
Chapter 1 Life Is Worse Than Death

"Miss Lindsay, your makeup is finished. You are so beautiful!"

As the last eyeliner was finished, Lindsay opened her eyes to look at herself in the mirror under the dresser's praise.

In the mirror, she was wearing a white, vintage lace edge wedding dress and a pearl necklace around her neck. With the delicate makeup techniques of the dresser, her blue eyes looked deeper and more charming. The blush on her cheeks was naturally like the color of her skin. Her lips were covered with shiny lip gloss, making her lips plumper, so people couldn't help but want to kiss her.

"Ali, you are such a good makeup artist. I think I am tens of millions of times more beautiful than usual!" Lindsay was very satisfied. She was going to marry her beloved lover, David Johnson. She felt that she was the happiest bride in the world.

"Gee? Miss, your wedding car seems to be here?" Ali looked out of the window and said, "I'll go out to have a look."

"Okay." With Lindsay's permission, Ali walked out happily.

At this time, two wedding cars were parked outside the George family. It turned out that today was not only her wedding. But also her sister Martha.

Wearing the exactly alike wedding dress of Lindsay, Martha was pacing back and forth anxiously in her room.

She threw the vase on the ground irritably.

"No, I don't want to marry that useless Carter! Why can Lindsay marry such a good man?" Martha furiously walked towards Lindsay's room.

The door was not locked, so Martha went in directly.

When she saw Lindsay's more beautiful face than usual, jealousy and unwillingness surged in her eyes.

She wanted to cut her beautiful face with a knife, which would be very satisfying.

But Martha quickly suppressed this crazy idea.

"Congratulations, sister. You are so lucky to marry the number one family in M City and become Mrs. Johnson." Lindsay could tell the jealousy and sarcasm in Martha's tone.

Lindsay immediately retorted impolitely, "I also want to congratulate my sister. You are going to marry Carter Morgan and become his seventh wife." Lindsay added, "It seems that last year, Carter, young master, was disfigured in a car accident and became a vegetable. He won't live long. If my sister marries him, you will probably be a widow." "Lindsay, you..." Martha wanted to make Lindsay unhappy, but Lindsay's words hurt her heart.

Martha was so angry that her blood pressure rose and she felt the blood rush to her head.

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Martha's expression became more vicious.

"Lindsay, don't be so arrogant. You may not be Mrs. Johnson. Let's wait and see." Lindsay and Martha stood face to face. If the coldness in the eyes of the two girls could be turned into substance, it must be the eruption of a volcano against the attack of a tsunami. There was invisible lightning in the air.

The two of them were still considering their identity and the wedding day, or they would have already fought with each other with something in their hands.

"Lindsay, Martha, you two are here."

A mature and sweet female voice broke the stalemate between the two.

It turned out that she was Lindsay's stepmother, Martha's biological mother, Ina.

"It's very hot today, so I brought you two glasses of ice juice. The wedding cars of the Johnson and Morgan family are waiting outside. Drink some juice quickly, in case you get sunstroke in the car." The hypocritical smile on Ina's face made Lindsay feel uncomfortable. After getting along with Ina for many years, how could Lindsay not understand what her stepmother was trying to do?

Even if it was very hot today and the ice juice looked very thirsty, Lindsay didn't dare to drink the juice handed over by Ina.

After today, Lindsay could leave this house and no longer pretend to get along with this hypocritical woman.

"Thank you, my dear stepmother." Lindsay took the ice juice and pretended to drink it. She poured the water into the potted plant while covering her mouth with her hand.

She didn't dare to drink the food that this woman gave her, Lindsay thought to herself.

"Drink more, poor girl. The weather is so hot." From Ina's point of view, Lindsay had drunk some juice. Ina breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as if she had succeeded.

"Although you are not my biological daughter, Lindsay, I have always treated you as my daughter. You are going to get married, and I don't want to leave you." As she spoke, Ina's eyes turned red and tears streamed down her face.

Her acting skills could even win the Academy Award. Lindsay sneered. No wonder she was an actress with first-rate acting skills.

At the age of five, Lindsay's mother died less than two weeks, her father took Ina and Martha, who was one year younger than her, back home, and asked Lindsay to call Ina "mother", and Martha "sister".

Only then did Lindsay realize that her father had already betrayed her mother and had a family outside.

"Miss, Mrs. Ina, the wedding car of the Johnson family is waiting outside." The servant came in and reminded.

At this time, Ina found that the soil color of the flowerpot beside Lindsay's dressing table was a little dark.

Damn it! Lindsay didn't drink the ice juice she had drugged.

Ina thought of something and smiled. "Lindsay, there is a button not knocked on the back of your clothes. It's not good. I can help you." She walked quickly to the back of Lindsay and pressed the anesthetic needle hidden in her sleeve into the back of Lindsay's neck.

Lindsay fell into a coma. Ina took her and got another bag of aphrodisiacs and poured it into Lindsay's mouth. She pinched her mouth to let Lindsay drink it.

"Martha, put on Lindsay's veil to cover your face. You can get on the wedding car of the Johnson family later." Martha followed her mother. Martha asked, "Mom, what about her?"

Ina took Martha's veil over Lindsay's head and pulled yarn off to cover her face so that no one could see clearly who was under the veil.

After everything was done, Ina clapped her hands and called a servant.

"Martha is drunk. Help her get on the wedding car of Morgan's." The servant did as Ina said.

"Mom, if I get married to David Johnson, he will find." Martha was a little worried.

"As long as tonight is over, the Johnson family can't go back on their words. Remember not to let David see your face." Jealousy flashed across Martha's face. "Lindsay, I will make your life a living hell. This is the consequence of robbing a man from me." Ina sneered and patted the back of her daughter's hand to comfort her. "The top six women in Morgan's family are either dead or disabled. Lindsay won't be able to live till tonight if she marries him."

Lindsay woke up in the car vaguely.

"Damn it! I was framed by that old witch!"

At this time, Lindsay felt hot all over and her face instantly turned hot.

Lindsay pulled off her veil uncomfortably and saw clearly that the car was not heading for Johnson's house.

"Stop! Stop the car!" Lindsay shouted anxiously. "Who are you? Where are you taking me?" The driver was stunned. "Miss George, I'm the driver sent by the Morgan family to pick up the bride." "The Morgan family?"

Lindsay suddenly understood everything. She didn't expect Ina to be so bold.

It was surprising that Ina exchanged the two brides.

"Stop the car. I'm going to marry into the Johnson family. You made a mistake."