
Come back to me now


I check everywhere I can think of. I check his office, I check Lance's house, just to be sure. I call his phone a million times. He is not answering my calls and I know he is hurting somewhere alone and it is all my fault. I pushed him to do something that he didn't want to do. 

I made him quit, even though I knew how much it meant to him. 

I am a selfish motherfucker and I don't blame him if he never forgives me. 

I know, I take all the blame for this but first I need to find him. I need to make sure he is okay. I drive around the city, calling his phone constantly, hoping that he will answer me. I drive to every place I can think of. I check the gym, the bar, the club, his favorite hangout spots, even the apartment he used to share with Lance.