bloomed.

Something deep and primal rumbled it's satisfaction at the mark, fingers finding Aleksi's hips and holding on. His head was buzzing, and he wasn't sure it could be blamed entirely on the alcohol. "Okay. Okay babe. Kissing only for tonight." He acquiesced on a low moan, tip of his tongue darting out to run over the marks he'd left. There it was again, that possessive rumbling deep within him that screamed of satisfaction.

The marks thrilled Aleksi, his heart giving a rough thump within his chest, cheeks flushed a dark crimson. His head tipped, granting the older man access as his fingers lifted, cradled Cameron's head to him, fingers kept tight in platinum tresses. Oh no, he thought as he rocked down once more, desperately seeking the friction the other provided. He was in over his head, wasn't he?