
Trapped Belle(3)


On the day of the audition, Brandan did a great job. If nothing went wrong, he would be the male lead. The directors were satisfied with his figure, acting skills and appearance. Once the directors agreed, he would get the part.

Nowadays, it was said that the directors couldn't decide the cast, but the investors could.

Therefore, tonight's appointment was very important. She would meet the investor.

He would dine at River 1027. For this appointment, she spent almost the whole afternoon dressing up.

It had been a long time since she had spent so much time applying make-up.

She actually had fine features. She was pure, stone-cold and sexy.

Back then, her mentor said that her looks enabled her to handle different parts several times.

It was a shame that she chose to work behind the scenes.

She didn't need to dress up. After all, she couldn't steal the limelight from celebrities.