
Falling In Love With Miracle

Miracle”Mira” White, is the daughter of Thomas White, one of the wealthiest men in the whole country. She can get everything she wants, because of their overflowing wealth, she is known as the wild, and spoiled brat Heiress. Jace Dylan King only wants one thing in his life, to get revenge to Miracle, the Heiress, of the White Empire, he wants to be chosen as one of the Elite Bodyguards of the White family, since it is guaranteed he will become a millionaire, but for Jace money is just a bonus, what is important is to carry on his revenge. Jace became confused when Miracle asked him to be her boyfriend tutor, Miracle wants him to teach her about dating, then Jace realized that everything he knows about her was a lie. But how can he withstand the beautiful and gorgeous Miracle White? Can he stop his heart from loving Miracle the moment it registered to him, that he wants to become Miracle’s real boyfriend? Can they resist the strong attraction between them? Is Jace really willing to follow his heart’s desires and break his own rule? Does love win over vengeance? Does Mira’s love for Jace strong enough to forgive him the moment she will learn Jace hidden agenda? Is she strong enough to face another test of betrayal? ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret My Friend’s Arrogant Brother The Heartbreaer CEO Is My Ex Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The CEO’s Perfect Mistake ( WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

sirenbeauty · Teen
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Riding The ATV

Miracle's POV

"If you want to roam around the plantation, you can drive the ATV, then you can have your horseback riding later, or whatever you like." My Grandma said.

"Wow! The ATV is cool, grandma! Where is it now?" I asked.

"Come on! I will show you to the garage." She said. I am astounded to find over five All-Terrain Vehicles.

"Why you have many of this grandma?" I asked, confused.

"Well, many tourists came to tour the winery and the plantation, then they are smitten by the beauty of the flowing creek at the farthest side of the farm, so I had this kind of transportation, since some of them are afraid of horses." She explained.

"Wow! That is wonderful, Grandma." I said.

"You wish to earn extra income while you stay here? I mean, I believed you came here for a reason Mira, you choose to learn details on your own, you prefer to explore the world beyond your wealthy lifestyle. It wasn't your fault to be the daughter of your father. Being born wealthy is your fate, but I need you to learn things in the farm Mira, I prefer you to learn the life in a a plantation if you wish to." She said.

"Wow! I love that grandma. There are many details I don't know, since I have maids around our estate. My father doesn't want me to do anything aside from exercise and shopping." I sighed.

"Well, I am glad you wish to learn something about the farm Mira." Grandma declared. She is smiling at me.

"You realize that your mom has a hard life growing up. We can't provide fancy things for our children because you see, we were born poor. Your mom was intelligent and charming because of her scholarship, she met your dad and fell in love, without knowing that he was a son of a billionaire." Grandma said.

"Your grandparents made her life hell when they tried to separate them. Your mother almost gives up her studies and stayed at the farm where your grandpa and I lived. Your father was in love with her, he looked for her and never stop pursuing her, even his inheritance was at stake. His parents threatened him to lose his heritage and birthright." I can see the sadness in my grandmother's eyes, and I felt pity for my mom.

I only knew that they didn't approve my mom Annabeth to be my dad's wife, I don't have any idea that they made my mother's life a hell. I am proud of my father, I suddenly miss him and I got so guilty of what I did.

"So what do you want me to do grandma?" I asked, I am trying to change the subject, I don't want my grandmother to cry.

"You will be in charge of the guests, since my part-timer is busy for this week, she asks for a break. I will hire you as the guide. You can tour them around the property, if you have something in mind to entertain them it is your call, just discuss it with me, if it is good for the business, why not?" She smiled at me, I felt so happy and excited at the same time.

"You need to put on proper gear if you will ride the ATV, first you should wear long pants and protracted-sleeved shirt for safety, then close shoes like sneakers will do, but I suggest a pair of riding boots is safer, and don't forget sunscreen for protection from the heat of the sun." Grandma said.

"Do you happen to bring any long-sleeved shirt with you?" My grandma asked, and I nodded.

"Wait for me, grandma, I will change to proper gear first and I will be back, I will not be long." I said and sprinted going back inside the house, I take the stairs two at a time. I am really excited to do this.

I am so overjoyed that I brought my favorite rubber shoes. If I have time, maybe I will go shopping with grandma or I will travel alone, this is liberating. I don't have regrets coming here, though I feel an emptiness, I temporarily forget it. I don't want Jace King to ruin my summer vacation or my dad. This is my life and I want to enjoy it to the fullest. I am back in no time, I am a glad grandma is patiently waiting for me.

"Wow! You are definitely ready, all you lack now is the ATV helmet and gloves, you can use mine, those are the helmets and mitts for the guests." She said pointing the helmets hanging on the wall. She is smiling at me.

"Since this is automatic transmission, all you need to do is to move the lever forward, then slowly press the throttle to get going." She spoke, and I smiled widely at her.

"Grandma, I know how to drive this thing, we have different ATV's in the estate. There was a time I was crazy about this vehicle.

"Wow. That is better, it means I won't be worried about you driving this thing." She said.

"Of course, don't bother too much grandma, I will ride this one at minimum speed, I want to savor the beauty of the farm." I said, I wish to go horseback riding, but it would be so tiring, I still have time to ride my favorite horse, for now I will enjoy touring using the ATV.

I start the ATV, and I am so happy to inhale the fresh air, I look back at the manor and I can still see the figure of my grandmother watching me as I drive away. It was almost seven years since I last visited this place, not so much has changed, I have always been fascinated by the vines, I love seeing the fruits when they are ripening.

When I reached the flowing creek, it was breathtaking. I wish to have a swim here, but my dad didn't allow me. I stayed here for three to four days only. It wasn't enough. I lay on the grass watching the birds flying above me. The silence of my surroundings makes me miss Jace. How I wish he is with me right now, I remember our day together in the grove. The kiss we shared was perfect, I bit my lower lip, just thinking about Jace make me long to come home. I hate myself, I should stop thinking about him. He is getting married and very in love with his girlfriend. I don't have time for love. I desire to focus to my new job now.

Instead of wasting my time daydreaming about Jace King, I am deliberating ways to attract many customers. I am happy that my grandma enters this kind of business, for me to tour the plantation is one way of relaxation and relieving stress. Wow! I know what to do now. I need to talk to my grandma about my plans. It is time for Annabeth's Farm to shine.

It is almost noon break when I get back at the manor. The staff is busy doing their usual chores, others stopped what they are doing and greeted me. I am shocked to meet young adults working for my grandma now. There are boys my age, but I ignored them, I know they are checking me out, but I don't have time for love right now. And I don't consider I can meet another man aside from Jace. He is the only one I want. It hurts to realize why do I need to fall for someone who is taken already? Is this really my destiny? To be always a second choice?

The housekeeper is serving food when I get inside the dining area.

"Grandma! I notice there is a construction going on, on the other side of the property?" I asked.

"Ah yes! It was your dad's idea, actually it was your mom's dream to have a cabin where the guests can stay for the night or for how many nights." She explained.

"How are you going to manage all that? I mean, I know you are strong, grandma, but there are a lot of things going on in this place, do you think you can do all this?" I asked, I can't believe Annabeth's Farms is growing.

"Don't worry, I already hired capable persons for the job, actually the site engineer in charge of the construction is staying here in the manor, I offered it since I am alone in this big place with the housekeepers, but he has gone for three days since he attended a conference, but he will be back maybe tonight. He is a fine young man, very attractive. Who knows, maybe you will like him." Grandma said.

"Grandma? Are you a matchmaker now?" I said.

"No! I just want my granddaughter to enjoy her stay here on the farm." She winked at me, I just shook my head, and started eating my food. I can't believe my grandma, I just told her about my heartache last night, why does she think I can forget Jace overnight.