
Meet After Break Up

"So Hans finally chose to meet her?" Jade asked after Shane explained.

Shane nodded his head. He stroked Jade's head hair that was on top of his thigh where Shane sat while Jade lay down.

"Yep. He said he couldn't get his mind off Virly. Well, everyone is special to their partner," Shane said.

Jade nodded her head as she touched Shane's hand and then found her name again tattooed on Shane's hand. She looked straight at Shane and got up.

"Hey, you made it again? Wasn't it there?" Jade asked.

"I decided to make it even more visible in the hand."

"Shane ... the neck is so obvious," Jade grumbled. "What if Zack and Kate find out?"

But Shane shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "Are you embarrassed? I didn't even force you to be my girlfriend, Jade. So don't worry about that."