
Falling in love while taking a revenge

From seeing her parents dead to getting justice for her family this is the story of a 15 year old girl Angelina. She takes care of her 1 month old sister, earns money, continues her studies and fights for justice. She does not break down when her maternal family calls her the murderer of her parents and abandons her instead she fights with them and makes sure her sister Natasha is kept away from all this mess Andrew who loves Angelina but is not able to become her boyfriend as she does not accept his proposal even though she loves him because she does not wish to break her parents trust. Will Andrew be able to bring the carefree, loving and kind hearted Angelina back or will this events change Angelina into a ruthless, heartless and cunning girl. What is written for this two teenagers who know that they love each other but are not ready to accept the reality Will they be able to become a couple or will both of them loose their first love?

Mysterious_N · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

Angelina was trying to avoid Andrew's gaze as she was worried he would understand what she was feeling right now. Andrew stood there looking at her silently for a while and then turned her such that she comes face to face with him. Angelina tried to change the atmosphere and silently ask him to let her be alone by her question, "You were with me the whole day also it's so late but you are still here won't your parents be worried about you. Have you told them where you are?"

Andrew's lips curled up into a sad smile as he could easily see what she was trying to do and felt bad that she wanted to be alone at such a time but still replied her, "I have told them what has happened here and they are actually waiting for me down to take me home. I tried talking with them to let me stay here with you but mom did not agree so I will have to go. But remember that you are not alone. Even if the whole world thinks that you are a murderer I don't. I believe you and will always be with you. You can count on me forever. I am not going to leave you alone in all this mess. And you know the reason for this also. You know that I love you don't you?"

When Angelina heard the last part she controlled her smile and looked away. Andrew saw this and started walking away. Angelina didn't even look at that direction until she could hear the sound of Andrew walking away. When she turned and looked back he was gone. She knew what Andrew felt for her from a very long time as he had proposed her half a year ago.


The school had ended and everyone were chatting and making their way towards their auto's and vans. Angelina was talking with her friends [Actually standing with them quietly as she talked very less] they were discussing about their homework's and suddenly there was a tap on Angelina's shoulder she turned around and found Andrew standing there. She was confused and tense. She had been crushing on him since she was 12 but Andrew rarely talked with her. She nervously asked him what happened and got shocked when he bent down on his knees in front of everyone. Her friends who were busy talking about the homework had stopped their conversation and were looking at what was happening. Not only them but everyone around them had started looking in their direction. Angelina hated to be the centre of attention and so felt uncomfortable with all the stares coming her way. She mentally told herself ' Stop over thinking he is not going to propose you. And what if he does you can't say yes you have to reject him for your parents. Stay strong and act as if you are not scared of him or anyone. Stay strong. Stay strong.'

She looked confident and calm. She looked into his eyes and asked "What are you doing Andrew?"

I don't know if you got the notification or not but I am editing the published chapters and then updating the story. So bear with me till then.

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