
No Escape(7)


When we flew back and got off the plane, I refused Jasper's offer for a ride home. Instead, I hailed a taxi on my own, planning to comfort Yohannes later.

It was a blessing for me to be able to have a normal job at that time. Not only could I devote myself to work, but I could also brave the challenges of both work and life. Gone was the fear in me, even when I came across a new environment or met some new faces. I could not have dreamed of attaining such a feat had it been a few months back.

I could not wait to share my joy with Yohannes.

He would be happy for me, too, I believed. Anyone would be glad to see their partner glow with confidence and move forward in life. Yohannes was the one who lifted me up and led me away from the dark stretch of living hell. He was my savior, my hero.

All of a sudden, I received a call from Daniel.