
Falling in love while taking a revenge

From seeing her parents dead to getting justice for her family this is the story of a 15 year old girl Angelina. She takes care of her 1 month old sister, earns money, continues her studies and fights for justice. She does not break down when her maternal family calls her the murderer of her parents and abandons her instead she fights with them and makes sure her sister Natasha is kept away from all this mess Andrew who loves Angelina but is not able to become her boyfriend as she does not accept his proposal even though she loves him because she does not wish to break her parents trust. Will Andrew be able to bring the carefree, loving and kind hearted Angelina back or will this events change Angelina into a ruthless, heartless and cunning girl. What is written for this two teenagers who know that they love each other but are not ready to accept the reality Will they be able to become a couple or will both of them loose their first love?

Mysterious_N · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

Anushka had a silly smile on her face. Hen Angelina asked her why she is smiling she kept on smiling for a few seconds then had a confused look on her face. It took a while for her to reply to Angelina's question. "I don't know why I am feeling like this or what this thing is but something in my mind is saying that you are not like my elder sister but like a mother. I don't know what a mother is or what she does but I think she must be very kind to me right?"

Hearing such a response made Angelina laugh out loud Andrew just chuckled and Anushka became confused again on seeing Angelina laugh. Angelina said to Anushka in between her chuckles "Yes my dear a mother is the one who gives birth to you and she is your first best friend. The love of a mother can never be measured or compared. A mother can do anything for her child. She loves her child more than herself. And what do you mean by I am acting like a mother I am just telling what to do and whatnot to do. You are so confused about many things and to add to your troubles you are weak so your injury will take more time to recover than the normal injuries. At time alike this you should listen to what your elders are telling you. Take care of yourself, and I will act as your mother only because right now you are my responsibility if something happens to you it will be because I was not able to take care of you well. Do you want me to stay inside with you or sit outside?"

"Please stay inside with me. I am scared."

"Okay I will stay inside. Now Anushka you go to sleep as you have to take rest. Andrew inform me if something happens or they find out any clue." Angelina ordered to both of them hearing this Andrew went out of the room and Anushka did what she was told to do --sleep.


Night time

The whole corridor of the floor where Anushka was kept was silent. There were just 5 people on the floor. Anushka had slept just a while ago Natasha was playing with Andrew Angelina was sitting on the bedside of Anushka's bed and the officer, who had taken the shift an hour ago was standing outside.

The senior officer Sonia bad came before the dinner to inform them that they had found more dead bodies of Ella's relatives and the family of aunt Morgena was also found dead. Angelina did not say anything she kept on staring at Anushka who was sleeping soundly. Officer Sonia asked a few questions to Angelina and she just answered them. She saw the photos of the dead bodies and identified them even though she did not know many names she told officer Sonia if they are connected to Ella or not.

After both the girls fell asleep Angelina walked out of the room and went in corner away from the one which they were staying. Andrew saw this and realized that she is not prepared for everything. He thought maybe talking with someone will her so quietly followed behind her. Angelina knew that Andrew is following her but she did not mind as he was with her this whole day when she lost her everything. So there is no point in hiding from him.