
2. The Inn

Looking at the girl who laid unconscious on the wet ground. He checked her pulse to see if she was still breathing. There was a faint pulse and he picked her up carrying her back to the carriage before taking off he asked the coachman to stop at the inn in the next town. He laid her on the seat in front of him, watching her the whole ride.

When they arrived he went inside leaving the girl. A red carpet led down to a desk with a woman who stood behind it. The furniture was very fancy as it was a very expensive hotel. Walking up to the desk the woman looked up at him "master Luke, what brings you here" she said. He placed two gold coins on the desk.

"I need a room for the night." It was late and everyone in the inn were already inTheir rooms asleep. She handed him a key to a room on the first floor. Walking back out to the carriage he picked the girl up and told the coachman to head home and be back by eight in the morning. When he had got inside the woman at the front desk had went to the back room just in time to not see the girl who was lying limp in his arms. They reached the room walking in he placed her on the bed. Her cheeks had turned red and her eyes were swollen from crying. His hand touched her head to find her having a slight fever due to the rain. He went to fetch a cold towel to lay on her head before sitting down in the chair across from her at the small table. He had met many girls before that where rich and beautiful but he never took interest in them. This girl was different and she had caught his eye making his heart skip a beat at the sight of her. While waiting for the girl to wake he left the room to go for a walk.

Davina finally woke up. Her body felt weak and her head throbbed from last night. Remembering what had happened she looked around to find herself in a hotel room. Curious as to how she got here she looked at the walls and then the furniture. This room was way too expensive where someone like her could not afford such a thing. She got out of bed to walk over to the bathroom to look at the cut on her head. Turning around her heart almost jumped out of her chest to find the pure blood vampire she saw last night sitting down at the table.

He stared at her for a moment before breaking the silence "that was quite a night you had." He explained to her what happened and how she got here. Davina looked at him for a moment before thanking him. He was handsome and tall his dark red eyes intimidated her making her heart pound a little. "There is no need to be scared I won't bite unless you try to run" a devilish smile came to form on his lips. She gulped hearing the words that came out of his mouth.

"I appreciate the help but I must be going I have to get home" she said. The man look a bit annoyed being that he had helped this girl and now she was trying to run, but isn't that what they all do when they are scared he thought bringing a smile back to his face.

"Well seeing that I went through all this trouble to help you, I would hope u would at least let me give you a ride home." she looked at him wanting to get away from the creature in front of her and run for her life. "Where do you live?" He asked.

Davina didn't trust a word this man said and at the same time she didn't want to be rude, after all he did help her. "I live in the village outside the town of danallie."

"Perfect let's go" He said. Walking out to find the carriage that had arrived back and ready for them he opened the door for her to step inside. The ride was a bit long and Davina decided to look out the window rather than looking at the man who sat across from her who looked like he was ready to pounce at any moment. "What's your name?" His voice had turned husky again. She looked away from the window to face him.


"My name is Luke Owens but u can call me master Luke." By the look of him Davina could tell this man was Rich by the close he wore and the hotel she had stayed in.