
-Falling for you-


Angelica_lovely · Fantasy
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are you the right person for me?


Yn:why are you smiling?

Angel:it's cut to see you both talking it's just so nice seeing you both together I think my brother is starting to like you -giggles-

Yn;like me? We're still friends ... Besides I'm not even sure if he is the right one for my life

Angel:it's pretty obvious that his the right one I mean doesnt my brother look handsome in your eyes?

Yn;well he is handsome, cute, tall, charming, and also a playboy your brother has everything the ideal bky that I want

Angel:well then he is your right one.. Just admit it yniee you like my brother you know if his not my brother I would be so happy if he is my boyfriend so if I were you tell him you like him al-

Yn;you know just finish what your eating and you can be discharge now you don't wanna stay here right?

Angel:yep.. your just changing the topic.. Geez


















We just got home because we went to the mall with Jungkook and watch movies in cinema I can't tell Jungkook doesn't enjoy the shipping thing-

-Inside their house-

-Jm hug angel-

Jm:are you okay?

Angel;mom I'm fine it's just a scratch..

Jm;I'm sorry baby.. If I didn't tell Lucy to come she won't be ab-

Angel:it's not ur fault it's Lucy.. speaking of her where is-

Jm;don't ask where she is.. but I promise you she won't be able to step in these family ever again..

Jk;what do you mean mom?

Jm;what I mean is I won't force you to be with her.. I won't let her hurt any of my family..

Angel;that's nice mom.. -smile-

Jk;uh mom I should lead angel to her room, and y/n wait for me here I'll bring you home let's go sis.. -leave-

Angel hug y/n-

Angel;I'll see you Tom at skool, and thanks for spending your time with me I have alot of fun -smile-

Yn;don't mention it.. and yea will see each other in school you should take some rest now you must be so tired

Angel:okay goodnyt ynie my brother will take you home wait for him here, mom pls don't do something while my brother isn't here yet pls? -look at jm-

Jm;don't worry angel I won't now take some rest darling -angel hug jm and kiss jm cheek and go upstairs-


Aunty was starring at me I know what her look was-

Yn;aunty I know you don't want me here so I'm leaving -about Togo but jm grab y/n-

Jm;y/n, stay my son told you to wait for him so you should wait..

Yn:do you want me stay here any longer?

Jm:-sigh- y/n I know we are not okay before I'm sorry for being rude to you I just want the best for my son.. Do you get my point?

Yn:yep, aunty I know your point and I'm sorry if-

Jm:y/n pls let me finish first before you say anything I want to tell you that I'm very sorry sweety -look down-

Yn:sorry? for what aunty? you haven't done anything wrong your just protecting your children and I get that.. so aunty don't say sorry.. -smile-

Jm;you shouldn't have been nice to me y/n I treated you so wrong I always shout and hurt your feelings, I'm wrong about Lucy if I listen to you and to my son she won't be able hurt my daughter y/n I know my son likes you so if he really do love you I will let him.. and maybe angel is right your the one for my son you are the right girl for her

Yn;aunty I - I really don't know what to say why does everyone say me and jungkook can be together? I don't even think he likes me...

Jm:I know my son very well... I'm so sure that he likes you so if he really love you I will love you too my daughter in law. Again I'm SO sorry and I understand if you'll hate me forever I deserve that.. you can also hurt me just to take your revenge on me y/n

Jm was shocked when y/n hug her and they broke the hug and y/n hold jm hand-

Yn:aiunty I would never do that, and I never hated you I'm not angry at you aunty I already forgive you I forgive you every mistake that you did.. Let's just forget about that and make new memories you know I really want to spend time with you aunty -smile-

Jm;y/n, honey your so nice I didn't expect you will forgive me that easily after everything that i-

Yn:shush I told you let's just forget about it, so aunty when will you and your husband will be free because I want you to meet my dad soon if that's okay?

Jm;ofcourse maybe Tom I'll go on your dad office, really thankyou y/n my daughter is really right you are nice..

-Jungkook clears his throat-

Jk;mom are you done talking to my girlfriend- I mean to my friend y/n?

Jm:girlfriend huh? -look at jk-

Yn:auntubit was just a mistake right gguk?

Jk;yea, yea a mistake so are you guys done talking?

Jm:why do you have to ruined everything sonn.. -annoyed-

Jk;sorry mom but it's night I really need her to take her home maybe her dad is so worried..

Jm;fine y/n you should go sweety and have some rest your welcome here anytime -smile-

Yn;okay thankyou auntie Jungkook shall we go now?

Jk;you go ahead y/n ill follow..

-Yn left-

Jk:mom thanyou, you made me happy

Jm;your welcome son, but I want to ask you something?

Jk;sure what is it?

Jm:do you really love y/n? if you don't worry I won't force you to Lucy anymore so do you?

Jk;I like her mom, I can't hide it anymore but I don't even know if she likes me too, I think she like someone else..

Jm;how can you say that? son I know y/n likes you too just ask her straight to the point?

Jk;it's not easy you see.. And don't you think it's too fast were just starting to be friends I can't ask her to be my girlfriend already...

Jm;well yea, just don't take it too long if you don't want someone stole y/n from you y/n is. Very a beautiful lady and a kind one so Jungkook you should tell her what you feel soon, do you hear me son?

Jk:I wil mom, don't worry no one can stile my y/n so I better get going byee!

-Jungkook leave-
















-8:30 pm-

-Yn was in front of their door and she was about to get in but Jungkook called her name and go near to her-


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